
Active clinical trials for "Turner Syndrome"

Results 61-70 of 95

Dry Eye in Women With Turner Syndrome and Women With Premature Ovarian Failure

Turner SyndromeOvarian Failure4 more

Premature ovarian failure (POF) is known to be associated with an increased risk of ocular surface disease (dry eye), likely due to the reduction of both estrogens and androgens seen in this condition. From preliminary data, we suspect that women with Turners syndrome (45, XO), a genetic abnormality that affects sex hormone levels, are also at increased risk of ocular surface disease. Comparing POF and TS women may allow us to distinguish different mechanisms for ocular surface disease, due to the different etiologies of hormonal (estrogen and androgen) alterations posed by POF and TS.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

Effects of Adrenal Androgens on Gender-typed Behavior in Girls With Turner Syndrome

Turner Syndrome

Turner syndrome (TS) is a genetic disorder in which there is loss of all or part of the second X chromosome and occurs in 1/2500 live female births. TS is characterized by short stature and endocrine abnormalities, such as the loss of ovarian function (Gonadal dysgenesis) and estrogen deficiency. The absence of pubertal development is one of the most common clinical features of patients with TS, who should have experienced a sex hormone surge if the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis was activated normally . Gonadarche and adrenarche are regarded as processes that are independent of each other. The function of adrenal gland is independent of true (central/complete/gonadotropin- dependent) puberty . Adrenal androgen in Turner syndrome shows a wide spectrum, ranging from normal to highly elevated. X-linked genes affect the brain in at least two ways: by directly acting on the brain and by indirectly acting on the gonads to induce differences in specific gonadal secretions (i.e., hormones) that have specific effects on brain development. The changes in brain and behavioral/ cognitive phenotypes in TS individuals may be the result of a direct genetic factor, an indirect hormonal factor, or a combination of the two factors . To evaluate direct effect of X chromosome, a lot of neuroimaging studies have revealed both neuroanatomical and neurofunctional changes in patients with TS. S. C. Mueller (2013) reported that oestrogen deficiency exhibits paradoxical healthy male-like patterns (i.e., a larger amygdala but reduced hippocampal volume). This finding confirms the indirect hormonal effect on the brain that are likely attributed to the effect of androgen on the brain or may be due to active role of estrogen in feminization of brain . The cognitive phenotypes of TS include severe deficits in multiple cognitive domains: visual-spatial ability, mathematical processing, and social cognition. Regarding intelligence, numerous TS studies have a lower performance IQ in contrast to a within-normal verbal IQ in TS individuals . The presence of hypogonadism with normal or may be elevated adrenal function in girls with turner syndrome provide a model to study the hormonal effect of adrenal androgen in absence of estrogen on gender-role behavior. Ehrhardt et al (1970) reported that Women with TS are described as clearly feminine in their behavior and interests . To the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous studies on the correlation between level of adrenal androgen and gender-typed behavior in Girls with TS.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

First Year Growth Response Associated Genetic Markers Validation Phase IV Open-label Study in Growth...

Idiopathic Growth Hormone DeficiencyTurner Syndrome

PREDICT Validation is a validation pharmacogenetic trial. The purpose of this study is to confirm that some genes can be used to predict how well a subject diagnosed with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) or turner syndrome (TS) will respond to a treatment with recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH).

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Sex Differences in Early Brain Development; Brain Development in Turner Syndrome

Turner Syndrome

Relative risk for many psychiatric disorders differs dramatically in males and females. Early-onset disorders, such as autism, occur more often in males; other conditions, such as schizophrenia, occur at similar rates in males and females, but the sexes differ in expression. It has been hypothesized that the prevalence and expression of these disorders is related to sex differences in brain development. X-chromosome effects and early exposure to gonadal hormones are strong candidates for a causal role. The aims of the research are (1) to characterize sex differences in brain development from birth to age 2; (2) to test whether brain development is altered in infants with Turner syndrome, a well-defined genetic disorder resulting from the partial or complete loss of one of the sex chromosomes. To address aim 1, high resolution MRI, including diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), will be used to characterize sex differences in brain development from birth to age 2 in a longitudinal cohort of 250 children. To address aim 2, high resolution MRI, including DTI, will be used to compare brain development in 70 infants with Turner syndrome (X monosomy) to matched controls from aim 1. The investigators hypothesize that sex differences in gray and white matter development and in white matter maturation as assessed by DTI will be present during the first 2 years of life and that children with TS will exhibit abnormal gray and white matter development in the neonatal period.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Turner Syndrome: Genotype and Phenotype

Turner's Syndrome

This study examines the clinical and genetic factors related to Turner syndrome, a disorder of the sex chromosomes. Humans usually have 23 pairs of chromosomes-thin strands of DNA-in the nucleus of every cell, which contain genes that determine our hereditary makeup. One pair of chromosomes is the sex chromosomes, designated X and Y. Females usually have two X chromosomes; however, patients with Turner syndrome have only a single X chromosome or one normal and one defective X or Y chromosome. This abnormality can cause medical problems such as short stature, premature ovarian failure and heart or kidney defects. Individuals with Turner syndrome have an increased risk of thyroid disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, abnormal liver function, hearing loss and osteoporosis. This study will try to identify the genes responsible for the specific medical problems associated with the disorder. Females 10 years of age and older with X chromosome defects may be eligible for this 3- to 5- day inpatient study at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Participants will have a physical examination, body measurements (height, weight, hip and waist) and blood drawn for clinical and research purposes. Participants will have a comprehensive cardiovascular evaluation, including an electrocardiogram (ECG), 24 hour blood pressure monitoring, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart and aorta, ultrasound imaging of the heart (cardiac echo) and expert consultation with the NIH Cardiology Service. Women 35 years of age and older may have a computerized tomography (CT) scan of the coronary arteries to investigate possible blockage of the heart blood supply. Risk for diabetes is investigated by studies of the body fat content and an oral glucose tolerance test. The risk for coronary artery disease is assessed by measurement of cholesterol and other known risk factors in the blood. Thyroid function and presence of antibodies to the thyroid gland are also evaluated by blood tests. Liver function is tested by measurement of products of liver metabolism in the blood and by a liver ultrasound. Ovary function is investigated by blood tests of estrogen and FSH levels and pelvic untrasound which visualizes the uterus. Bone structure and strength are evaluated by routine X-rays of the wrists and spine, and DEXA scan (a type of X-ray study that measures body fat, muscle and bone thickness). Adults will also have bone density of the spine and abdominal fat content measured by CT, which is more accurate than DEXA. Vitamin D levels are measured in blood tests.These are state of the art diagnostic tests which may uncover unsuspected anatomic problems such as abnormalities of the aorta or aortic valve which have serious clinical implications and would indicate the need for close medical follow-up, as well as uncover potential risk for development of diabetes or osteoporosis in the future, which would also indicate the need for changes in lifestyle or medical management. Study participants are invited to return for re-evaluation at 1-3 year intervals. A major goal of follow-up visits is to determine whether there is any enlargement of aortic diameter or impairment of cardiac function over time. Some patients may be asked to undergo a skin biopsy (removal of a small sample of skin tissue) to obtain more information about genetic make-up of cells. Parents of patients may be contacted (with the patient's permission) to provide a blood or saliva sample for genetic study to help understand how and why certain traits of Turner syndrome are expressed.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Fertility Attitudes of Adolescents and Young Adults With Turner Syndrome and Their Parents/Guardians...

Fertility PerservationFertility

Background: Turner syndrome (TS) is caused by the partial or complete absence of one of the two X chromosomes in all cells or a portion of cells. Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with TS and their families are not routinely counseled about fertility issues and options. Researchers want to learn more about the attitudes of AYAs with TS and their parents or guardians regarding future fertility. Objective: To create and distribute a survey for AYAs with TS and their parents or guardians that will improve understanding about their attitudes toward fertility, fertility preservation, and options for building a family. Eligibility: Female AYAs aged 12-25 years with TS, and parents or guardians of AYAs with TS. Design: Participants will be put into 3 focus groups: females ages 12-17 with TS; females ages 18-25 with TS; and parents or guardians of AYAs with TS. Each focus group session will be held via Zoom. Participants can use video or just audio for the session. They will use their first name. If they prefer, they can use a pseudonym. Each group will meet once. The session will last 90 minutes. Participants will receive a draft of the survey. The survey questions ask about fertility and pregnancy. Participants will evaluate the usefulness and relevance of each question. They will be asked if any question should be changed. The survey will be finalized based on their feedback. The final survey will be distributed through TS groups. Participation will last for 1 day....

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Usability and Tolerability of the Norditropin NordiFlex® Injection Device in Children Never Previously...

Growth Hormone DisorderGrowth Hormone Deficiency in Children7 more

This study is conducted in Europe. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact on daily life for children new to using a growth hormone injection device.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Safety and Efficacy of Long-term Somatropin Treatment in Children

Growth Hormone DisorderGrowth Hormone Deficiency in Children6 more

This study is conducted in Europe. The aim of this study is to evaluate safety during the long-term use of somatropin (Norditropin®) in children as well as efficacy on change in height. A subgroup of children small for their gestational age is included.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

X-chromosome Inactivation, Epigenetics and the Transcriptome

Turner SyndromeKlinefelter Syndrome3 more

The human genetic material consists of 46 chromosomes of which two are sex chromosomes. The sex-chromosome from the mother is the X and from the father the Y-chromosome. Hence a male consist of one Y and one X chromosome and a female of 2 X-chromosomes. Alterations in the number of sex-chromosomes and in particular the X-chromosome is fundamental to the development of numerous syndromes such as Turner syndrome (45,X), Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), triple X syndrome (47,XXX) and double Y syndrome (47,XYY). Despite the obvious association between the X-chromosome and disease only one gene has been shown to be of significance, namely the short stature homeobox gene (SHOX). Turner syndrome is the most well characterized and the typical diseases affecting the syndrome are: An Increased risk of diseases where one's own immune system reacts against one's own body (autoimmune diseases) and where the cause of this is not known; For example diabetes and hypothyroidism. Increased risk of abortion and death in uteri Underdeveloped ovaries with the inability to produce sex hormones and being infertile. Congenital malformations of the major arteries and the heart of unknown origin. Alterations in the development of the brain, especially with respect to the social and cognitive dimensions. Increased incidence obesity, hypertension, diabetes and osteoporosis. In healthy women with to normal X-chromosomes, the one of the X-chromosomes is switched off (silenced). The X-chromosome which is silenced varies from cell to cell. The silencing is controlled by a part of the X-chromosome designated XIC (X-inactivation center). The inactivation/silencing of the X-chromosome is initiated by a gene named Xist-gene (the X inactivation specific transcript).This gene encodes specific structures so called lincRNAs (long intervening specific transcripts) which are very similar to our genetic material (DNA) but which is not coding for proteins. The final result is that women are X-chromosome mosaics with one X-chromosome from the mother and the other X from the father. However, numerous genes on the X-chromosome escape this silencing process by an unknown mechanism. Approximately two third of the genes are silenced, 15 % avoid silencing and 20 percent are silenced or escape depending on the tissue of origin. The aforementioned long non-protein-coding parts of our genetic material (LincRNAs) are abundant and produced in large quantities but their wole as respect to health and disease need further clarification. Studies indicate that these LincRNAs interact with the protein coding part of our genetic material modifying which genes are translated into proteins and which are not. During this re-modelling there is left foot prints on the genetic material which can indicate if it is a modification that results in silencing or translation of the gene. It is possible to map these foot prints along the entire X-chromosome using molecular techniques like ChIP (Chromatin immunoprecipitation) and ChIP-seq (deep sequencing). The understanding achieved so far as to the interplay between our genetic material and disease has arisen from genetic syndromes which as the X-chromosome syndromes are relatively frequent and show clear manifestations of disease giving the researcher a possibility to identify genetic material linked to the disease. Turner and Klinefelter syndrome are, as the remaining sex chromosome syndromes, excellent human disease models and can as such help to elaborate on processes contributing to the development of diseases like diabetes, hypothyroidism, main artery dilation and ischemic heart disease. The purpose of the study is to: Define the changes in the non-coding part of the X-chromosome. Identify the transcriptome (non-coding part of the X-chromosome)as respect to the RNA generated from the X-chromosome. Identify changes in the coding and non-coding parts of the X-chromosome which are specific in relation to Turner syndrome and which can explain the diseases seen in Turner syndrome. Study tissue affected by disease in order to look for changes in the X-chromosome with respect to both the coding and non-coding part of the chromosome. 6. Determine if certain genes escape X-chromosome silencing and to establish if this is associated with the parent of origin.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

Social Cognition and Turner Syndrome

Turner Syndrome

Monocentric multidisciplinary study (psychologists, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, and molecular biologists) to characterize social cognition in adolescents with Turner syndrome (TS). Inclusion criteria: Turner syndrome with homogeneous 45,X karyotype. Age between 8 and 18 years. Somatic state compatible with the evaluation. Functional language and IQ ≥ 80 for the transfer tests Informed consent signed by the holders of parental authority, the patient and the mother for her own participation (DNA collection). Affiliation to Social Security (beneficiary or assignee). The primary endpoint will be the overall score to the AQ (Autism Quotient) questionnaire and to the SRS (Social Reciprocity Scale), in comparison to the expected scores for the general population. For patients with scores above the threshold for SRS or QA validation of a possible diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders will be performed with commonly used diagnostic tools (ADIR (Lord et al, 1994), ADOS-G (Lord et al, 1999) and diagnostic criteria of DSM IV-TR). Secondary criteria will include the results of standardized tests to assess autistic features (AQ, ADI-R, ADOS, DSM IV-TR criteria), intellectual efficiency (Wechsler scales), psychiatric comorbidities (Kiddie-SADS) and sociocognitive profile (SpeX test, Social cognition, Perception, eXecutive functions). A DNA sample will be collected from the patient and her mother. The observation period is 2 days for the patient and about 1 hour for the mother. The total duration of the study is 3 years.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

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