Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of ChloraSolv When Treating Pressure Ulcers in Need of Debridement...
Pressure Ulcerhis is an open, single-arm, multicentre and interventional investigation to evaluate the debriding effect of ChloraSolv when used on pressure ulcers in need of debridement. Approximately 54 subjects will be enrolled to have 47 evaluable subjects (calculated dropout range 15%). ChloraSolv will be applied 1-2 times per week for 12 weeks or until the wound is deemed clean, whichever occurs first i.e. End of Treatment. A Follow-up visit for wound status evaluation will be performed 6 weeks from End of Treatment. Total time in investigation will be maximum 12+6 weeks. Subjects will attend a baseline visit to assess eligibility and collect demographic and baseline data and initiate treatment. Photographs of the wound pre and post debridement will be taken at baseline, every week during the treatment period, at End of Treatment and at the Follow-up visit. Photographs will be used to calculate (by PictZar digital planimetry system) the area of devitalized tissue in the wound as well as wound size and calculation of volume. Wound depth and undermining will be estimated by the investigator at all investigational visits. A treatment diary will be used in-between the weekly investigational visits to collect any further treatments. The treatment diary will also be filled-in during the follow-up period of 6 weeks.

Efficacy of Adipose Tissue Derived Stem Cells for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Diabetic Foot UlcerDiabetes Mellitus9 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of uncultured adipose derived stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and cultured adipose derived stem cells (ASCs) both supplemented with platelet rich plasma (PRP) to treat chronic diabetic foot ulcers. It will increase the pragmatic potential of both types of cells as PRP is rich in survival and chemotactic factors. Moreover, the autologous nature of the proposed study will ensure safety of its use in diabetic patients and will unveil the more effective therapeutic option for treatment of foot ulcer wounds.

Outcomes of Sclerotherapy of the Ulcer Bed Compared to a Combination of Ablation and Injections...
Venous RefluxVenous Insufficiency2 moreRandomized Controlled Trial to determine if the outcomes of sclerotherapy of the ulcer bed alone differ from a combination of ablation and sclerotherapy injections.

Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of Treatment With COMS One Device in Subjects With...
Diabetic Foot UlcerThe purpose of this clinical trial is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the treatment with the COMS One device in subjects with refractory diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). The prospective randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled trial is designed to demonstrate superiority of wound closure of the COMS One device to a sham-control device at 12 weeks post-application, when each is administered in conjunction with standard of care (SOC) in the treatment of DFUs.

Transfer of Feces in Ulcerative Colitis 2
Ulcerative ColitisUlcerative Colitis Flare1 moreThe goal of this placebo-controlled randomised multicenter trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of anaerobic prepared donor fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) compared to autologous FMT in patient with ulcerative colitis. Participants will receive 4 treatments with frozen FMT via both upper and lower gastro-intestinal route (infusion via duodenal tube and enemas). Donors are selected based on microbiota profile.

Functional Ankle Taping Correction on Plantar Foot Ulcer Healing in Diabetic Patients
Foot UlcerThis study will investigate the effects of Functional ankle taping correction on plantar foot ulcer healing in diabetic patients. This study will be carried out at the outpatient clinic of the faculty of physical therapy, modern university for technology and information, Om El masryeen general Hospital and El Rahma - private clinic. All participants will sign a written consent form after receiving full information about the purpose of the study, procedure, possible benefits, privacy, and use of data.

AQUACEL® Ag+ Extra™ and Cutimed™ Sorbact® Dressing in the Management of Venous Leg Ulcers Over a...
Venous Leg UlcerDiabetic FootStudy is to provide evidence comparing AQUACEL® Ag+ Extra™ versus Cutimed® Sorbact® in the progression of wounds towards healing

A Study to Evaluate ENERGI-F703 GEL in Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Diabetic Foot UlcerFoot Ulcer2 moreThis Phase 3 study is a randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled, multiple-center, parallel study to evaluate efficacy and safety of ENERGI-F703 GEL compared with vehicle control in subjects with Wagner Grade 1 to Grade 2 diabetic foot ulcers. Baseline target ulcer size (<16 cm2 vs ≥16 cm2 ) will be included as a stratification factor. Subjects will be randomized 1:1 to receive ENERGI-F703 GEL or vehicle control using an interactive web response system for randomization to automatically assign a unique subject randomization number. Total duration of the study will be up to 31 weeks including Screening visit (approximately 2 to 3 weeks), double-blind dosing/observation phase (16 weeks), and a safety follow-up of 12 weeks after the last administration of study treatment.

Study to Evaluate the Clinical Activity and Safety of Oral NX-13 in Moderate to Severe Ulcerative...
Ulcerative ColitisPhase 2 induction study with a long-term extension (LTE) period in participants with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis (UC).

Study to Assess Adverse Events, Change in Disease Activity, and How Oral Upadacitinib Moves Through...
Ulcerative ColitisUlcerative colitis (UC) is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation and bleeding from the lining of the rectum and colon (large intestine). This study will assess how safe and effective Upadacitinib is in treating pediatric participants with UC. Adverse events and change in disease activity will be assessed. Upadacitinib (RINVOQ) is a drug approved in adults for moderate- to severely active UC and is being developed for moderate- to severely active UC in pediatric participants. This study is conducted in 2 periods: Period 1 is comprised of two phases: an 8-week open-label induction phase which means that the study doctor and patients know that participants will receive UPA Dose-A (or the adult equivalent based on body weight) followed by a 44-week double-blind maintenance phase meaning that neither the participants nor the study doctors will know which dose of upadacitinib will be given(UPA Dose B or Dose C). Period 2 is a 260 week open-label extension (OLE) of Period 1. Approximately 110 pediatric participants with moderate to severely active UC will be enrolled at up to 85 sites worldwide. Participants will receive upadacitinib oral tablets once daily or oral solution twice daily at approximately the same time each day, with or without food. Participants will be followed up for 30 days after each phase (i.e. after induction, maintenance, OLE) and only if a participant doesn't continue into the next phase. There may be higher treatment burden for participants in this trial compared to their standard of care. Participants will attend regular visits during the study at a hospital or clinic. The effect of the treatment will be checked by medical assessments, blood tests, checking for side effects and completing questionnaires.