Building Emotional Self-Awareness Teletherapy (BEST)
ConcussionMild10 moreTo examine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a remotely delivered intervention for civilians and service members with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) who have difficulty recognizing and regulating their emotions. Post-treatment outcomes of interest include emotional self-awareness and regulation, resiliency, and affective symptoms.

Intervention to Change Affect Recognition and Empathy
Traumatic Brain InjuryConcussion15 moreDetermine the feasibility, practicality, and early efficacy of a TeleRehab program (ICARE) to improve outcomes for persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) in recognizing and responding to others' emotions alongside their care partner (CP).

Restoration of Hypoglycemia Awareness With Home-based High Intensity Interval Training
Type 1 DiabetesHypoglycemia UnawarenessThe objective of this study is to investigate if the addition of a 12-week program of home-based high intensity interval training to a standard educational program aiming at preventing hypoglycemia episodes will restore hypoglycemia awareness in people living with type 1 diabetes and impaired awareness of hypoglycemia to a further extent than a standard educational program alone. Participants will be randomized for 12 weeks to the standard educational program with or without high intensity interval training. The Gold method will be used to identify people with impaired awareness of hypoglycemia. The educational program will consist of two education sessions on avoidance of hypoglycemia, causes of hypoglycemia, treatment (e.g. glucagon) of hypoglycemia, how to better recognize hypoglycemia symptoms, understand how to use a CGM/Flash-GM and understand CGM/Flash-GM reports to adjust insulin doses. Participants randomized to the training program will be asked to train three times per week for 12 weeks following the home-based program that will be provided to them. Participants will be asked to perform at least 2 training sessions per week (ideally all 3 sessions) with the exercise specialist on a virtual platform.

Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound on Individuals With Disorder of Consciousness of Traumatic Brain...
Traumatic Brain Injury With Prolonged Loss of ConsciousnessLow-intensity focused ultrasound can be effective in severe TBI patients with disorder of consciousness. This study is a prospective single arm, open-label and explorative clinical trial to evaluate the therapeutic effect of recovery from DoC and safety of low-intensity focused ultrasound stimulation at thalamic area in patients with post-traumatic DoC.

Strategy + RehaCom for Memory Rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Traumatic Brain Injury With Loss of ConsciousnessThe purpose of this research study is to evaluate the effectiveness of "RehaCom," a computerized treatment for memory deficits, in a 16-session, interactive course. Following a manualized approach, the Rehacom modules will be used for the repeated application of the content acquired during 1-on-1 memory strategy training. The goal is to improve face/name, list and verbal memory of patients who survived a moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.

A Phase 3 Single Center Study of Islet Transplantation in Non-uremic Diabetic Patients
Type 1 DiabetesSevere Hypoglycemic UnawarenessType 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells are destroyed, resulting in poor blood sugar control. The purpose of this study is to determine the safety and effectiveness of islet transplantation, combined with immunosuppressive medications, specifically using Campath as induction, for treating type 1 diabetes in individuals experiencing hypoglycemia unawareness and severe hypoglycemic episodes.

Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy in Unconscious Patients
Nervous System DiseasesHealthy SubjectsThe study design is a single-center prospective pilot study. Hypothesis: Results of cerebral fNIRS examination in unconscious patients with severe hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke in the ICU are congruent with the results of SSEP and AEP. Hence, making it a potential prognostic tool for unconscious ICU patients. In a specific subgroup of unconscious patients after cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation the fNIRS measurement is congruent with the results of electroencephalography (EEG). The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the agreement of the results of fNIRS examination to those of evoked potentials and EEG in unconscious ICU patients with severe hemorrhagic, or ischemic strokes or hypoxic brain injury after cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. fNIRS will be compared to evoked potentials in an experimental group consisting of unconscious neuro-intensive care patients and in a control group consisting of healthy, conscious subjects. To compare fNIRS with evoked potentials there are two test phases: The cerebral response to a somatosensory stimulus (peripheral nerve stimulation) is measured by fNIRS and SSEP The cerebral response to an auditory stimulus is measured by fNIRS and AEP To avoid biases the following has to be considered: The timing of the measurements plays an important role. A time difference between compared measurements can influence the outcome significantly due to deterioration or recovery of the neuronal network during the time gap. Therefore, fNIRS and evoked potentials will be measured simultaneously. If the compared measurement methods are conducted by the same researcher the possibility of bias is high. Hence, two different researcher will conduct each one measurement without knowing the results of each other during the measurement.

Effects of Intravenous Lidocaine on ED50, ED95 and NTI Values of Propofol Induced Unconsciousness...
General AnesthesiaThe effect of intravenous lidocaine on ED50 and ED95 of propofol, which causes unconsciousness, is unclear. In addition, it is not clear whether the depth of anesthesia induced by propofol changes when lidocaine is used in combination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to study the effects of intravenous lidocaine on ED50, ED95 and NTI values of propofol induced unconsciousness .

Detection and Classification of Levels of Consciousness Using Parietal EEG-fNIRS During Anesthesia...
AnesthesiaConsciousness1 moreThe current evaluations of the levels of consciousness during anesthesia have limited precision. This can produce negative clinical consequences such as intraoperative awareness or neurological damage due to under- or over-infusion of anesthesia, respectively. The study's objective is to determine and classify biomarkers of electrical and hemodynamical brain activity associated with the levels of consciousness between wakefulness and anesthesia. For this purpose, a parietal electroencephalography (EEG) and a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) measurement paradigm will be used, as well as machine-learning. Volunteering patients (n = 25), who will be subject to an endoscopy procedure, will be measured during the infusion of anesthesia with propofol. EEG and fNIRS parameters will then be related to the Modified Ramsay clinical scale of consciousness.

Brain Networks and Consciousness
Loss of ConsciousnessParkinson Disease2 moreGeneral anesthesia (GA) is a medically induced state of unresponsiveness and unconsciousness, which millions of people experience every year. Despite its ubiquity, a clear and consistent picture of the brain circuits mediating consciousness and responsiveness has not emerged. Studies to date are limited by lack of direct recordings in human brain during medically induced anesthesia. Our overall hypothesis is that the current model of consciousness, originally proposed to model disorders and recovery of consciousness after brain injury, can be generalized to understand mechanisms of consciousness more broadly. This will be studied through three specific aims. The first is to evaluate the difference in anesthesia sensitivity in patients with and without underlying basal ganglia pathology. Second is to correlate changes in brain circuitry with induction and emergence from anesthesia. The third aim is to evaluate the effects of targeted deep brain stimulation on anesthesia induced loss and recovery of consciousness. This study focuses on experimentally studying these related brain circuits by taking advantage of pathological differences in movement disorder patient populations undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. DBS is a neurosurgical procedure that is used as treatment for movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease and essential tremor, and provides a mechanism to acquire brain activity recordings in subcortical structures. This study will provide important insight by using human data to shed light on the generalizability of the current model of consciousness. The subject's surgery for DBS will be prolonged by up to 40 minutes in order to record the participant's brain activity and their responses to verbal and auditory stimuli.