Single-Sided Deafness in the Medicare Population
Hearing LossUnilateralThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of cochlear implantation in adults 65 years of age and older.

Single-Sided Deafness and Asymmetric Hearing Loss
Hearing LossUnilateral2 moreThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of cochlear implantation of the approved population in adults and children with single-sided deafness and asymmetric hearing loss.

Cochlear Implantation in Children With Asymmetric Hearing Loss or Single-Sided Deafness Clinical...
Asymmetric Hearing LossSingle-sided Deafness1 moreThis is a two-phase study that compares performance growth pre-implant with current hearing aid (HA) technology versus post-implant with a cochlear implant (CI) in children with either asymmetric hearing loss (AHL) or single-sided deafness (SSD). Post-implant performance with a CI alone is expected to outperform pre-implant performance with a HA. The study also evaluates the effectiveness of bimodal hearing defined as a CI in the poor ear and a HA in the better ear for AHL or a CI in the poor ear and normal hearing in the better ear for SSD compared to pre-implant performance. The study examines factors contributing to CI outcomes.

Clinical Investigation Study of Safety and Performance of the Sentio System.
Hearing LossConductive4 moreProspective, open label, single-arm, multi-centre investigation, designed to follow clinical practice for Sentio bone conduction devices in 50 subjects, during 10 clinical visits, and 24 months follow-up.

Evaluation of Rehabilitation Results in the Single-sided Deafness With Cochlear Implantation
Unilateral DeafnessSingle-sided deafness (SSD) refers to severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss on one side (average pure-tone hearing threshold≥70 dB HL at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4kHz) while the opposite side maintains normal hearing or mild hearing loss (30 dB HL). Asymmetrical hearing loss (AHL) refers to severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss in the bad ear (average pure-tone hearing threshold≥70 dB HL at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4kHz) and mild to moderate hearing loss in the contralateral ear. Moderate hearing loss (30≤mean pure-tone hearing threshold≤55dBHL). It is generally acknowledged that SSD is a particular clinical manifestation of AHL. The number of people who have hearing loss accounts for 5.3% of the total population, with children for 9%. According to the Second National Sampling Survey on Disabled Persons, China has 27.8 million people with hearing disabilities. The incidence of SSD adults in the United States is 7.2%, with 60,000 new cases per year, compared with 7,500 new patients with SSD annually in the UK. The incidence of SSD in neonates is 0.04%-0.34%, and it ranges from 0.1% to 0.5% in children and adolescents. The etiology of congenital SSD is primarily unknown, which is related to genes. Among the causes of acquired SSD, sudden deafness is the most common. Other causes include head trauma, Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, unilateral acoustic neuroma, middle ear surgery, ototoxic drug exposure, Virus infection, noise-induced deafness, senile deafness, etc. SSD and AHL impede intellectual development and speech development in children and adolescents, which is associated with the side of hearing loss. For example, children with right-sided hearing loss have relatively poor language learning, logical thinking, and divergent thinking. In contrast, children with left-sided hearing loss have weaker analytical, comprehensive and visual memory abilities and relatively poor spatial imagination and visual-motor coordination. In addition, the lack of long-term monaural listening and sound source localization makes SSD children require excessive concentration, which is prone to fatigue and behavioral problems, and their academic performance is lower than that of normal children.

Investigation to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of Cochlear Implantation in Children and...
Hearing LossUnilateral2 moreThe aim of the study is to assess the continued efficacy and safety of cochlear implantation in participants aged 5 years and above with Unilateral Hearing Loss (UHL)/Single Sided Deafness (SSD) supporting a change indication for use.

Cochlear Implants in Young Children With SSD
Single Sided DeafnessUnilateral Deafness5 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to investigate the safety and effectiveness of cochlear implantation in infants and toddlers with single-sided deafness. The main questions it aims to answer are: Are cochlear implants an effective treatment of single-sided deafness in infants and toddlers? Are cochlear implants a safe treatment for single-sided deafness in infants and toddlers? Participants will receive a cochlear implant and be followed until they are five years old. During those five years, the investigators will program the device and monitor auditory development. Children will be asked to: Undergo cochlear implantation Wear their cochlear implant processor whenever they are awake. Participate in traditional hearing tests Participate in traditional hearing testing Participate in localization testing Participate in hearing in noise testing Participate in word recognition testing Participate in speech, language, and educational evaluations The researchers will compare results to children with typical hearing in both ears and children with single-sided deafness who have not received an implant to observe any differences between the groups.

Cochlear Implantation for Young Single-sided Deaf Children
Deafness UnilateralChildren with profound sensorineural unilateral hearing loss (UHL) lag behind in spoken language, cognition, spatial hearing, and academic performance compared to normal hearing (NH) children. Until recently children with UHL were not remediated, thereby assuming that the normal ear would provide sufficient sensory cues for speech understanding. However, this is not true. Because of the difference between the two ears they have difficulty localizing sounds and understanding speech in noise. Such auditory deprivation leads to more global changes in neurocognitive function. It is expected that a cochlear implant in the deaf ear will provide the necessary cues for hearing with two ears. The main objective of this research project is to fundamentally investigate language, cognitive, and spatial/binaural hearing longitudinally in children with unilateral deafness who receive a cochlear implant and age-matched peers.

Pilot Study to Evaluate the Long-term Chronic Care of Patients Who Could or do Utilize an Osseointegrated...
Hearing LossConductive4 moreThe primary objective of the study is to evaluate OID hearing intervention on cognition among patients who could vs. do utilize an OID. We will also evaluate the long-term effects of OID use on secondary outcomes measures (hearing performance, quality-of-life, social interaction, communication, physical functioning, etc)

Hear Again, Work Again
Hearing LossSensorineural10 moreProject synopsis: This prospective cohort study investigates impact of (1) hearing loss and (2) cochlear implantation on cost and health state on one hand, and employment, productivity and social wellbeing on the other hand in a professionally active group using validated questionnaires. Participants: The investigators aim to include 100 professional active adults between 18 and 65 years old. All participants have a bilateral severe-to-profound sensorineural or mixed hearing loss. Due to several reasons such as an optimal hearing aid fitting, the presence of a residual hearing or physical contra-indications, half of these participants will not be implanted with CI. Additionally, 100 participants with a single-sides deafness (SSD) in the acute or chronic setting (SDD present for at least three months) will be included. Study design Study measures: All audiological tests and patient-reported outcome measures will be included in this test protocol and repeated throughout the follow-up visits depending on aided or unaided setting. The cognitive evaluation will be executed during the first and last test moment. The investigators anticipate that the protocol will take 1 hour per follow-up in the hospital (audiological testing and to go over the questionnaires), plus an extra hour at home to fill out the questionnaires. For the cognitive tests, an extra hour in the hospital will be scheduled. Hypothesis As a primary endpoint, the investigators anticipate demonstrating that severe-to-profound hearing loss has a significant impact on sick leave and self-reported productivity. Health state will also be analyzed as a secondary endpoint because the investigators anticipate only marginal improvement (if any) on these instruments due to the lack of sensitivity and responsiveness, even in this population. The investigators will also determine the rate of usage and non-usage at this long-term follow-up to demonstrate the utility of cochlear implants. Statistical analysis IBM SPSS Statistics (IBM; Armonk, NY) will be used for the statistical analyses. The participants' hearing profiles will be summarized using descriptive statistics (median, and range). In view of the sample size, non-parametric tests and linear mixed models (to describe evolution in time and difference between groups) will be used. Quantitative data will be presented as median and range (minimum and maximum). Descriptives will be used to summarize the outcomes of the subjective data logging. For the speech perception in noise results, a Wilcoxon signed-rank test will be used. In addition, to correct for the multiple speech in noise test configurations, Holm's correction will be applied. The level of significance will be set at p.0.05. Data storage REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based application designed exclusively to support data capture for research studies. REDCap provides an interface for data entry (with data validation) and audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures. Data will be pseudomized before storage in REDCap.