Cardiac Stem/Progenitor Cell Infusion in Univentricular Physiology (APOLLON Trial)
Hypoplastic Left Heart SyndromeSingle VentricleThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intracoronary injection of JRM-001 after reconstructive surgery in pediatric patients with functional single ventricle

Two-Year Study of the Safety and Efficacy of the Second-Generation Tissue Engineered Vascular Grafts...
HLH - Hypoplastic Left Heart SyndromeDORV10 moreA single arm clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of the second generation TEVG as vascular conduits for extracardiac total cavopulmonary connection.

WE BEAT - HEART Club Fontan Wellness Project: A Virtual Resilience Promotion and Frailty Prevention...
Fontan PhysiologyFrailty1 moreThis trial is being conducted to evaluate the effect of a small-group wellness education program combined with a longitudinal, individualized prescription exercise program on the wellness, resiliency, and daily activity levels of pediatric patients with Fontan physiology. There will be two phases for this project. The first phase is the "WE BEAT Group Wellness Education Program" and participants will be transitioned into the phase two HEART Club following phase one. The trial will look at feasibility and acceptability of the program. Additional hypothesis include home whether exercise interventions can: be delivered without any associated serious cardiac events; will result in a decreased proportion of patients who are categorized as frail when compared to the cohort's pre-test baseline. will result in increased measured peak oxygen consumption when compared with their pre-intervention baseline. will result in increased step counts measured monthly from baseline to end of intervention will improve self-reported quality of life from baseline to post-intervention. will result in increased patient reported activity level from baseline to post-intervention

Fibrosis and the Fontan
Single-ventricleThe purpose of this study is to non-invasively characterize the fibrotic consequences of single ventricle physiology, its possible solution and effect on lymphatics. This project investigates the response to acute imposition of Fontan hemodynamics by examining the interrelationship between liver and cardiac fibrosis/dysfunction and lymphatic congestion along with a pilot trial of the antifibrotic agent, spironolactone, to prevent these consequences and to determine if MRI can discern these differences. The combination of serum biomarkers and MRI form a powerful non-invasive tool in putting together this complicated web of dysfunction.

Autologous Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells of Cardiac Lineage for Congenital Heart Disease
Univentricular HeartCongenital Heart Disease2 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to test the safety of lab-grown heart cells made from stem cells in subjects with congenital heart disease. The main questions it aims to answer are: Is this product safe to deliver to humans Is the conduct of this trial feasible Participants will be asked to: Agree to testing and monitoring before and after product administration Receive investigational product Agree to lifelong follow-up Researchers will compare subjects from the same pool to see if there is a difference between treated and untreated subjects.

Re-Energize Fontan
Single-ventricleSurvival of children with single ventricles ("half a heart") beyond the neonatal period has increased dramatically with the staged Fontan palliation. Yet, long-term morbidity remains high. By the age of 40, 50% of Fontan patients will have died or undergone heart transplantation. With >1,000 Fontan palliations performed in the US annually, there is a burgeoning population of Fontan patients at risk for progressive heart failure and death. Factors that contribute to onset and progression of heart failure in Fontan patients remain incompletely understood. However, it is established that Fontan patients have poor exercise capacity, associated with a greater risk of morbidity and mortality, in addition to decreased muscle mass, abnormal muscle function, and endothelial dysfunction contributing to disease progression. In adult patients with two ventricles and heart failure, reduced exercise capacity, muscle mass, and muscle strength are powerful predictors of poor outcomes, and exercise interventions can not only improve exercise capacity and muscle mass, but also reverse endothelial dysfunction. Limited exercise interventions in children with congenital heart disease have demonstrated that exercise is safe and effective; however, these studies have been conducted in small, heterogeneous groups, and most had few Fontan patients. Furthermore, none of these interventions have studied the impact of exercise on muscle mass or mitochondrial function, or endothelial function. The investigators propose a milestone-driven, randomized controlled trial in pediatric Fontan patients to test the hypothesis that a live-video-supervised exercise (aerobic + resistance) intervention will improve cardiac and physical capacity; muscle mass, strength and function; and endothelial function. The investigators' ultimate goal is the translation of this model to clinical application as an "exercise prescription" to intervene early in pediatric Fontan patients and decrease long-term morbidity and mortality.

Effect of Muscle Strengthening Training in Adults With Fontan Circulation
Congenital Heart DiseaseUniventricular HeartAim: to evaluate the effect of muscle strengthening exercise training in adults with Fontan circulation compared to healthy controls. Hypothesis: adults with Fontan circulation have a relatively lower effect of muscle strengthening exercise training compared to healthy controls.

Impact of NAVA Ventilation on Brain Oxygenation and Perfusion in Children With Congenital Heart...
Tetralogy of FallotHypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome3 morePositive intra-thoracic pressures induced by mechanical ventilation can negatively impact right heart hemodynamics by restricting systemic venous return and increasing right ventricular afterload. These consequences may be detrimental in patients with a restrictive right ventricular physiology and in patients with single ventricle physiology. NAVA (Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist) ventilation decreases intra thoracic pressures compared to conventional ventilation modes. Brain perfusion is both a hemodynamic indicator and a prognostic factor in cardiac postoperative care. Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy (DCS) coupled with Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) is a new technology that allows monitoring, in addition to brain tissue oxygenation, changes in brain blood flow. This physiological study aims to evaluate the impact of NAVA mode ventilation on cerebral and systemic hemodynamics in post-operative cardiac surgery patients with preload dependant right ventricle or with passive venous return to the lungs . This prospective cross-over study will include 30 patients. Once stabilized in intensive care, patients will undergo 2 periods of ventilation in NAVA mode and conventional mode separated by a 30-minute washout period, in a random order. For each period the following information will be collected: changes in cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygenation, hemodynamic parameters including cardiac output and oxygen transport and ventilatory parameters.

Virtual Remote Physiological Monitoring Program of Children With Heart Disease
Pediatric ALLCongenital Heart Disease6 moreInfants and children with heart conditions require treatment in children's hospitals that are typically located in large cities. This creates challenges for children and families who need to travel long distances to come to appointments. Providing quality care to children with heart disease has further been challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a shift towards decreased in-person contact and an increase in virtual visits, where assessment by doctors and nurses is more limited. This research study will look at how families of children with heart disease access care and how investigators can improve care with virtual technologies. This will involve testing a new home-based virtual care platform that uses Bluetooth technology to connect weight scales, oxygen measuring devices and blood pressure cuffs with a smartphone app, allowing parents to easily use these devices and send accurate data directly to the cardiology team. Investigators will obtain feedback from families, patients, and healthcare providers about how this helped or did not help them, and adjust the technology as needed to make it better.

Mesoblast Stem Cell Therapy for Patients With Single Ventricle and Borderline Left Ventricle
Hypoplastic Left Heart SyndromeAtrioventricular CanalPatients under the age of 5, with a diagnosis of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), unbalanced atrioventricular canal (uAVC), or borderline left heart who are undergoing staged LV recruitment following bidirectional Glenn (BDG) or undergoing BDG with plans for LV recruitment will be considered for enrollment in this study. Those patients enrolled in the study will be randomized to either the experimental arm or control arm of the study. Those patients randomized to the experimental arm will receive mesenchymal precursor cells (MPCs) injected directly into the LV endocardium during their LV recruitment or BDG procedure. Those patients randomized to the control arm will receive normal standard of care during their procedure with no injection of MPCs. It is believed that injection of MPCs will help improve the chances of those patients with single ventricle or borderline left ventricle being converted to biventricular circulation which could improve quality of life and longevity over palliation.