The Immediate Effect of Electrical Stimulation Transcranial Direct Current (tDCS) Associated With...
STROKEBackground: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is currently considered a beneficial method for patients with neurological problems due to the modulation of cortex activity as well as the enhancement and prolongation of functional gains achieved during physical therapy. Purpose: The aim of the proposed study is to evaluate the immediate effects of a session of tDCS over the primary motor cortex combined with functional electrical simulation (FES) on electrical activity of the tibialis anterior muscle, balance and distribution of plantar pressure in individuals with hemiparesis stemming from a stroke. A further aim is to determine whether the effects of the combination of both stimulation methods are better than those achieved when each method is employed alone. Methods/design: A randomized, double-blind, crossover, cross-sectional study will be conducted involving 30 stroke survivors with hemiparesis who meet the eligibility criteria. Evaluations will involve an identification and screening chart, the classification of motor impairment using the Fugl-Meyer Scale, the determination of spasticity of the triceps surae muscle (modified Ashworth scale), electromyography of the tibialis anterior muscle, static balance and cognitive dual-task balance (stabilometry) and plantar pressure. After the initial evaluations, the participants will undergo four interventions: 1) anodal tDCS + placebo FES + active tibialis anterior contraction; 2) placebo tDCS + active FES + active tibialis anterior contraction; 3) anodal tDCS + active FES + active tibialis anterior contraction; and 4) placebo tDCS + placebo FES placebo + active tibialis anterior contraction. tDCS will be administered over the primary motor cortex and FES will be administered over the tibialis anterior muscle. The order of the different protocols will be randomized and both the evaluator and patients will be blinded to which protocol is being administered.

Late LTP-like Plasticity Effects of tDCS in Chronic Stroke Patients
StrokeHemiparesisRationale: About 80% of stroke patients suffer motor impairments, but current therapies have limited effects on motor recovery. Therefore, investigating new potential therapeutic approaches is crucial. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is a form of non-invasive electrical stimulation where a weak current is applied through electrodes over the scalp. This stimulation is known to (1) induce changes in neuronal excitability -which can last up to one day with late LTP-like plasticity protocols- in a polarity and site-specific manner, and (2) facilitate motor learning and stroke recovery. However, it is unknown how the motor cortex excitability changes that follow tDCS relate to the increase in motor learning and recovery potential. The currently upheld hypothesis is that motor learning needs to be synchronized in time with electrical stimulation (paired stimulation), but recent results from our lab suggest that tDCS also increases skill learning after stimulation has ended (unpaired stimulation). If this is true, tDCS has a much larger therapeutic window and is a more valuable clinical tool than currently believed. Therefore, the investigators want to investigate how late LTP-like plasticity tDCS affects the increase in skill learning normally seen with tDCS when applied 24 hours before training. The outcome of this study can provide important guidelines on effective motor therapy during stroke rehabilitation. Objective: Identify the effect of late LTP-like plasticity tDCS in chronic stroke patients on skill learning 24 hours later. Study design: Double-blinded, randomized between-subjects trials. Study population: Chronic stroke patients. Main study parameters/endpoints: The main objective of the study is to determine the effect of late LTP-like plasticity tDCS on skill learning 24 hours later. As a motor learning paradigm, the investigators will use a circuit tracking task which chronic stroke patients perform better if tDCS is applied concurrently. During this task, patients have to trace a cursor over a circuit as fast and accurately as possible by moving a computer mouse. Skill will be quantified by calculating a combined speed/ accuracy score and skill improvement compared to baseline (LI; the learning index) will be compared between the sham, conventional unpaired tDCS, conventional paired tDCS groups and the late LTP-like plasticity tDCS groups.

Safety of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Pediatric Hemiparesis
HemiparesisThe primary objective of this proposal is to investigate the safety of use of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)in children with hemiparesis. The research question, "Is transcranial Direct Current Stimulation safe for use in children with congenital hemiparesis?" relates to two hypotheses: tDCS will not produce a major adverse event, including seizure activity. No change in paretic or nonparetic hand function or cognitive status will occur.

Mental Practice in Chronic, Stroke Induced Hemiparesis
HemiparesisStroke is the leading cause of disability in the United States, producing motor impairments that compromise performance of valued activities. Hemiparesis (or weakness in one arm) is particularly disabling, is the primary impairment underlying stroke-related disability, and the most frequent impairment treated by therapists in the United States. This study will test efficacy of a promising technique in reducing arm disability and increasing function, thereby improving outcomes and health, reducing care costs, for community dwelling patients with stroke-induced hemiparesis.

Combining Armodafinil With Neuro-rehabilitation to Improve Neurological Recovery and Reduce Disability...
StrokeCerebrovascular Accident1 moreArmodafinil is an FDA approved medication with wakefulness-promoting properties. It is a relatively safe agent with interesting neurochemical effects on the catecholamine system, producing an improvement in cognitive function, particularly working memory in humans. When combined with intensive task-related training, armodafinil may accelerate motor recovery in chronic stroke patients. The primary aim of this study is to determine whether administration of armodafinil during subacute post-stroke rehabilitation will augment cortical plasticity and enhance motor recovery. The primary hypothesis suggests that cortical plasticity will be enhanced by armodafinil and, therefore, will induce an improvement in motor function and better performances on measures of motor control.

Muscle Weakness and Post-traumatic Knee OA
MeniscectomyThis is a single-center, randomized, single-blind (evaluator) study. Enrolled patients had a traumatic meniscal tear and underwent meniscectomy. The study included 6 weeks (12 visits) of standard or quadriceps intensive rehabilitation. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of quadriceps intensive rehabilitation on knee function and articular cartilage.

ArmAssist Robotic Device for Arm Training
HemiparesisArmAssist is low cost simply robotic devise for arm training and assessment. It is suitable for extended home rehabilitation and prolonged hospital rehabilitation without therapist supervision. The device contains several games which are structured as exercise for disabled patients. The primary aim of this study is to correlate efficacy of the arm training with ArmAssist robot system to conventional care modified by duration and structure of exercise. The secondary aim of this study is to measure the correlation between standard clinical assessment scales and ArmAssist-based assessment metrics.

Take Off Pounds After Stroke Trial (TOPS)
StrokeObesity2 moreThe Take Off Pounds after Stroke (TOPS) trial is a Prospective Randomized Open-Label Blinded Endpoint (PROBE) study that will test a 12-week high protein, calorie restricted, partial meal replacement program, compared to enhanced standard care, for efficacy in achieving clinically significant weight loss without impairment of physical function patients with elevated body mass index (BMI) following a recent ischemic stroke.

Mechanisms of Arm Recovery in Stroke Patients With Hand Paralysis
StrokeHemiparesis3 moreThis study examines the effect of non-invasive brain stimulation targeting different brain areas on movement of the affected arm post-stroke. Participants will receive stimulation to each of 3 different brain areas combined with a session of arm exercise.

1STST and Muscle Weakness in CF Patients
Cystic FibrosisThe investigators know that peripheral muscle weakness and exercise intolerance are prevalent (56%) in cystic fibrosis (Trooster et al, 2009). Physical inactivity is likely to be an important underlying factor. Those conditions are associated with a poor prognosis (Nixon et al, 1992). The effect of intravenous antibiotherapy on peripheral muscle and physical activity remains unclear. The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of intravenous antibiotherapy on peripheral muscular strength in patients with cystic fibrosis (adults and children) who receive intravenous antibiotherapy for an acute exacerbation or electively (decline in lung function without exacerbation).