Clinical Trial of Natural Therapeutics for COVID-19 and Other Acute Respiratory Viral Infections...
Acute Respiratory InfectionThe trial "Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Efficacy of herbal products for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections including SARS-CoV2 in Uganda; Phase 2A Open Label Clinical Trial" is currently being implemented under the Clinical Trials of Natural therapeutics Program. The trial sample size is 510, and the participants include adults (18 years or more) who fulfill the case definitions of acute respiratory infections (ARI), test positive for one of the target respiratory viruses, are negative for TB on GeneXpert; non-pregnant/non-breast-feeding females, have no history of hypersensitivity to any of the investigational products, and have given written consent to participate in the trial. The overall objective of the trial is to assess the safety, pharmacokinetics and preliminary efficacy of TazCoV and Vidicine for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections including (SARS-CoV2, RSV and Influenza A/B) in Uganda. Primary objectives include: To determine the safety and pharmacokinetics of TAZCOV and Vidicine herbal products among adult participants patients with acute respiratory infections including those due to laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV2, RSV and Influenza A/B To determine the extent of SARS-CoV2, RSV, and Influenza A/B viral clearance among adult participants patients with acute viral respiratory infection treated using TAZCOV and Vidicine To establish time-to-remission of symptoms among participants patients with acute respiratory infections including those due to laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV2, RSV and Influenza treated with TAZCOV or Vidicine To evaluate disease progression among participants patients with acute respiratory infections including those due to laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV2, RSV and Influenza treated with TAZCOV or Vidicine The end points include: Solicited and unsolicited side effects (mild, moderate, severe, adverse and serious adverse events), days to viral clearance (RT-PCR negativity) for those with a positive viral test at enrolment and time to presenting symptom resolution. The Pharmacokinetic endpoints include: the maximum concentration of IMP in plasma [Cmax], time taken for the IMP plasma concentration to reach maximum levels [Tmax] and time taken for the concentration of the IMP in the plasma or the total amount in the body to be reduced by 50%.

Strategies and Treatments for Respiratory Infections &Amp; Viral Emergencies (STRIVE): Immune Modulation...
COVID-19COVID-19 can trigger a dysregulated immune response, and previous studies have shown that immune modulation can improve outcomes in hospitalized patients. This trial is designed to determine whether intensification of immune modulation early in the course of the disease (while patients are on low flow oxygen) with abatacept (active arm) combined with standard of care (SOC) improves recovery as compared with placebo + SOC (placebo arm). For both groups, intensification of immunomodulation will be provided as part of SOC in case of signs of disease progression (patient requires high flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) or more support) and/or if the patient has rapidly increasing oxygen requirement.

Efficacy and Safety of Trimodulin (BT588) in Subjects With Moderate or Severe COVID-19
COVID-19 PneumoniaCOVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome4 moreThe main objectives of the trial are to assess the efficacy and safety of trimodulin as adjunctive treatment to standard of care (SoC) compared to placebo plus SoC in adult hospitalized subjects with moderate or severe COVID-19. Other objectives are to determine pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) properties of trimodulin.

Safety and Effectiveness of EV-Pure + WJ-Pure Treatment on Pulmonary Fibrosis Secondary to Covid-19...
Pulmonary FibrosisCOVID-19 Respiratory InfectionThe COVID-induced fibrotic lung damage continues long after viral infection has subsided and is exhibited by severe respiratory pathology and concomitant symptoms. The long-lasting sequelae in patients who have recovered from severe COVID indicate that there is a 30% chance of developing a persistent respiratory system pathology and a 10% chance of developing a severe pathology. The symptoms of lung fibrosis include a severe disruption of respiration, reduction of exercise tolerance, and concomitant development of persistent fibrotic lung damage. This study intends to evaluate benefits of a combination of WJPure and EVPure in Covid-19 patients exhibiting pulmonary fibrosis.

Qingfei Granule for the Treatment of the Pediatric Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection With...
Upper Respiratory Tract InfectionBacterial Infection2 moreThe study aims to assess the antibacterial effect and symptoms-relief of Qingfei Granule in the patients with pediatric acute upper respiratory tract infection with bacterial infection.

A Proof-of-Concept Study Evaluating EOM613 in COVID-19 Infected Patients With Severe Symptoms
COVID-19 PneumoniaCOVID-19 Respiratory Infection1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and preliminary efficacy of EOM613, a peptide nucleic acid with novel immune-modulating properties, in treating patients with severe COVID-19 infections. This proof-of-concept study is the first clinical trial of EOM613 in this patient population.

Use of Low-frequency Magnetic Fields in the Hybrid Treatment of COVID-19 Patients
COVID-19COVID-19 Respiratory Infection1 moreThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of low-frequency magnetic field in the hybrid treatment of COVID-19 patients, i.e., including magnetostimulation in the standard treatment. The authors evaluated among other things, the immunocorrective therapeutic effect of magnetostimulation, improving the defensive functions of the immune system and thus supporting the immune function by, among other things, suppressing the "cytokine storm". After application of low-frequency magnetic field in the hybrid treatment of COVID-19 patients, the authors expected: a decrease in the level of proinflammatory factors (IL - 6), restoration of homeostasis in the body with regards to the range of parameters evaluated in laboratory tests (WBC, MONO, PLT, CRP, d-dimers) and normalization of the following parameters: arterial blood pressure, the number of breaths/min, saturation, temperature.

Ketotifen and Indomethacin Combination Treatment Clinical Trial for COVID-19
COVID-19 Respiratory InfectionThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of ketotifen and indomethacin taken together to improve symptoms related with COVID-19. Ketotifen and indomethacin are medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat diseases other than COVID-19. Their use in this study is investigational, meaning they have not been approved by the FDA to treat COVID-19.

mNGS -Guided Antimicrobial Treatment in Early Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia Among Immunocompromised...
Severe Acute Respiratory InfectionCommunity-acquired Pneumonia3 moreSevere Community-acquired pneumonia (SCAP) is a leading global infectious cause of intensive care unit (ICU) admission (approximately 20%-30%), and the primary reason of mortality and morbidity in immunocompromised patients. There is a global increase of patients with distinct immunocompromised conditions due to the advance of cancer treatment, increasing biologics, and immunosuppressants for autoimmune diseases and growing organ transplant recipients, and it has been estimated that patients with immunocompromised conditions account for approximately 35% of all intensive care unit (ICU) admissions. Immunocompromised patients with SCAP have more factors to complicate with sepsis, respiratory failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and the mortality rate can be up to 50%. With the aim to apply early accurate antimicrobial therapy to improve clinical prognosis of SCAP patients with immunocompromised conditions, timely identification of pathogen is particularly important. Conventional microbiological diagnostic methods such as standard microbiologic cultures, microscopy, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respiratory virus multiplex PCR, as well as pathogen-specific antigens and antibody assays, are currently commonly used to detect pathogens, although they have various limitations. However, conventional antimicrobial therapy depends on the results of conventional diagnostic methods, which may delay timely accurate antimicrobial therapy at the initial stage, and the mortality of immunocompromised patients with SCAP may be increased. Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS), which can determine pathogens more quickly (usually within 24h) and accurately comparing with conventional diagnostic methods by analyzing cell-free nucleic acid fragments of pathogens using appropriate lower respiratory tract (LRT) specimen, is increasingly used in severe respiratory infectious disease, especially among immunocompromised patients. This study aims to determine whether mNGS (using LRT specimen) guided antimicrobial treatment improves clinical prognosis of SCAP patients with immunocompromised conditions when compared with conventional antimicrobial treatment.

Omalizumab Before Onset of Exacerbations
Asthma in ChildrenAtopy1 moreOBOE is a prospective, pilot, parallel group RCT with the overall aim of examining the effect of a single dose of anti-IgE (omalizumab) vs. placebo administered at the onset of URIs in the fall season among highly exacerbation-prone, urban, and atopic youth aged 6-17 years with persistent asthma. OBOE will recruit and randomize participants over 3 years (3 annual cohorts of participants). Recruitment for each of the yearly cohorts of OBOE will begin in February. Each cohort will be followed for a 2-6-month run-in period with the objective to gain control of each participant's asthma and to stabilize the required controller medication step level. Participants will receive routine asthma care every 1-2 months (a total of 2-4 times) during run-in using a previously described algorithm developed by the Inner-city Asthma Consortium and successfully employed in the PROSE study. The primary outcome is the change in the amount of nasal IFN-α recovered by nasal fluid absorption between two time points, within 72 hours of onset of a URI as defined by onset of (or substantial worsening of) rhinorrhea, nasal congestion or sneezing (single or multiple symptoms) and 3-6 days after study drug injection.