Safety and Performance of UCon for the Treatment of the Symptoms of Overactive Bladder (OAB) / Bowel...
Urinary IncontinenceFecal Incontinence8 moreThis clinical investigation is a single-arm, prospective, multicentre, early feasibility study, which is used to evaluate the device design of UCon with respect to initial clinical safety and device performance in a small number of subjects. UCon is a medical device for treatment of the symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) and bowel disorders (BD). It electrically stimulates the dorsal genital nerve (DGN) through the skin to obtain modulated behaviour of the bladder/bowel musculature e.g., suppress undesired bladder/bowel activity to relieve the symptoms of the patient.

Post-procedural Pain Associated With 5 Versus 20 Intravesical Injections of Onabotulinumtoxin A...
Urinary BladderOveractive7 moreCurrently, in clinical practice there has been no standardization in the number of injections a single dose of intradetrusor onabotulinumtoxin A is administered in. Given the increasing use of this treatment modality, the aim of this study is to compare outcomes for patients given a 100 unit dose of onabotulinumtoxin A split into 5 as compared to 20 injections for the treatment of overactive bladder or urgency urinary incontinence refractory to medical treatment.

Fluoroscopy Radiation Reduction During Sacral Neuromodulation Lead Placement
Radiation ExposureOveractive Bladder2 moreFluoroscopy is performed when placing a lead during a sacral neuromodulation procedure. During lead placement, subjects will receive either conventional or experimental fluoroscopic settings. The radiation exposure will be compared between the two groups.

Efficacy of Surface Electrical Stimulation for Urge Urinary Incontinence in Women
Urge IncontinenceThe purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the ELITONE-UUI electrical muscle stimulation device on treating urge incontinence. The aim of the device is to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding structures to improve urinary incontinence.

Lidocaine Patches Prior to Percutaneous Nerve Evaluation
Overactive BladderUrge Incontinence1 moreThe study will be a double-blind randomized control trial comparing 4% lidocaine patch placed over the sacrum 3 minutes prior to a percutaneous nerve evaluation (PNE) procedure to a placebo patch in patients already scheduled to undergo a medically indicated percutaneous nerve evaluation (PNE). VAS pain score, The volume of injectable lidocaine used, Patient Satisfaction Score, rate of successful PNE (defined as successful placement of wire in the S3 spinal foramen), and the amplitude of perineal stimulation on a Likert scale will be collected immediately after the procedure. Patients will follow up in 1 week - as is standard of care with the PNE procedure. Adverse events such as pain or change in sensation will be recorded. Number of voids and incontinence episodes per day after the PNE procedure will be recorded. Overall satisfaction score will be recorded at that time. Rate of progression to Sacral nerve stimulator implantation will be collected. The investigators hypothesize that patients in the lidocaine patch group will experience significantly less pain at the time of PNE as measured by a lower change in VAS pain score when compared with the control group.

Effectiveness of eCoin at Sensory and Subsensory Amplitudes
Urge IncontinenceThe goal of this prospective, multi-center, double-blinded randomized controlled is to learn about effectiveness and QOL with eCoin at two different amplitude settings in subjects with urge urinary incontincence (UUI). The main question it aims to answer is: The reduction in UUI episodes per day on a 3-day voiding diary in both groups after 3 months of therapy Participants will be implanted with the eCoin device and randomized to either a sensory or subsensory stimulation group and complete voiding diaries and patient reported-outcomes through 3 months of therapy.

A Sham-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of a Smart, Self-Adjusting, Surgery-Free,...
Overactive BladderUrinary Urge Incontinence1 moreThis is a prospective, multi-center, sham-controlled study comparing the safety and effectiveness of the self-adjusting, surgery-free, wearable Active System to a Sham System on adult Subjects diagnosed with OAB.

Effectiveness of Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Female UUI.
Urinary IncontinenceUrinary Incontinence2 moreUrinary incontinence is becoming an increasingly common health, social and economic problem. The prevalence of urinary incontinence is estimated at 55% of the entire female population. Urgency urinary incontinence (UUI) is the least common subtype of urinary incontinence but has debilitating symptoms that lead to a decrease in quality of life. Ultimately, the urogynegology field does not have many successful types of treatments for this specific subtype. Extracorporeal magnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor is a type of conservative management that produces a magnetic field, which induces controlled depolarization of the nerves, resulting in pelvic muscle contraction and sacral S2-S4 roots neuromodulation. Therefore, it relieves symptoms of UUI and improves quality of life. There was no randomized, sham-controlled study published that researched the effectiveness of magnetic stimulation in the treatment of UUI that evaluated the success with subjective and objective methods, such as urodynamic studies. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of magnetic stimulation in the treatment of urgency urinary incontinence.

AURA-2: Augmenting Urinary Reflex Activity
Overactive BladderUrge IncontinenceAMBER AURA-2 study (Augmenting Urinary Reflex Activity 2) is a short-duration (6 month) safety and electrophysiological study using an implanted Amber UI system and two electrode leads to provide closed-loop pudendal nerve stimulation for the treatment of urinary incontinence.

INTIBIA Pivotal Study
Urinary IncontinenceUrge6 moreProspective, randomized, double-blind, multicenter study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of an implantable tibial nerve stimulator in subjects with urgency urinary incontinence (UUI).