Post-Operative Urinary Retention (POUR) in Thoracic Surgery Patients Receiving Prophylactic Tamsulosin...
Thoracic DiseasesUrinary RetentionPost-Operative Urinary Retention (POUR) in Thoracic Surgery is a prospective interventional study aiming to test the hypothesis that the prophylactic use of tamsulosin prior to thoracic surgery in high risk patients leads to reduce the rates of POUR.

Efficacy of Alpha-blockers (Tamsulosin) in the Treatment of Symptomatic Dysuria in Multiple Sclerosis...
Multiple SclerosisDysuria3 moreMultiple sclerosis (MS) is the leading non-traumatic cause of severe acquired disability in young people. The disease is defined by relapses, which can affect all neurological functions depending on the location of the new inflammatory lesion(s). The disease can thus manifest itself through bladder and bowel disorders (BWS), which affect approximately 80% of MS patients in all stages. Lower urinary tract dysfunction has a significant negative impact on the quality of life of patients and places a significant burden on the healthcare system in terms of resource allocation. In addition, there is a risk of long-term chronic renal failure, an infectious risk (recurrent cystitis and/or pyelonephritis, sometimes life-threatening) and a lithiasis risk. The most frequently observed urinary symptoms are: urinary frequency, urgency with or without urinary incontinence, dysuria and chronic retention of urine. These disorders most often combine bladder hyperactivity and dysuria. This dysuria may be responsible for recurrent urinary tract infections, lithiasis, alteration of renal function. The only therapeutic class currently used to treat dysuria in MS is alpha-blockers. Tamsulosin, alfusozin and doxazosin induce relaxation of the urethral smooth sphincter and prostatic urethral muscle fibers, facilitating the removal of subvesical obstruction and bladder emptying. The study investigators hypothesize that treatment with tamsulosin 0.4 mg daily in adult MS patients with dysuria will result in symptom improvement as assessed by the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Urinary Symptom Profile (USP) scores, a decrease in post-void residual, and an improvement in urine flow and quality of life.

Evaluation of the "Blue Halo Coil Catheter" for Patients With Prostatic Obstruction
Urinary RetentionThe Investigators will study a device for men in urinary retention secondary to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, BPH ,who are catheter dependent or who have a Post Void Residual > 350cc. The hypothesis is that the device will allow these participants to return to volitional voiding with a Post Void Residual <75 cc.

Electroacupuncture for Patients With Chronic Urinary Retention Secondary to Lower Motor Neuron Lesion...
Chronic Urinary RetentionChronic Urinary Retention (CUR) is defined as a non-painful bladder which remains palpable or percussible after the patient has passed urine by International Continence Society. Postvoid residual urine volume ≥300 mL seems to be widely accepted. CUR may be caused by a variety of diseases and events including injury of sacral plexus, cauda equina and sacral spinal cord, pelvic floor nerve lesion after pelvic surgery and peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes, etc.. Aforementioned injuries generally affect lower motor neuron causing detrusor underactivity, acontractile detrusor or detrusor areflexia. The prevalence varies by different causes of lower motor neuron lesion. The symptoms of patients are voiding difficulty, bladder distention, bladder without sensation and overflow incontinence. A multi-center randomized sham-controlled trial will be conducted. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of electroacupuncture for urinary function of patients with CUR caused by lower motor neuron lesion.

Impact of Tamsulosin on Post-Operative Urinary Retention Following Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery...
Urinary Retention PostoperativeThe objective of the study is to determine the effectiveness of postoperative Tamsulosin in reducing the duration of acute postoperative urinary retention (POUR) following pelvic reconstructive surgery through a double blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial.

Evaluation of the Safety and Clinical Performance of the Connected Catheter Study
Urinary RetentionChronicThe objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Connected Catheter in males with chronic Urinary Retention, both in a clinical setting and an extended period of home use. The Connected Catheter is a fully internal, urethral indwelling urinary prosthesis designed for improved bladder management in males with urinary retention disorders requiring catheterization. It is a sterile, extended-use device that resides fully internally to the male lower urinary tract for an intended use life of up to 7 days per catheter.

The Role of Sugammadex in Posotoperative Urinary Retention in Patients Undergoing Pelvic Floor Reconstructive...
Postoperative Urinary RetentionThe Investigator will perform a single-institution randomized double-blinded controlled trial comparing intraoperative Sugammadex vs. standard dose of glycopyrrolate/neostigmine combination for participants undergoing a total vaginal hysterectomy with or without pelvic organ prolapse procedures under general endotracheal anesthesia.

Postoperative Urinary Retention After Reversal of Neuromuscular Block by Neostigmine or Sugammadex...
Neuromuscular BlockadeThe investigators propose a randomized trial comparing sugammadex and neostigmine for the reversal of neuromuscular blocks induced by rocuronium or vecuronium in adults having general anesthesia with muscular block for hip and knee orthopedic surgery.

RCT About Two Different Regimens of Clean Intermittent Catheterization in Women With Overt Postpartum...
Urinary RetentionPostpartum PeriodA randomized controlled trial of two different regimens of intermittent catheterization in women with overt postpartum urinary retention. Participants will be randomized to one of two groups with different cut-offs for accepted postvoid residual urine (150 ml vs 250 ml). Primary endpoint is be the time to regain normal bladder function in each group. Secondary endpoints are 1) presence/absence of bacteriuria or urinary tract infections, 2) the duration of hospital stay, 3) scores on the adapted version of the German pelvic floor questionnaire section about bladder function and postpartum symptoms. The calculated sample size is 96 (48 in each group).

Postoperative Urinary Retention After Reversal of Neuromuscular Block by Neostigmine Versus Sugammadex...
Urinary Retention PostoperativeLaparoscopic Cholecystectomy5 moreThis study is intended to be a single-site, prospective, randomized, controlled study that intends to enroll a total of 230 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy at Parkland Hospital. Patients will be randomized to receive either neostigmine or sugammadex for reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade. A standardized anesthetic protocol that is usual and customary for the type of operation the patient is having will be provided to the anesthesia teams of enrolled subjects. The remainder of the anesthetic care of the subject will not deviate from the standard of care. To account for protocol deviations and patient dropout, up to 250 randomization envelopes will be made and enrollment will continue until there are 230 completed enrollments.