Playing Games to Learn About Children's Vaccines Project
HPVCOVID-191 moreThis proposed study aims to conduct timely research that promotes vaccine confidence and vaccination of two strongly recommended vaccines with suboptimal uptake rates: Human papillomavirus (HPV) and COVID-19 in vulnerable and underserved youth aged 11-14.

Study of Gam-COVID-Vac in Adolescents
Covid19Vaccine Preventable DiseaseDouble-blind, placebo-controlled study with open dose selection period for safety assessment, tolerance and immunogenicity of the drug "GamKOVID-Vac M, a combined vector vaccine for prevention of coronavirus infection caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2" in adolescents

A Phase Ⅲ Clinical Study to Evaluate Protective Efficacy and Safety of a Recombinant Herpes Zoster...
Vaccine-Preventable DiseasesHerpes ZosterThis clinical trial is to study protective efficacy and safety of a recombinant herpes zoster vaccine (LZ901) and sponsored by Beijing Luzhu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. It is a phase Ⅲ, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled in healthy people aged 40 years and older. The study is to protect adults against shingles (herpes zoster / varicella zoster virus(VZV)). There will be about 26000 participators who will receive two-dose injection at the upper arm. LZ901 vaccine is made up of a tetramer of VZV glycoprotein E (VZV gE-Fc) and adsorbed with aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. This adjuvant can raise the immune response to a lot of antigens. It is the most widely used and safe adjuvant in various types of vaccines worldwide.

Safety and Immunogenicity of 2 Doses Versus 1 Dose of Acellular Pertussis Vaccines Containing Genetically-detoxified...
PertussisVaccine-Preventable DiseasesA significant increase of pertussis incidence is reported in a growing number of countries. This resurgence is considered as resulting from the limited durability of aP-vaccine-induced immunity and is associated with increased mortality in young infants and morbidity at all age groups. As the pertussis immunity acquired through immunization or infection is short-lived, its maintenance or reactivation requires repeat boosting at regular time points. Thus, novel strategies capable of reactivating pertussis immunity are needed. The efficacy of current acellular pertussis vaccines (which contain chemically-detoxified pertussis toxoid (PT)) rapidly wanes, in part because priming and repeat immunization with acellular vaccines induce antibodies specific for the chemically-detoxified PT but unable to efficiently recognize the native PT expressed by B. pertussis. Clinical studies have shown the superior immunogenicity profile of acellular pertussis vaccines including genetically-detoxified PT (rPT) in adults and adolescents previously primed with aP. In particular, the investigators showed in a past Geneva study in teenagers previously primed with aP that rPT/FHA induced a stronger recall response than the current aP-vaccine at one month post-vaccination. However, the difference was less clear one year after vaccination, suggesting that 2 doses may be needed for more sustained immunity. In the present study, the investigators would like to assess whether giving two doses of rPT/FHA at 6 months interval induces stronger immune responses than a single dose.

Measles and BCG Vaccines for Mother and Child
Vaccine Preventable DiseaseMeasles2 moreIn Africa, the mortality from infectious diseases remains high. The investigators have discovered that live vaccines such as the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis and the measles vaccine can strengthen resistance to other infections: they have beneficial "non-specific effects". The investigators have now seen signs that these non-specific effects for children are stronger if their mother has been given the same vaccines. In Africa, BCG vaccine is recommended at birth and measles vaccine at 9 months of age. They are not used beyond childhood. The investigators will randomize 2400 women to BCG vaccine, measles vaccine, or placebo. The investigators will further randomize their children to an extra early measles vaccine or placebo. The investigators will assess which of the resulting six vaccination schedules are best for women's and children's protection against measles, for the child's immune system, and for general health. The project will be the first in the world to investigate the importance of vaccinating women with live vaccines.

A Study to Evaluate Safety and Tolerability of a Recombinant Herpes Zoster Vaccine
Herpes ZosterVaccine-Preventable DiseasesThis clinical trial is to study the safety and tolerability of a recombinant herpes zoster vaccine (LZ901) and sponsored by Beijing Luzhu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. It is a phase I, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose escalation study in healthy people aged 50 to 70 years inclusive. The study is to protect adults against shingles (herpes zoster / varicella zoster virus(VZV)). There will be about 66 participators who will receive two-dose injection at the upper arm. LZ901 vaccine is made up of a tetramer of VZV glycoprotein E (VZV gE-Fc) and adsorbed with aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. This adjuvant can raise the immune response to a lot of antigens. It is the most widely used and safe adjuvant in various types of vaccines worldwide. In this study: The participation is voluntary. Before the study, participants will receive some tests for screening. If qualified, investigators will officially invite them to join this study. The study vaccine is LZ901 with two different dose levels (50μg/0.5 mL, 100μg/0.5 mL). The placebo, which is saline solution, has no active drug. Participants will receive one of three as above mentioned. Participants will be enrolled in one of four cohorts. If participants are enrolled in Cohorts 1 or 2, they will receive LZ901. If participants are enrolled in Cohorts 3 or 4, they will have a 2 out of 3 chance (66%) of receiving LZ901 and 1 out of 3 chance (33%) of receiving placebo. In Cohort 3 and 4, the study staff and participants will not know which study treatment participants will be receiving. However, the study doctor can get this information in case of an emergency. Participants will stay at the clinic for 30 minutes after each vaccination to observe if there are any uncomfortable. This study will last about 8 months and will include about 8 study visits to the clinic. During this period, participants will receive a follow-up phone call and/or email by the study staff to follow the condition closely for safety, and record on diary/contact card. Participants will receive some tests during the study, include safety tests such as physical examination, vital signs measurements, blood tests, urinalysis. Participants will be measured the levels of specific antibodies to see if the vaccine works well. This study is for research purposes only. Participants may not receive any direct benefits from participating in this study but have a chance to be in a study that may help others in the future.

The Immune Responses After Hepatitis B Revaccination Doses in a Young Cohort
Hepatitis BVaccination; Infection2 moreThis prospective cohort study aims to provide the evidence-based clinical guide to help decide the revaccination doses of hepatitis B vaccine that the high-risk young adults without hepatitis B seroprotective antibodies (anti-HBs titer<10 mIU/mL) need to take.

Adding Male Single Dose HPV Vaccination to Female HPV Vaccination in Tanzania
HPV InfectionVaccine Preventable DiseaseAdd-Vacc is an unblinded cluster-randomised trial (CRT) with two arms: (i) the national HPV vaccination programme (girls aged ~14 years, control arm) and (ii) the national programme plus single-dose male HPV vaccination given to a multi-year cohort of boys (intervention arm). The CRT will be conducted in 26 communities/clusters (13 per arm) in northern Tanzania. Boys aged 14 to 18 years in the intervention arm will receive one dose of the 4-valent HPV vaccine (Gardasil®) that protects against HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18. Population genital HPV prevalence in 18 to 21-year-olds will be compared between intervention clusters (female and male vaccination) and control clusters (female vaccination only) at 3 years after the intervention. Blood sampling for immune responses and adverse event data collection will be performed in a subset of 200 male subjects in selected intervention clusters.

Herpes Virus Infections in Kidney Transplant Patients
Kidney Transplant; ComplicationsVaricella Zoster Virus Infection1 moreKidney transplant recipients are at increased risk of infections, including Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infections. Vaccination against VZV is routinely offered to all kidney transplant recipients and candidates in Denmark. In this exploratory observational study, the VZV specific immune response in kidney transplant candidates and recipients will be characterized at different time points in relation to transplantation, vaccination and infections. More knowledge on the immune reaction to transplantation, VZV vaccination and VZV infections may provide improved strategies for prevention and treatment of VZV infections in kidney transplant candidates and recipients.

Trial of the Immunogenicity, Safety, and Tolerability of rF1V Vaccine With CpG 1018® Adjuvant Compared...
PlaguePneumonic2 morePhase 2, Randomized, Active-Controlled, Observer-Blinded, Multicenter Trial of the Immunogenicity, Safety, and Tolerability of rF1V Vaccine with CpG 1018® Adjuvant Compared with rF1V Vaccine in Adults 18 to 55 Years of Age