Role of Oral Lactoferrin in Prevention of Recurnt Bacterial Vaginosis in Pregnancy
Bacterial Vaginosis | Vaginal | Microbiologylactoferrin is believed to modulate immunity and help in prevention of recurrent bacterial vaginosis.In this study, the role of lactoferrin is assessed during third trimester of pregnancy.

Lacticaseibacillus Rhamnosus CA15 (DSM 33960) Strain as a New Driver in Restoring the Normal Vaginal...
Bacterial VaginosisCandidosis Vaginal1 moreThe aim of the present randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial is to evaluate the efficacy of a probiotic formulation, containing the probiotic strain Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus CA15 (DSM 33960), in the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis in terms of: (i) modulation of the microbiota (increase of lactobacilli and decrease of pathogens), (ii) reduction of clinical signs of inflammation, (iii) improvement of quality of life.

Multi-Gyn ActiGel Plus for Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial VaginosesThis is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical investigation. The objective of the study is to confirm the efficacy of Multi-Gyn ActiGel Plus to treat BV as compared to a placebo control. Treatment arm 1: Multi-Gyn ActiGel Plus Treatment arm 2: placebo gel Both the Multi-Gyn ActiGel Plus and the placebo will be applied twice a day for 7 consecutive days. Visit 2 will be performed at 3 weeks after start of treatment A phone call will take place, at 5 weeks after start of treatment for subject with clinical cure at Visit 2. The total duration per subject is estimated 5 weeks and the total study duration is 13 months. Sample size is 100 subjects per treatment arm.

Use of Blue Light Emitting Diode in the Treatment of Women With Bacterial Vaginosis: a Clinical...
VaginosisBacterialBacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a infectious process of the female genitourinary tract, an important health issue due to the high incidence and high rate of recurrence of the infection. Therefore, new therapeutic modalities are sought with the capacity to minimize drug side effects and reduce cases of recurrence of the disease. The objective of this study is to evaluate the clinical and microbiological response of the 401+/- 5nm blue light emitting diode (LED) in the treatment of women with bacterial vaginosis. The group of women with diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis will be submitted to the light therapy. These women will also be submitted to an evaluation and examination by a ginecologist before and after the therapy. There will also be an evaluation of the clinical condition and about the effects of the light through the questionnaire answered before and after participant's treatment. It's expected that the 41 +/- 5nm LED will destroy the VB demonstrated by laboratory examination and also improves the signs and results analyzed by the gynecologist and participants.

A Prospective, Randomized Controlled Study of the Probiotics as Adjuvant Treatment for Bacterial...
Bacterial VaginosisThe investigators are trying to determine if oral Probiotics(Umeta-mimi,30 days) with Metronidazole vaginal suppositories (7 days) is better than using Metronidazole vaginal suppositories(7 days) only in preventing the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis

A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Lactobacillus Species Suppositories on Vaginal...
Bacterial VaginosisMost of the methods involved in the treatment of BV include antibiotics. Some of the antibiotics used for this include metronidazole, clindamycin and fluconazole. The antibiotics inhibit the growth of anaerobes that support G. vaginalis and other microbes without affecting lactobacilli. This leads to the treatment of BV while also preventing its recurrence. However, the use of antibiotics may lead to antibiotic resistance and cause various side-effects such as thrush, dizziness, rash, nausea, etc. In the case of many antibiotics, the cure rates were incredibly poor and the BV recurrence rates reached as high as 80 %. Probiotic therapy has slowly been replacing antibiotics for the treatment and prevention of BV and other infections. These probiotics usually contain lactobacilli and help maintain a healthy vaginal environment. They can either be consumed through curd and other milk products that contain probiotics (mostly lactobacilli) or they can be used in the form of suppositories that are placed in the vagina. In probiotics containing lactobacilli, the lactic acid produced by the bacteria lowers the vaginal pH to the ideal range of 3.5 to 4.5 and prevents infection recurrence. Lactobacilli containing suppositories have been successfully used in the past to treat BV, being marketed as a safe and effective way to prevent and treat infections for women in various stages of their lives.

First in Human Study in Healthy Volunteers of Antimicrobial Peptide PL-18 Vaginal Suppositories...
ColpomycosisBacterial Vaginosis1 moreThis is a Single-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Phase I Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and PK Profiles of Single and Multiple Ascending Doses of Antimicrobial Peptide PL-18 Vaginal Suppositories.

The Effect of Clindamycin and a Live Biotherapeutic on the Reproductive Outcomes of IVF Patients...
Bacterial VaginosesInfertility1 moreStudy question: Does antibiotic alone or in combination with live biotherapeutic treatment of an abnormal vaginal microbiota improve the reproductive outcomes of IVF couples? Study hypothesis: The investigator hypothesize that treatment of the reproductive tract pathogens and restoration of vaginal Lactobacillus will improve the reproductive outcomes of IVF patients. What is known already? Ultra-deep sequencing methods enable the refinement of reproductive tract microbiology in infertile patients. A recent meta-analysis reported that 19% of infertile patients had abnormal vaginal microbiota Moreover, someone have detected the presence of a Gardnerella (G.) vaginalis dominated endometrial biofilm in 50% of non-infertile patients with abnormal vaginal microbiota undergoing curettage; thus the treatment of such an endometrial biofilm might play an important role for the endometrial receptivity and subsequently the clinical pregnancy rate. Pilot study: In a recent pilot study it was observed that an abnormal vaginal microbiota negatively affects the clinical pregnancy rate in IVF patients. In this study the prevalence of abnormal vaginal microbiota was 28% (36/130) and only 9% of patients with qPCR defined abnormal vaginal microbiota obtained a clinical pregnancy (p=0.004). This association remained significant in an adjusted analysis. Furthermore, the invetigators have preliminary results demonstrating that vaginal bacteria such as G. vaginalis can be found in the endometrium of IVF patients, which is also supported by recent publications What is the novelty of this study? To the investigators knowledge, no previous treatment study of abnormal reproductive tract microbiota has been performed in IVF patients; this relatively small intervention holds the potential to increase the baby-take-home rate after IVF treatment.

Vaginal Microbiome Transplantation for Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial VaginosesVaginal Microbiome Transplantation (VMT) may be beneficial in treating the most severe cases of recurrent and antibiotics-nonresponsive cases of BV. Recently, we completed a preliminary study in which we treated patients with recurrent and antibiotics-non-responsive, intractable BV, with VMT from healthy donors [Lev-Sagie, Nature Medicine 2019]. Four VMT recipients in this preliminary study featured a significant improvement of both clinical symptoms and dysbiotic vaginal microbiome composition and function, which persisted over a long follow-up period, while one recipient featured a partial remission. The proposed study is designed as a placebo, randomized controlled trial, and is aimed to further assess whether VMT may serve as a viable option in symptomatic, intractable BV. In the suggested study, we plan to compare transplantation of: 1) vaginal fluid from healthy donors, and 2) autologous transplantation, of the patient's own vaginal fluid.

Single Arm Trial of Menstrual Cups Among Economically Vulnerable Women to Reduce Bacterial Vaginosis...
Bacterial VaginosisVaginal Microbiome3 moreHIV remains a global pandemic with 37 million infected. In western Kenya, 16% of women in the general population and 29% of the poorest women have HIV. The HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) epidemics overlap with broader reproductive health concerns. Menstrual hygiene management is a big problem in low- and middle-income countries and a lack of menstrual products negatively impacts women's work-life. This comes from cultural taboos, stigma, and discrimination, promoting secrecy around menstruation, high cost of menstrual products, use of traditional materials (e.g. rags, cotton wool, etc.) causing leakage and odor, and lack of water and safe hygiene facilities. Menstrual cups designed for use during sex may help women prevent Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and STIs through hygienic period practices, and may help them avoid bad practices in an attempt to maintain vaginal dryness. The goal of this interventional trial is to test the impact of menstrual cups on vaginal microbiome, BV, and STIs of poor women at high risk for STIs and HIV. We predict to see 25% less BV, our primary outcome, over one year. This trial aims to learn more about the safety of the intervention, and understand what is needed to fully implement the program.