Open Lung Strategy, Gas Distribution and Right Heart Function in ARDS Patients
ARDSHuman7 moreThe goal of this interventional crossover study, in intubated and mechanically ventilated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) patients, is to compare two positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration techniques regarding: respiratory mechanics, gas exchange, changes in aeration, ventilation/perfusion matching its impact on cardiac function, especially the right heart (RH). The PEEP titration techniques are: PEEP selection based on low PEEP/high FiO2 table ("PEEPARDSnet") and lung recruitment maneuver (LRM) plus PEEPdec titration based on the best compliance of the respiratory system("PEEPLRM").

Effects Branch PA Stenting d-TGA, ToF and TA
Transposition of Great VesselsTetralogy of Fallot5 moreThe goal of this randomized controlled trial is to identify the effects of percutaneous interventions for branch PA stenosis on exercise capacity in patients with d-TGA, ToF and TA. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: The primary study objective is to identify the effects of percutaneous interventions for branch PA stenosis on exercise capacity in patients with d-TGA, ToF and TA. The secondary objectives are 1) to assess the effects of percutaneous interventions for branch PA stenosis on RV function and 2) to define early markers for RV function and adaptation to improve timing of these interventions. Participants will undergo the same series of examinations at baseline and approximately 6 months follow-up (within 6 week time-range) as part of standard care: conventional transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE), cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) and conventional Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) including a low dose dobutamine stress MRI to assess RV functional reserve. The low dose dobutamine stress MRI will be performed in the interventional group from the UMC Utrecht/WKZ and Erasmus MC because the LUMC and AUMC do not have a suitable infrastructure for the low dose dobutamine stress MRI and this cannot be achieved throughout the duration of this study. The baseline CMR in the interventional group will be performed as close as possible prior to the intervention but maximal 4 weeks prior to the intervention. In addition, the intervention group will undergo standard RV pressure measurements during the intervention. Quality of life (QoL) questionnaires will be obtained at baseline and 2 weeks post intervention (intervention group) or a similar time range in the control group, which is based on experts opinion. TTE, CPET and conventional CMR will be performed within 2-4 years follow-up to assess the long-term effects of percutaneous PA interventions. Researchers will compare the difference in VO2 max (% predicted) between the interventional group (TGA, ToF or TA patients with a class II indication for a PA intervention who will undergo a percutaneous intervention for a PA stenosis) and the control group (TGA, ToF or TA patients with a class II indication for a PA intervention who will undergo conservative management)

Levosimendan Versus Placebo Before Tricuspid Valve Surgery in Patients With Right Ventricular Dysfunction...
Patients Referred for an Isolated or a Combined Surgical Correction of Functional Moderate to Severe TricuspidA Prospective, multicenter, randomized (two arms, parallel groups); double-blind, placebo-controlled in order to assess the ability of preoperative levosimendan to prevent post-operative low cardiac output in high-risk patients referred to cardiac surgery for correcting functional tricuspid regurgitation. The primary end point is a composite element that includes peri-operative mortality and low cardiac output syndrome at day-90: 1) catecholamine infusion persisting beyond 48 hours after cardiac surgery, 2) the need for circulatory mechanical assist devices in the postoperative period, 3) or the need for renal replacement therapy at any time during intensive care unit stay. If a patient had at least 1 of these criteria, he or she was considered as meeting the primary end point.The secondary end points were 1) each component of the primary end point, and 2) the study drug safety defined as refractory hypotension.

Mitigating Post-Op RV Dysfunction After LVAD Implantation
Heart FailureRight Ventricular Dysfunction1 moreThis project evaluates right ventricle (RV) protective strategies after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation.

Ventilator-induced Right Ventricular Injury During EIT-based PEEP Titration in Patients With ARDS...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeRight Ventricular DysfunctionRight ventricular failure may be associated with mortality in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Mechanical ventilation may promote right ventricular failure by inducing alveolar overdistention and atelectasis. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a bedside non-invasive technique assessing the regional distribution of lung ventilation, thus helping titrating positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to target the minimum levels of alveolar overdistension and atelectasis. The aim of this physiologic randomized crossover trial is to assess right ventricular size and function with transthoracic echocardiography with different levels of PEEP in adult patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS undergoing controlled invasive mechanical ventilation: the level of PEEP determined according to the ARDS Network low PEEP-FiO2 table, the PEEP value that minimizes the risk of alveolar overdistension and atelectasis (as determined by EIT), the highest PEEP value minimizing the risk of alveolar overdistension (as determined by EIT), and the lowest PEEP level that minimizes the risk of alveolar atelectasis (as determined by EIT). Our findings may offer valuable insights into the level of PEEP favoring right ventricular protection during mechanical ventilation in patients with ARDS.

Consistency of Electrical Cardiometry and Pulmonary Artery Catheter
Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionRight Ventricular DysfunctionCurrently, the gold standard method to estimate CO in patients with PAH or RV dysfunction is pulmonary artery catheter (PAC), however, the invasiveness and complexity of PAC has limited its usefulness in many clinical scenarios. By measuring the thoracic electrical bioimpedance, electrical cardiometry (EC) technique has been reported to noninvasively estimate cardiac output (CO) and other parameters related to cardiac contractility and fluid status in various cardiovascular disorders. However, in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and/or right ventricular (RV) dysfunction, few study has been reported. The aim of this study is to evaluate the agreement between CO measured by PAC as the referenced method and CO measured by EC technique in patients with PAH and/or RV dysfunction.

Prognosis of Right Ventricular Dysfunction Assessed by Speckle Tracking in Postoperative Thoracic...
Right VentricleThoracic SurgeryIn postoperative thoracic surgery (lobe resection, pneumonectomy or wedge resection), cardiovascular complications are the most frequent (10 to 15%) with a significant morbi-mortality rate. Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction is a complication that can be multifactorial in post thoracic surgery. The RV longitudinal shortening fraction (RV-LSF) is a new 2D-STE parameters able to more accurately detect patients with RV dysfunction compared to conventional echocardiographic parameters. This project is a single-center, prospective, interventional study of patients hospitalized at the Amiens University Hospital for scheduled thoracic surgery. TTE is performed preoperatively, at day 2 and day 15 following the thoracic surgery. Echocardiographic parameters will be measured by an echocardiographic expert in offline with a dedicated software. MACE criteria will be collected at day 2, day 15 and day-30 following the thoracic surgery.

Repurposing Valsartan May Protect Against Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionRight Heart Failure2 moreThis is a Phase 2, single-center, randomized placebo controlled trial of valsartan (an angiotensin receptor blocker) in adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension. The study will evaluate the safety and clinical efficacy of a 24-week course of valsartan.

Identifying Right Ventricular Dysfunction in COPD Through Right Heart Catheterization, Imaging and...
COPDPulmonary Hypertension1 moreThis study plans to learn more about heart function among individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In particular, the investigators want to understand the different patterns of right ventricular response to pulmonary hypertension (high pressure in the lungs) during rest and exercise. By identifying patterns of right ventricular dysfunction, this study will help identify better treatments for patients with COPD in the future.

Acute Cardiac Dysfunction in Critical Illnes
Multi Organ FailureLeft Ventricular Dysfunction5 moreThe overall aim of the study is to establish the clinical importance of cardiac dysfunction, by estimating its incidence and impact on short- and long-term outcomes, in a mixed population of critically ill patients with multi-organ failure. Pathogenesis of cardiac dysfunction in critical illness and key molecules linked to this will be explored.