Effectiveness of Low-dose Naltrexone in Patients With Different Types of Vulvodynia
VulvodyniaNaltrexone1 moreVulvodynia (Vd) is chronic functional vulvar pain, with prevalence of 3-16% and unclear etiopathology. Although Vd significantly deteriorates quality of life, the problem is marginalized, no pharmacologic treatment standards exist. Naltrexone hydrochloride is a specific opioid antagonist with slight agonist activity. There is growing body of evidence supporting the effectiveness of low-dose naltrexone (LDN) in different types of chronic pain. The main goal of this trial is to test the effect of LDN on pain perception and quality of life in women with different types of Vd. Half of the study population receives LDN and the remaining patients take placebo, according to randomization list. This RTC is quadruplet blinded.

Lasertherapy for Vulvodynia
VulvodyniaThe study aims to assess the efficacy, acceptance and safety profile of vulvovaginal laser therapy in women with vulvodynia.

Somatocognitive Therapy in Treatment of Provoked (Localized) Vestibulodynia - Randomized Clinical...
VulvodyniaVestibulodyniaThis is a two-arm randomized clinical trial assessing effectiveness of somatocognitive therapy versus treatment as usual for provoked vestibulodynia (PVD). PVD is a common, but under-treated persistent pain condition, mostly affecting young women in their late teens and early 20s. It is the most frequent cause of pain during sexual intercourse affecting around 10% of women in the general population. There are no generally accepted evidence-based guidelines for the medical management of PVD. The most commonly used treatments are topical (85%), physiotherapy (52%), and oral medications (45%). High quality randomized clinical trials testing effectiveness of various therapy approaches are urgently needed. Somatocognitive therapy SCT is a multi-modal physiotherapy approach developed for alleviating musculoskeletal persistent pain conditions. SCT has been previously evaluated in the treatment of women with chronic pelvic pain. In the current study, 128 women with PVD will be randomized into SCT and treatment as usual (TAU) group. Participants will be assessed at baseline, after 6 months and after 12 months. The main outcome will be changes in female sexual function index scored at 12 months follow up. Secondary outcomes include pain intensity as assessed by a tampon test as well as a number of questionnaires recording different aspects of emotional and cognitive functioning. In addition cost-effectiveness analysis of SCT versus TAU will be performed. Participants in the SCT group will receive up to 15 therapy sessions and will additionally be offered one booster session at 6 months after treatment ending. TAU group will follow treatment options of their own choice based on recommendations from the Vulva clinic at Oslo University Hospital, a center that is specialized in treating women with vulvar pain conditions.

Multidisciplinary Treatment of Chronic Vulvar Pain
VulvodyniaChronic PainVulvodynia (i.e. chronic vulvar pain without identifiable cause) is a heterogeneous clinical entity with a complex multifactorial causation. It is long lasting and difficult to treat, and the general consensus of current guidelines states that patients with vulvodynia benefit from a compound multidisciplinary intervention targeting mucosal hypersensitivity, pelvic muscle floor dysfunction and general pain management. However, there is little empiric evidence to support this recommendation. This will be a randomized controlled trial comparing multidisciplinary treatment with standard care for women with vulvodynia.

Investigating the Effectiveness of PelvicSense(R) on Pain and Sexual Outcomes in Provoked Vestibulodynia...
Provoked VestibulodyniaThis study will examine the effectiveness of the PelvicSense 3-month online program on pain and other outcomes in those with provoked vestibulodynia. This study is prospective in nature and will involve several assessment points: baseline, immediately post-treatment (at the end of the 3 month program), and 3-month follow up. All aspects of the study will be conducted remotely (e.g., online, email, video calls), and participants will be at least 18 years of age, fluent in English, and experience pain due to provoked vestibulodynia for at least 3 months with a physician diagnosis. Participants are expected to continue their treatment as usual and this information will be documented throughout the study.

Efficacy of High Intensity Laser for Provoked Vestibulodynia
VulvodyniaThis is a multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) investigating the effects of laser treatments in women suffering from provoked vestibulodynia compared to a sham-laser treatment. Following their enrollment in the study, participants will undergo a gynecological examination for confirmation of their diagnoses. Eligible participants will then be asked to complete a consent form and the baseline assessment. The baseline assessment consists of the completion of validated questionnaires (outcome measures). Participants will be randomized into the laser group or sham-laser group. The laser group will receive 12 sessions of active high intensity laser therapy (HILT) (30 minutes biweekly for 6 consecutive weeks). The sham-laser group will receive 12 sessions (30 minutes biweekly for 6 consecutive weeks) of laser therapy using a deactivated probe. Outcome measures (validated questionnaires) will also be assessed 2 weeks post-treatment as well as 6 months post-treatment (follow-up assessment).

Dry Needling for Provoked Vestibulodynia
Provoked VestibulodyniaThis is a randomized and controlled study investigating the feasibility and acceptability of a dry needling treatment for women suffering from provoked vestibulodynia. Following their enrollment in the study, participants will undergo a gynecological examination for confirmation of their diagnoses of provoked vestibulodynia. Women diagnosed with provoked vestibulodynia will be randomized into the dry needling group or the sham-needle group. The dry needling group will receive 6 sessions of real dry needling for 6 consecutive weeks. The sham group will receive 6 sessions of sham needling for 6 consecutive weeks, using a validated sham-needle. Outcomes measures will be assessed at baseline and at post-treatment and will include: feasibility and acceptability variables, pain intensity and quality, pain during palpation and pressure pain threshold, psychosexual variables, perceived improvement and satisfaction after the treatment as well as pelvic floor muscle stiffness and function.

Therapeutic Efficacy of Erbium:YAG Laser in Postpartum Patients With Episiotomy Scars
Episiotomy WoundLaser2 moreEpisiotomy is a planned surgical incision to the perineum and posterior wall of the vagina during the second stage of labor. The fibrotic and sclerotic scar tissue formed as part of the healing process of episiotomies may cause pain. Therefore, episiotomy is associated with sexual dysfunction due to the painful sexual intercourse, chronic pain and infections and scarring in long term. Er:YAG laser is a safe option for the treatment of vulvar pain. Er:YAG laser is a non-invasive and non-ablative procedure that strengthens the connective tissue in the vaginal wall. It provides controlled thermal energy and causes shrinkage of collagen fibrils of the vaginal epithelium and lamina propria. It also induces neocollagenesis, elastogenesis and neoangiogenesis by temperature change. Er:YAG laser is also an effective modality to treat the scar tissue formed after the mediolateral episiotomy since it is a matter of functionality and esthetics. By tissue remodeling effect Er:YAG laser will improve the scar tissue of episiotomy and ameliorate the vulvar pain. In this study, the therapeutic effect of Er:YAG laser on the tissue healing of the episiotomy scars and the reduction of vulvar pain.

Acupuncture in a Multidisciplinary Approach for Vulvodynia and Chronic Pelvic Pain
VulvodyniaChronic Pelvic PainBackground: Vulvodynia and chronic pelvic pain (CPP) are common and challenging gynecologic pain syndromes. A multidisciplinary approach is recommended. Study aim: To study the effectiveness of acupuncture as part of a multimodal treatment for women with vulvodynia and CPP. Design: Randomised controlled clinical study Study Population: Recruitment from a University outpatient clinic Study groups: Participants will be randomised (1:1) Acupuncture group Waiting list control group Sample size: 68 patients Study outcome Subjective Pain Perception (VAS) Health-related quality of life (questionnaires)

Vestibulodynia: Understanding Pathophysiology and Determining Appropriate Treatments
VestibulodyniaTemporomandibular Disorder8 moreVestibulodynia (VBD) is a complex chronic vulvar pain condition that impairs the psychological, physical, and sexual health of 1 in 6 reproductive aged women in the United States. Here, the investigators plan to conduct a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial to 1) compare the efficacy of peripheral (lidocaine/estradiol cream), centrally-targeted (nortriptyline), and combined treatments in alleviating pain and improving patient-reported outcomes and 2) determine cytokine and microRNA biomarkers that predict treatment response in women with distinct VBD subtypes. Positive findings from this study will readily translate to improved patient care, permitting the millions of women with VBD, their partners, and their clinicians to make more informed decisions about pain management.