Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for People With Physical Disabilities
SuicideSuicide6 moreThe purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a psychotherapy (non-medication) treatment, Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention, in reducing suicide ideation and attempts for people with physical disabilities.

Advanced Spatiomotor Rehabilitation for Navigation in Blindness & Visual Impairment
BlindnessBlindness4 moreOne of the most challenging tasks for blind and visually impaired individuals is navigation through a complex environment. The goal of the present multidisciplinary study is to increase spatial-cognition abilities in people who are blind or visually impaired through training with the previously-developed Cognitive-Kinesthetic Rehabilitation Training to improve navigation, and to investigate the resultant neuroplastic brain reorganization through multimodal brain imaging. In accordance with National Eye Institute (NEI) strategic goals, this multidisciplinary project will promote the development of well-informed new approaches to navigational rehabilitation, memory enhancement and cross-modal brain plasticity to benefit 'cutting edge' fields of mobile assistive technologies, vision restoration and memory facilitation for the aging brain.

Re-Orchestration of Interregional Oscillatory Activity to Promote Visual Recovery
Visual ImpairmentStroke1 moreThis project assesses the effect of bifocal cross-frequency transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) combined with visual training to improve visual recovery and orchestrated oscillatory activity in stroke patients suffering from visual field defects.

Improving Visual Field Deficits With Noninvasive Brain Stimulation
Visual Field DefectPeripheral8 moreThis is a randomized, pilot interventional study in participants with visual field deficit (VFD) caused by cortical lesion. Damage to the primary visual cortex (V1) causes a contra-lesional, homonymous loss of conscious vision termed hemianopsia, the loss of one half of the visual field. The goal of this project is to elaborate and refine a rehabilitation protocol for VFD participants. It is hypothesized that visual restoration training using moving stimuli coupled with noninvasive current stimulation on the visual cortex will promote and speed up recovery of visual abilities within the blind field in VFD participants. Moreover, it is expected that visual recovery positively correlates with reduction of the blind field, as measured with traditional visual perimetry: the Humphrey visual field test. Finally, although results will vary among participants depending on the extension and severity of the cortical lesion, it is expected that a bigger increase in neural response to moving stimuli in the blind visual field in cortical motion area, for those participants who will show the largest behavioral improvement after training. The overarching goals for the study are as follows: Group 1 will test the basic effects of transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS) coupled with visual training in stroke cohorts, including (i) both chronic and subacute VFD stroke participant, and (ii) longitudinal testing up to 6 months post-treatment. Group 2 will examine the effects of tRNS alone, without visual training, also including chronic and subacute VFD stroke participants and longitudinal testing.

An Open-label, Dose Escalation and Double-masked, Randomized, Controlled Trial Evaluating Safety...
Leber Congenital Amaurosis 10Blindness9 morePQ-110-005 (BRIGHTEN) is an open-label, dose escalation and double-masked, randomized, controlled study evaluating safety and tolerability of sepofarsen administered via intravitreal (IVT) injection in pediatric subjects (<8 years of age) with LCA10 due to the c.2991+1655A>G mutation over 24 months of treatment.

A Computerized, Adaptive Therapeutic Gaming Approach Training Visual Perceptual Skills in Children...
Cerebral Visual ImpairmentThis clinical trial aims to compare the effectiveness of our adaptive, therapeutic game to the effectiveness of the same game, without the adaptive component. In the adaptive game, the game entry level is adapted to the visual perceptual capacities of the child, as defined by the visual perceptual profile. In addition, the difficulty level of the adaptive game will adapt itself to the gaming results and behaviour of the child. The non-adaptive version of the game consists of the same set of mini-games, but the entry-level is the same for all children (basic or 0 entry-level) and gradually increased, independent of the gaming results, success and behaviour of the child. The researchers will use a double-blind, randomized controlled trial design, including children with a developmental age between 3 and 12 years old, a diagnosis of CVI, acuity >0.2, with sufficient manual coordination to control a mouse, keypad or touch screen. All children will use the gamified therapy program for three months, with a minimum of three times per week, 15- 20 minutes. A blinded evaluator will evaluate the effectiveness on the main components of the visual perceptual profile of the child (primary outcome), on eye tracking parameters, functional vision and quality of life, at the end and at three months follow-up. Enjoyment and user experience will be monitored closely during the intervention period. As usual and regular therapy of the children will not be influenced during the intervention period, we will ask the parents and/or caretaker to register all other relevant gaming and therapy activities performed during that period. It is hypothesized that children will benefit more from an individualized, adaptive training approach compared to the generic, non-adaptive version of the program.

Cycloplegic Refraction in Pediatric Patients With Esotropia
CycloplegiaRefractive Errors2 moreThe primary outcome of this study is to compare cyclopentolate 1% and tropicamide 1% for cycloplegic refractions in pediatric populations with esotropia. This will be a prospective double-blinded randomized clinical trial (RCT), multi-center, with randomized sequencing of cycloplegic agent; each patient received one agent at one visit, and the other agent in the next visit (2 different visits ≥ 1 week apart) within 3 months.

Development of a Tele-Physiotherapy Tool for the Early Management of Muskuloskeletal Pain in People...
Low Back PainVisual ImpairmentChronic NonSpecific Low Back Pain (CNSLBP) is a common musculoskeletal condition often resulting in physical inactivity and disability. CNSLBP is associated with a large number of social and health costs, being one of the most important health problems worldwide. Although Therapeutical Exercise (TE) has been shown to be effective in increasing physical activity tolerance, physical fitness, strength, self perceived quality of live, pain tolerance, and overall physical activity participation levels in persons with CNSLBP, pain-release-passive therapy modalities are significantly more commonly used in clinical settings at present. On the other hand, the use of tele-assistance platforms PTAs has been gaining importance in the treatment of CNSLBP patients, especially in the use of semi-directed TE programs. However, current PTAs are not accessible for the visually impaired, a group that is at greater risk of suffering from sedentary lifestyles, restricted mobility and musculoskeletal pain due to postural or gait changes. The main hypothesis of these study is that a semi-directed TE and health education programm, in people with and without visual impairment, achieves better results in movement capacity, functional recovery, strength and compared to passive analgesic treatment in patients with CNSLBP. In a second objective, we will assess the efficacy and usability of a new PTA accesible tool for the follow-up of patients with CNSLBP who are visually impaired.

Improving Glare and Visual Comfort for Patients With Visual Impairment
PhotophobiaVisual Impairment1 moreTo assess the use of contact lenses with transitions technology to improve glare, light sensitivity and overall visual comfort in patients with visual impairment.

Characteristics of the Vergence Responses of Binocularly Normal Subjects After a Vision Therapy...
Vision DisordersEye; Movement Disorder (Binocular)2 moreA vision therapy protocol for vergence ability is mentioned. The purpose of this study is to evaluate objectively the change in the vergence responses of binocular and accommodative normal subjects after performing a classic vision therapy protocol. This study is an interventional, cross-over, and randomized study.