Egg Intervention During Pregnancy in Indonesia
Weight GainAnemia16 moreThe study consists of two arms: 1) intervention group using eggs as supplementary food given from 2nd trimester of pregnancy to birth, and 2) observational group of pregnant mothers. it aims to assess the effectiveness of improving dietary quality during pregnancy on the epigenetic and stunting related outcomes (growth and development) in infants, who will be followed up until 24 months old

Hydroponic Fortification and Dietary App Effect on Nutrients Level (Harvest)
Iron Deficiency (Without Anemia)B12 Deficiency VitaminVeganism and vegetarianism have clear benefits where they have a lower risk of many health issues. However, they also have a higher risk of nutrients and vitamin deficiency such as iron and vitamin B12. Iron can be found in plant-based food but in varying quantities, whereas vitamin B12 is mainly found in red meat, thus vegans and vegetarians can only take this vitamin in supplements such as tablets. In this study, the investigators are testing two interventions, the consumption of recipes with a certain iron amount to increase iron levels, and the consumption of vitamin B12 biofortified plants to increase serum B12 levels in vegan and vegetarian participants.

Effect of Household Use of Multiple Micronutrient-fortified Bouillon on Micronutrient Status Among...
Vitamin A DeficiencyIron-deficiency4 moreBackground: Micronutrient (MN) deficiencies are severe and widespread in West Africa, particularly among young children and women of reproductive age. Bouillon is a promising food fortification vehicle because the product is centrally processed on large scale, consumed by most households in West African countries (even rural, poor households), and consumed by most members of the household in relatively constant amounts. However, several important research questions remain regarding whether the use of fortified bouillon would be feasible and effective for preventing or reducing micronutrient deficiencies in communities where such deficiencies are common. Specifically, no studies have assessed the impacts of multiple micronutrient-fortified bouillon on micronutrient status. The West Africa Condiment Micronutrient Innovation Trial (CoMIT) Project aims to address this gap, to inform future discussions around fortification of bouillon cubes and related products. Objective: This study aims to assess the impacts of household use of multiple micronutrient-fortified bouillon cubes (containing iodine in addition to vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, and zinc), compared to control bouillon cubes fortified with iodine only, on: Micronutrient status among women 15-49 years of age and children 2-5 years of age after 9 months of intervention Hemoglobin concentrations among women 15-49 years of age and children 2-5 years of age after 9 months of intervention Breast milk micronutrient concentrations among lactating women 4-18 months postpartum after 3 months of intervention Methods: This randomized, controlled doubly-masked trial will be conducted in the Kumbungu and Tolon districts in the Northern Region of Ghana, where prior data indicate that deficiencies in the selected nutrients are common. Potential participants will be: 1) non-pregnant non-lactating women of reproductive age (15 - 49 years old), 2) children 2-5 years of age, and 3) non-pregnant lactating women 4-18 months postpartum. Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to receive household rations of one of two types of bouillon cubes: a multiple micronutrient-fortified bouillon cube containing vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and iodine, or a control cube containing iodine only Each participant's household will receive a specific amount of bouillon cube every 2 weeks, and households will be advised to prepare their meals as usual, using the study-provided cubes. The trial duration will be 9 months (38 weeks) for non-pregnant, non-lactating women and children 2-5 years of age, and 3 months (12 weeks) for lactating women. The primary outcomes will be changes from baseline to endline in concentrations of haemoglobin and biomarkers of micronutrient status. Secondary outcomes will include change in prevalence of anaemia and micronutrient deficiency; dietary intake of bouillon and micronutrients; inflammation, malaria, and morbidity symptoms; and children's anthropometric measures and child development.

Efficacy and Safety of Vitamin A Treatment for Children With Sepsis
Vitamin A DeficiencyPediatric1 moreThe prevalence of vitamin A deficiency was found high in children with sepsis. Whether those patients will benefit from the vitamin A supplementation is unknown.

Daily Vitamin D for Sickle-cell Respiratory Complications
Sickle Cell DiseaseAnemia13 moreThis study aims to answer the question whether daily oral vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of respiratory or lung complications in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease. Respiratory problems are the leading causes of sickness and of death in sickle cell disease. The investigators hypothesize that daily oral vitamin D3, compared to monthly oral vitamin D, will rapidly increase circulating vitamin D3, and reduce the rate of respiratory complications by 50% or more within the first year of supplementation in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease. This study is funded by the FDA Office of Orphan Products Development (OOPD).

An Exploratory Investigation of a B12 Vitamin to Increase Energy and Focus
B12 Deficiency VitaminEnergy Supply; Deficiency1 moreThis study aims to examine the effects of Sourse's Hype Bites at being able to increase vitamin B12 levels to promote positive health outcomes. Participants will consume Hype Bites daily. Participants will also take surveys and blood samples to examine both the subjective experience of taking Hype Bites as well as changes in biomarkers across the trial.

Effect Of Multiple Biofortified Food Crops On Micronutrient Status And Immune Function Among Indian...
Vitamin A DeficiencyIron Deficiency1 moreIn this study, meals based on multiple food crops (containing either biofortified or commercially-available food crops) will be fed to young children in Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India over a period of nine months to measure growth, cognitive changes, and immune function in comparison to children receiving non-biofortified crops. Mothers of the participating children will also be included in the study.

Vitamin A Status in Patients With Vocal Fold Leukoplakia
Vitamin AVitamin A Deficiency2 moreThis study will determine systemic vitamin A status and lesion histopathology of participants with vocal fold hyperkeratosis resulting in clinical leukoplakia.

Inherited Retinal Degenerative Disease Registry
Eye Diseases HereditaryRetinal Disease26 moreThe My Retina Tracker® Registry is sponsored by the Foundation Fighting Blindness and is for people affected by one of the rare inherited retinal degenerative diseases studied by the Foundation. It is a patient-initiated registry accessible via a secure on-line portal at www.MyRetinaTracker.org. Affected individuals who register are guided to create a profile that captures their perspective on their retinal disease and its progress; family history; genetic testing results; preventive measures; general health and interest in participation in research studies. The participants may also choose to ask their clinician to add clinical measurements and results at each clinical visit. Participants are urged to update the information regularly to create longitudinal records of their disease, from their own perspective, and their clinical progress. The overall goals of the Registry are: to better understand the diversity within the inherited retinal degenerative diseases; to understand the prevalence of the different diseases and gene variants; to assist in the establishment of genotype-phenotype relationships; to help understand the natural history of the diseases; to help accelerate research and development of clinical trials for treatments; and to provide a tool to investigators that can assist with recruitment for research studies and clinical trials.

Single-dose Postpartum Vitamin A Supplementation of Mothers and Neonates
Vitamin A DeficiencyHIVThe ZVITAMBO PROJECT is testing whether giving mothers and infants a single large dose of vitamin A during the immediate post partum period will reduce: Infant Mortality Can oral administration of a single 50,000 IU dose of vitamin A to newborn infants, a single 400,000 IU dose of vitamin A given to their lactating mothers, or supplementation of both the mother and infant during the immediate post partum period reduce infant mortality by at least 30%? Mother to Child HIV transmission during breast feeding Can oral administration of a single large dose of vitamin A given during the immediate post partum period to HIV seropositive lactating women and/or their babies reduce HIV transmission via breast feeding by at least 30%? Sexually transmitted HIV infection of post partum women Can a single 400,000 IU dose of vitamin A given during the immediate post partum period to HIV seronegative women reduce their likelihood of becoming HIV infected during the post partum year by at least 25%? Infant feeding in the context of HIV: An operational research study was initiated mid-way through the trial to determine how UNAIDS Guidelines on infant feeding in the context of HIV could be effectively implemented and to measure the impact of such a program on infant feeding practices and postnatal HIV transmission. Substudies: Random subsamples of maternal and infant blood were evaluated for anemia and iron status to determine the effect of vitamin A on hematopoiesis and serum and breast milk retinol (mothers) and modified relative dose response test (infants) to determine the effect of vitamin A on vitamin A status. A subsample of maternal and infant blood samples were evaluated for the presence of HLA-E, HLA-G, and TAP polymorphisms and their relation to prevalent HIV infection in mothers and risk of mother to child transmission.