Study With Candida Antigen for Treatment of Warts
WartsHPVThe purpose of this study is to look at how people respond to the treatment of warts through use of the Candida antigen to get an immune response to rid the body of human papillomavirus (HPV). The immune system is the part of the body that fights infections like HPV which causes warts. This research study will examine the response of your wart when injected with a portion of a common yeast (candida) which is the study drug. Your immune system response will also be looked at by doing a test called an ELISPOT assay. This test is done on blood samples. The results of this test may help us to determine how the Candida antigen affects your wart.
Complement Component 3c and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α in Patients With Human Papillomavirus-Induced...
WartsThe investigators explore the role of the complement pathway and T helper 1 immune response in clinical response to Candida immunotherapy via complement component and tumor necrosis factor, respectively.
Carbon Dioxide Laser and Cryotherapy in Treatment of Warts
Common WartsViral warts are common skin conditions seen in both children and adults. Human papilloma virus is responsible for verrucae. Cutaneous manifestation of the human papillomavirus, are extremely common particularly on the hands and feet. Warts can induce hard, thickened skin, black pinpoints, pain or tenderness with significant morbidity for the patients.
Safety and Efficacy Double Blind Vehicle Controlled Study of 15% AS101 Gel to Treat External Genital...
External Genital WartsThe purpose of this double blind study is to determine whether topical 15% AS101 gel is effective and safe as compared to vehicle in the treatment of external genital warts in women.
bLAC - Treatment of Cutaneous Warts in Immune Suppressed, Kidney Transplanted Patients
Cutaneous WartsAs many as 85 % of renal transplant patients may suffer from viral warts with a high degree of treatment resistance. Promising results of hLAC (human lactalbumin complex with lipid) point to a beneficial effect without noticeable side effects of bLAC (bovine lactalbumin complex with lipid). The aim of first clinical trial with bLAC is to show proof of concept in treatment of cutaneous wart lesions on hands and/or feet after local administration of bLAC in two dose groups to immune suppressed, kidney transplanted patients.
Cryotherapy VS. Nitric-zinc Complex in the Treatment of Plantar Warts.
Plantar WartPlantar warts are benign skin lesions caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).There are several treatment methods for this illness, but none of them can heal all patients. Cryotherapy using liquid nitrogen is one of the most common local treatments. In this study, we will compare the effectiveness of cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen with the association of organic acids and nitric acid (nitric-zinc complex). In addition, as secondary objectives have been defined: 1) know the number of applications necessary for each treatment to achieve the complete resolution of the plantar wart, in order to compare the healing times between each treatment and establish which treatment is faster, 2) analyze the influence of the HPV biotype, the location of the lesion and the time of evolution in the response to the different treatments, and 3) Compare the ultrasound signs of plantar warts with the ultrasound signs of healthy skin after the resolution of the process.
Topical 2% Povidone-Iodine Gel in Verruca Vulgaris
WartsThis is a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 study in subjects 8 years of age and older who present with verruca vulgaris (common warts) and desire treatment. Subjects may have up to a total of 6 common warts located on their trunk or extremities that will be treated with study medication and followed throughout the study protocol therapy. All warts will be treated two times per day (BID) for12 weeks. Approximately 90 subjects will be enrolled in this study.
Intralesional Candidal Antigen Versus Intralesional Zinc Sulphate in Treatment of Cutaneous Warts...
WartsWarts are common and infectious viral diseases of the skin and are prevalent worldwide. Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), which has more than 100 strains; some of them are known to be premalignant .Although warts can appear at any age, they are more common in children and adolescents. The prognosis of warts cannot be predicted. In some patients they may spontaneously disappear, whereas others show persistence and progression with spreading to other body sites, leading to physical and emotional distress to the patients. [ 1 ].
17% Salicylate Versus 17% Salicylate-Ethyl Pyruvate for Plantar Foot Warts
WartsPlantar warts on the sole of the foot are among the most common warts seen in podiatry clinics. Some patients are readily cured by simple standard of care treatments that include wart debridement (trimming or excision) and application of 17% salicylate (commercially known as Compound W)or by other treatments that may be painful and affect mobility. No treatment is consistently effective and most patients fail treatment multiple times. Ethyl pyruvate (EP)is a common food additive noted to be 'generally regarded as safe' that may improve the activity of salicylate in wart treatment by improving the ability to penetrate and/or persist in the skin. The use of 17% salicylate with the addition of EP may improve cures of common foot plantar warts in subjects who also be receiving other standard-of-care treatment.
Evaluate the Effectiveness and Safety of DPCP Ointment (Samcyprone™) on the Clearance of Verruca...
Common WartsHPV (Human Papillomavirus)2 moreWarts are benign epidermal tumors caused by human papillomaviruses (HPVs). The active pharmaceutical ingredient DPCP has been used for many years as a compounded formulation in acetone for the treatment of warts, alopecia areata and more recently, cutaneous metastatic melanoma lesions. An improved topical ointment formulation of DPCP called Samcyprone™ will be evaluated for the treatment of common warts.