Is Chronic Whiplash-associated Pain of Neurogenic Origin?
Whiplash InjuriesThe purpose of this study is to compare the effects of neurolysis with the effects of a exercise program on pain and other symptoms in individuals with chronic whiplash (WAD II-III).

Efficacy of the Use of Dry Needling in Conventional Non-invasive Treatment of Acute and Subacute...
Whiplash InjuriesINTRODUCTION: Whiplash is an injury produced by an acceleration-deceleration mechanism that transmits energy to the cervical spine. According to the bibliography, the conservative treatment (motor control exercises and manual therapy) has shown benefits in approaching this lesion, but its efficacy is limited. Dry needling has already shown its usefulness in different musculoskeletal pathologies, however, its efficacy is unknown when it is included in conservative treatment. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to assess the effects of the incorporation of dry needling in the conventional treatment with manual therapy and motor control exercises, compared to the conventional non-invasive treatment in patients with acute or subacute whiplash. HYPOTHESIS: The inclusion of dry needling in conventional non-invasive treatment is more effective than conventional non-invasive treatment in patients with acute or subacute whiplash. METHODS: A randomized clinical trial will be conducted in which the subjects of study will be assigned to two groups, a control group (conventional treatment) and an experimental group (conventional treatment and dry needling).

The Efficacy and Safety of Non-resistance Manual Therapy in Inpatients With Acute Neck Pain Caused...
Whiplash Injury of Cervical SpineNon-resistance therapy is a combination of muscle compression relaxation technique and joint mobilization in patients with acute neck pain caused by traffic accidents. This study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of non-resistance therapy for pain and function problems in patients complaining of acute neck pain induced by traffic accidents. So, investigators conduct a randomized controlled trials to verify the effectiveness and safety of non-resistance therapy. From December 2020 to May 2021, investigators recruit 120 inpatients who are suffered from acute neck pain with the numeric rating scale(NRS) over 5 by traffic accident(TA). The Korean medical treatment group(n=60) receives daily acupuncture, herbal medicine, and chuna treatment as inpatient treatment from hospitalization until discharge. For the non-resistance therapy group(n=60), the korean medical treatment is performed in the same manner, but additional non-resistance therapy is performed once a day from the 2nd day to the 5th day of hospitalization. Baseline is the time point before treatment for non-resistance therapy on the second day of hospitalization, and the primary endpoint is the time point after treatment on the 5th day (v5) after hospitalization. For these two groups, investigators compare NRS(Numeric Rating Scale), Visual Analogue Scale(VAS), Range Of Motion(ROM), Neck Disability Index(NDI), the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey(SF-12), and PTSD Checklist for DSM(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM)-5(PCL-5).

Manual Therapy to Treat Acute Whiplash Injury
Whiplash InjuriesThe purpose of this study is to determine the short-term effects of a manual therapy protocol on pain, disability and cervical range of motion in individuals with acute whiplash injury.

Acupuncture for Whiplash Associated Disorder
Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD)The purpose of this study is to determine whether acupuncture is effective and safe therapeutic method in the treatment of cervical pain, shoulder and upper extremity pain and discomfort due to Whiplash associated disorder. (Traumatic car accidents) We recruit 40 participants who had cervical, shoulder and upper extremity pain and had discomfort due to Whiplash associated disorder. And then we check initial data of 40 participants (Pain;VAS, Cervical ROM, SF-36, SDS, CMI) 40 participants were randomly allocated to two groups ; acupuncture group or waiting-list group. Acupuncture group: participants were given acupuncture treatment three times a week during 2 weeks, for 15 minutes at each session. After 6 times acupuncture treatments, we check information of participants again after 2 weeks(VAS, ROM, SF-36, SDS, CMI) Waiting-list group : The waiting-list group did not receive acupuncture treatment. After 2 weeks we check information of participants again (VAS, ROM, SF-36, SDS, CMI) The waiting-Patients in both groups were permitted to receive usual care including physical therapy and exercise and were not permitted to take analgesics and antiphlogistics during the trial periods.

Randomized WAD Study
Whiplash SymptomsBackground: The majority of patients suffering a whiplash injury (WAD) will recover, but some may have symptoms for years despite all kinds of conservative treatment. The Neck Pain Task Force (2008) found no existing evidence for positive effects of fusion operations in such patients. Some of them, however, present with symptoms that might indicate pain from a motion segment, possibly the disc. Our aim was therefore to test this possibility by performing a randomized study comparing cervical fusion and multimodal rehabilitation in chronic WAD patients. Methods: Patients with a specified symptomatology, all with pronounced symptoms for long periods of time, were recruited and randomized to surgery (25 pat.) or to multimodal rehabilitation (24 pat.). All patients were investigated before start of the study and at follow-up approximately two years after treatment by four independent examiners from disciplines usually involved in treating WAD patients. The patients also gave their own assessments of the treatment results. Seven patients in each group did not undergo the allocated treatment for various reasons.

Does Acupuncture Activate Endogenous Pain Inhibition in Chronic Whiplash?
WhiplashThis physiological study examines whether acupuncture exerts short-term effects of analgesic mechanisms in patients with chronic whiplash pain. More specifically, it is examined whether acupuncture activates brain-orchestrated pain inhibitory action.

Neck Exercises, Training and Pain Management as a Treatment for Whiplash Patients With Chronic Neck...
Neck PainChronic Pain SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to test whether a physiotherapy intervention containing pain management, general training and specific neck exercises can improve function for patients with chronic neck pain.

Effects of Different Exercise Programs for People With Chronic Whiplash Associated Disorders
WhiplashBackground: Costs of health care consumption and sick leave 2006 in Sweden for Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD) was estimated to be 4 billion Swedish crowns. Despite tremendous costs and personal sufferings there are only a few prospective randomized studies (RCT) in patients with chronic WAD, and none of them evaluating return to work, or the role of neck specific exercises with or without a combination of a behavioral approach compared with prescribed physical activity. Aim: The general aim of this RCT is to examine what neck-specific training with or without a combination with behavioral approach adds to prescribed physical activity of persons with chronic WAD with regard to pain intensity, physical and psychological function, health care consumption and return to work. Another aim is to study predictive factors of importance for a good outcome of rehabilitation. Method: After informed consent patients in age 18-63 years of age with WAD II-III with more than 6 months duration will be randomized to one out of the three alternatives of physiotherapy, treatment with medical exercise therapy with neck specific exercises (A),treatment with a behavioral approach combined with neck specific exercises (B), prescribed physical activity (C). Randomisation will be done by the central project leader. 200 patients will be included in the study. All physiotherapists engaged in the structured and well described treatment will be introduced in the program by the project leader. The measurements with good clinometric properties will be performed before treatment, after 12 weeks, 6, 12 and 24 months after inclusion into the study. Clinical measurements will be performed by a blinded investigator. Background data, disease-specific and generic data will be measured by self-evaluated answered questionnaires by the patients. Days of sick-leave will be collected from the Social Insurance Agency. Main outcomes of the measurements are pain intensity, neck specific disability and return to work. Cost-effectiveness will be calculated.

Neck-specific Exercise in Chronic Whiplash
Whiplash Associated DisordersNeck pain is fourth among the most common conditions worldwide associated with longer periods of living with disability. Annually, about 30 000 people in Sweden undergo a whiplash trauma (WAD), and half of those individuals will develop chronic problems with high costs for the individual and society. Evidence for chronic WAD treatment is scarce, although neck-specific training at a physiotherapy clinic (2 times a week for 3 months) has demonstrated good results. A more efficient, flexible rehabilitation with reduced waiting times and lower costs is needed, ideally replacing lengthy on-site treatment series by health care providers. Internet-based care has proven to be a viable alternative to personal care meetings for a variety of diseases and interventions, but studies are lacking on Internet-based interventions for individuals with chronic neck problems. The purpose of this study is to investigate if A) neck-specific training delivered through Internet-based care differs from B) a longer series of treatments at a physiotherapy clinic regarding, e.g., work ability, sick-leave and disability. This prospective, randomized study involves 140 participants. Measurement is done at baseline, 3 months (end of treatment), and 15 months (12 months after end of treatment in the study) and will include ratings of work ability, sick-leave, work presenteeism, disability, pain, health, satisfaction with care, quality of life, and cost-effectiveness. The study results may contribute to the development of a more effective rehabilitation, flexible and equal care, shorter waiting times, increased availability and lower costs for health care and society. The program can be implemented on a broader scale in neck pain patients.