ErythroPOietin Alfa to Prevent Mortality and Reduce Severe Disability in Critically Ill TRAUMA Patients...
TraumaTraumatic Injury6 moreThe EPO-TRAUMA study is a prospective, multi-centre, double-blind, phase III, randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of epoetin alfa compared to placebo in reducing mortality and severe disability at six months in critically ill trauma patients. 2500 mechanically ventilated ICU patients admitted with a primary trauma diagnosis presenting to the ICU will be recruited into the study from participating study centres in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Saudi Arabia.

Feasibility of Evaluating XSTAT Use in the Prehospital Setting
ShockHemorrhagic2 moreThis study evaluates the prehospital use of the XSTAT device to control bleeding in junctional wounds. Participants will be randomized to the use of XSTAT versus standard care.

Long Term Status of Free Dermal Fat Autografts for Complex Craniofacial Wounds
Wounds and InjuriesWound Infection21 moreThis study will evaluate the use of free autologous dermal fat grafting (also called free dermal fat autografting) to treat complex craniofacial wounds that have failed standard treatment and to understand how well these grafts work to repair wounds long term. Patients who have undergone free autologous dermal fat grafting to treat complex craniofacial wounds 2-30 years ago will have photographs and small biopsies taken of the area that was grafted.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy for TMJ Dysfunction After Facial Penetrating Injury
TMJ DisorderThis study is aiming to investigate the effect of magnetic therapy in combination with traditional physical therapy on the pain and mouth opening, after facial penetrating wound injury with no facial fractures, that treated conservatively

Field Trial of Hypotensive Versus Standard Resuscitation for Hemorrhagic Shock After Trauma
Blunt TraumaPenetrating Wound1 morePrimary Aim: To determine the feasibility and safety of hypotensive resuscitation for the early treatment of patients with traumatic shock compared to standard fluid resuscitation. Primary Hypotheses: The null hypothesis regarding feasibility is that hypotensive resuscitation will result in the same volume of early crystalloid (normal saline) fluid administration compared to standard crystalloid resuscitation. The null hypothesis regarding safety is that hypotensive resuscitation will result in the same percent of patients surviving to 24 hours after 911 call received at dispatch compared to standard fluid resuscitation. Early resuscitation is defined as all fluid given until 2 hours after arrival in the Emergency Department or until hemorrhage control is achieved in the hospital, whichever occurs earlier.

Negative Pleural Suction for Tube Thoracostomy in Patients With Chest Trauma
HemothoraxPneumothorax4 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the use of negative pleural suction in tube thoracostomy is more effective than water seal alone for the treatment of pneumothorax and/or hemothorax in patients with chest trauma.

Trauma Registry in Villavicencio, Colombia
TraumaTrauma Blunt4 moreIntroduction: Injuries are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. It is necessary to know the incidence of injuries, mechanisms of wounds, therapy provided, and outcomes. Trauma registries are useful to describe the population served in specialized centers. Nevertheless, it is necessary also to identify the peculiarities of the event in the province and institutions non-dedicated to trauma attention. Objective: The study aims to describe the initial experience with a trauma register in a general hospital in the Colombian Orinoquia. Methodology: The investigators designed an observational retrospective study to analyze the admission database and revision of history charts of patients older than 15 years admitted for trauma from January to June 2023 in a hospital from Villavicencio, Colombia. The information will be exported to Excel for debugging and analysis. A description of the frequency and proportion of categorical variables will be performed; the central distribution and dispersion of quantitative variables will be reported. U of Mann-Whitney and Chi-square tests will be used to compare the variables by outcome; a p<0.05 was selected as a significant value. Conclusions: It will be a pioneer study in this region, and it is necessary to evaluate the incidence of patients admitted by trauma, the mechanisms and type of injury, the care provided, and the outcomes.

Short Term Status of Free Dermal Fat Autografts for Complex Craniofacial Wounds
Wound; HeadMultiple21 moreThis study will evaluate the use of free autologous dermal fat grafting (also called free dermal fat autografting) to treat complex craniofacial wounds that have failed standard treatment and to understand how well these grafts work to repair wounds long term. Patients who have undergone free autologous dermal fat grafting to treat complex craniofacial wounds less than 1 week ago will have photographs and small biopsies taken of the area that was grafted. Patients will be followed for 2 years to monitor the area that was grafted.

A Comparison of Two Target Mean Arterial Pressures in the Resuscitation of Hypotensive Trauma Patients...
Hemorrhagic ShockTrauma5 moreThe goal of this study will be to determine if a lower than normal blood pressure during surgery for bleeding in the abdomen or chest will result in decreased bleeding and decreased chance of death.

Diagnostic Accuracy of the Preoperative Clinical Examination in Upper Limb Injuries
Penetrating Injury in Upper LimbThe purpose of this study is to determine the accuracy of preoperative clinical examination in penetrating injuries