Evaluation of an Intensive 3-round MDA Strategy Towards Yaws Eradication
YawsThe current principle of yaws eradication (the Morges strategy) is based on single round mass drug administration (MDA) of azithromycin (AZI) called total community treatment (TCT) followed by targeted treatment of active cases every 6 months to detect and treat cases and contacts called total targeted treatment (TTT). Studies done in Papua New Guinea (PNG) show that 1 round of MDA will probably not suffice to stop transmission of infection. It may be preferable to conduct 3 rounds of MDA prior to the switch to TTT because of high coverage requirements to achieve elimination, particularly of latent cases. The investigators plan to determine whether 3 rounds of MDA are more effective for reaching yaws elimination. This research is needed to guide national programmatic implementation and needs to be done as soon as possible to scale up the program in the country. The aim of this proposal is to ascertain the number of rounds of MDA with AZI to be included in an improved strategy towards yaws eradication. The study will be implemented in 38 wards of New Ireland Province (NIP). The investigators will compare two different distribution strategies of MDA: (A) strategy with 3 biannual rounds of MDA and (B) a single mass treatment round of MDA followed by targeted treatment of cases and contacts. The investigators will also monitor the risk of appearance of antimicrobial resistance in Treponema pertenue.

Comparison of Two Different Doses of Azithromycin for Treatment of Yaws
YawsThe study will be a single blinded, randomized, controlled open label non-inferiority phase III, trial with two parallel groups, conducted in Ghana and Papua New Guinea (PNG). The ultimate goal is to establish if a 20mg/kg dose of azithromycin is as effective as a 30mg/kg dose in the treatment of yaws. Approximately 600 clinically and serologically diagnosed yaws patients will be included in the study. Patients will be randomized to receive treatment with the two antibiotic regimens as follow: (i) Regimen I (AZT20): Single oral dose of 20 mg/kg azithromycin (ii) Regimen II (AZT30): Single oral dose of 30 mg/kg azithromycin. The follow-up period of patients will be 6 months. Assessments before, during and after the antibiotic treatment will include full medical history, clinical assessment of the lesion and, laboratory investigations. The primary efficacy parameters are healing of the lesion at 4 weeks and a four-fold decline in RPR titre at 6 months after start of treatment.

Effect of WHO-yaws Elimination Strategy in Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea
YawsThe trial that the investigators are proposing is a pilot study to determine the effect of the new WHO-yaws eradication strategy in Lihir Island (population 18,000), Papua New Guinea. New treatment policies were developed by WHO in 2012 to replace those of the 1950s. The recommended practice is to offer an initial MDA with azithromycin to the entire population, followed by resurveys every 6 months to detect and treat remaining cases.We will use serology surveys, clinical surveys and ulcer aetiology studies to measure the effect of mass azithromycin treatment on the community burden of yaws infection.

Dual Point-of-care Test for the Diagnosis of Yaws
YawsA dual POC immunoassay simultaneously detecting non-treponemal and treponemal antibodies was developed for the diagnosis of infections with T. pallidum. The assay is designed for use in resource-limited settings where challenging conditions (such as lack of electricity, running water, or laboratory equipment) commonly exist. We sought to compare performance of the dual-POC assay for diagnosis of yaws infection with that of the RPR and TPHA as reference standards.