Family-Based Drug Services for Young Disaster Victims (Katrina)
Substance Abuse, Families, Trauma
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Substance Abuse focused on measuring Adolescents, Hurricane Katrina, Family-based treatment, Multidimensional Family Therapy, Group CBT
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Between ages of 13 and 17
- Meet ASAM criteria for outpatient substance abuse treatment
- At least mild trauma symptoms on PTSD-Reaction Index
- Not receiving any other behavioral treatment
- Parent/guardian willing to participate in the study/treatment
- Parent informed consent and youth informed assent to participate in the study
Exclusion Criteria:
- Mental retardation or pervasive developmental disorders
- Psychotic disorder as indicated by record review
- current suicidality as indicated by verbalization of ideation + intent + plan in interview
Sites / Locations
- University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
- The Center for Family and Youth Services
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Multidimensional Family Therapy
Group CBT
MDFT is a multi-systems family-based approach (Liddle, 2002a) designed to address the multiple developmental disruptions and symptoms that result from interacting individual, family, peer, and community risk factors (Liddle, 2002a). MDFT assesses and intervenes at multiple levels and in multiple domains of the adolescent's life -- individual, familial and extrafamilial.
The group treatment employed in the proposed study is a state-of-the-art peer group-based CBT model. The treatment will be based on established guidelines for CBT therapy for teen substance abuse (CSAT, 1999; Waldron & Kaminer, 2004) as well as trauma (La Greca & Silverman, in press). The treatment adopts a risk and protective factor framework, seeking to reduce substance use both by targeting cognitions about use directly and by focusing on accompanying problem behaviors such as poor academic performance and limited social skills (Hawkins et al, 1992).