Interventional Testing of Gene-environment Interactions Via the Verifomics Mobile Application
Obesity, Rhinitis, Rhinitis, Allergic

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Obesity focused on measuring Food, Nutrigenomics, Precision Medicine, Pharmacogenetics, Lifestyle
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- For BMI interventions, BMI > 25
- For headache interventions, more than 2 headache-days per month
- For insomnia interventions, at least one day of self-reported poor sleep per week
- For rhinitis interventions, more than 2 days with symptoms per month
- For joint pain interventions, at least one day of self-reported joint pain per week
Exclusion Criteria:
- Women who are pregnant, nursing or attempting to become pregnant
- Immediately life-threatening disease
- Current use of nutritional supplements of interest (excluded from those interventions to prevent overdose)
- For spinach interventions, gout
Sites / Locations
- Verifomics, LLC
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Arm 6
Arm 7
Arm 8
Arm 9
Arm 10
Arm 11
Arm 12
Arm 13
Arm 14
Arm 15
Arm 16
Arm 17
Arm 18
Arm 19
Arm 20
Arm 21
Arm 22
Arm 23
Arm 24
Predictions: BMI vs. Broccoli
Predictions: BMI vs. Caffeine
Predictions: BMI vs. Coffee
Predictions: BMI vs. Spinach
Predictions: BMI vs. Vitamin A
Predictions: BMI vs. Vitamin C
Predictions: Headache vs. Vitamin B6
Predictions: Headache vs. Vitamin C
Predictions: Headache vs. Nicotinamide
Predictions: Headache vs. Axon Eyewear
Predictions: Rhinitis vs Broccoli
Predictions: Rhinitis vs Caffeine
Predictions: Rhinitis vs Chocolate
Predictions: Rhinitis vs Coffee
Predictions: Rhinitis vs Vitamin A
Predictions: Insomnia vs Axon Eyewear
Predictions: Insomnia vs Vitamin A
Predictions: Insomnia vs Vitamin E
Predictions: Insomnia vs Nicotinamide
Predictions: Insomnia vs Vitamin D3
Predictions: Joint pain vs Broccoli
Predictions: Joint pain vs Caffeine
Predictions: Joint pain vs Coffee
Predictions: Joint pain vs Spinach
BMI will be calculated from self-reported weight (once per day) and height (at enrollment). Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
BMI will be calculated from self-reported weight (once per day) and height (at enrollment). Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
BMI will be calculated from self-reported weight (once per day) and height (at enrollment). Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
BMI will be calculated from self-reported weight (once per day) and height (at enrollment). Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
BMI will be calculated from self-reported weight (once per day) and height (at enrollment). Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
BMI will be calculated from self-reported weight (once per day) and height (at enrollment). Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Headache frequency and severity will be evaluated via a graphical and written pain scale, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Headache frequency and severity will be evaluated via a graphical and written pain scale, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Headache frequency and severity will be evaluated via a graphical and written pain scale, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Headache frequency and severity will be evaluated via a graphical and written pain scale, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Rhinitis frequency and severity will be self-reported on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating no rhinitis, 3 indicating minor rhinitis, 6 indicating rhinitis while preserving the ability to breathe nasally, and 10 indicating rhinitis to such a degree that mouth-breathing is required, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Rhinitis frequency and severity will be self-reported on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating no rhinitis, 3 indicating minor rhinitis, 6 indicating rhinitis while preserving the ability to breathe nasally, and 10 indicating rhinitis to such a degree that mouth-breathing is required, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Rhinitis frequency and severity will be self-reported on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating no rhinitis, 3 indicating minor rhinitis, 6 indicating rhinitis while preserving the ability to breathe nasally, and 10 indicating rhinitis to such a degree that mouth-breathing is required, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Rhinitis frequency and severity will be self-reported on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating no rhinitis, 3 indicating minor rhinitis, 6 indicating rhinitis while preserving the ability to breathe nasally, and 10 indicating rhinitis to such a degree that mouth-breathing is required, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Rhinitis frequency and severity will be self-reported on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating no rhinitis, 3 indicating minor rhinitis, 6 indicating rhinitis while preserving the ability to breathe nasally, and 10 indicating rhinitis to such a degree that mouth-breathing is required, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Sleep quality will be self-reported about the previous night's sleep on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating sleep that was not restful at all, 3 indicating mildly restful but insufficient sleep, 6 indicating a functional quality of sleep but not ideal, and 10 indicating ideal sleep, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Sleep quality will be self-reported about the previous night's sleep on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating sleep that was not restful at all, 3 indicating mildly restful but insufficient sleep, 6 indicating a functional quality of sleep but not ideal, and 10 indicating ideal sleep, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Sleep quality will be self-reported about the previous night's sleep on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating sleep that was not restful at all, 3 indicating mildly restful but insufficient sleep, 6 indicating a functional quality of sleep but not ideal, and 10 indicating ideal sleep, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Sleep quality will be self-reported about the previous night's sleep on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating sleep that was not restful at all, 3 indicating mildly restful but insufficient sleep, 6 indicating a functional quality of sleep but not ideal, and 10 indicating ideal sleep, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Sleep quality will be self-reported about the previous night's sleep on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 indicating sleep that was not restful at all, 3 indicating mildly restful but insufficient sleep, 6 indicating a functional quality of sleep but not ideal, and 10 indicating ideal sleep, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Joint pain frequency and severity will be evaluated via a graphical and written pain scale, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Joint pain frequency and severity will be evaluated via a graphical and written pain scale, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Joint pain frequency and severity will be evaluated via a graphical and written pain scale, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.
Joint pain frequency and severity will be evaluated via a graphical and written pain scale, reported once per day. Each gene-environment interaction of interest will be evaluated to determine its predictive power.