Young Adults With Early-onset Obesity Treated With Semaglutide
ObesityAdolescentIntroduction: The increasing prevalence of obesity is particularly pronounced among adolescents. Currently available treatment options consist of structured lifestyle interventions. However, 25 % of adolescents do not respond to lifestyle treatment, why new effective treatment strategies are needed. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of lifestyle interventions combined with the GLP-1 receptor agonist semaglutide to young adults with otherwise treatment resistant obesity. Methods and analysis: This is an investigator-initiated, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. 130-170 young adults (age 18-28) will be recruited from The Children's Obesity Clinic (TCOC), Department of Pediatrics, Holbæk Hospital. Based on their previous response to the TCOC protocol the participants will be divided in three groups: Group A: Non-responders: 55-75 young adults (BMI>30 kg/m2) who have not succeeded in losing weight during the structured lifestyle intervention (BMI SDS reduction <0.1) Group B: Insufficient responders: 55-75 young adults (BMI>30 kg/m2) who have succeeded in losing weight during the structured lifestyle intervention (BMI SDS reduction >0.25), but still have obesity. Group C: Excellent responders: 20 young adults, who have succeeded in losing weight during the structured lifestyle intervention (BMI SDS reduction >0.5) and no longer have obesity (BMI<30 kg/m2). Group A and B are randomized 2:1 to either semaglutide or placebo for 68 weeks. Group C will attend baseline examinations only and not undergo intervention. The primary endpoint is change in BMI from randomization to end-of-treatment. Ethics and dissemination: The trial has been approved by the Danish Medicines Agency (EudraCT 2019-002274-31) and by the ethical committee of the Capital Region of Denmark (H-20039422). The trial will be conducted in agreement with the Declaration of Helsinki and monitored to follow the guidelines for good clinical practice. Results will be submitted for publication in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.

A Study Comparing the Health Effects of Two Diets Following UK Dietary Guidance in People Living...
ObesityCardiometabolic Syndrome1 moreThere are two parts to this study: The investigators will study if the benefit from eating a healthy, balanced diet depends on the types of food processing in the diet. The investigators will do this by providing participants with two diets that follow the Eatwell Guide (referred to in this study as Diet A and Diet B to avoid unblinding), but containing foods with different types of food processing, for 8 weeks each. The investigators will collect data on blood pressure, body composition, physical activity and fitness, questions regarding quality of life, mental health and wellbeing, and blood samples at the start of each diet and at 4 and 8 weeks into each diet. The investigators will then study whether participants are able to switch from their usual unhealthy diet to a healthy, balanced diet, and the benefits of doing so. The investigators will do this by providing participants with 6 months of personal support. The investigators will also look at what helps participants to maintain a healthy diet, and what makes it difficult. The investigators will also support participants to be more physically active.

Laparoscopic Single Anastomosis Sleeve Ileal Bypass Versus Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Morbid...
ObesityMorbidThis study will compare two bariatric surgical interventions in terms of weight loss, gastroesophageal reflux, and effects on obesity-related comorbid conditions in morbidly obese patients.

FoodRx for Obesity Treatment
ObesityFood InsecurityThis study is a 3-group, parallel design, randomized controlled trial (RCT) in 105 adults with obesity and food insecurity that will compare BWL-Alone (including standard-of-care referral and connection with community food resources; n=35) to BWL plus food supplementation with either food vouchers (BWL+VOUCHER; n=35) or home-delivered, medically tailored groceries consistent with BWL recommendations (BWL+HOME; n=35). All groups will have BWL treatment provided for 24 weeks per clinical guidelines. Food vouchers and HOME will be provided for 24 weeks of treatment. Assessments will be conducted at baseline, and weeks 12 and 24.

Optimal Exercise Frequency to Reduce Liver Fat in Centrally Obese Adults With Non-Alcoholic Fatty...
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseObesityThis study aims to examine the comparative effectiveness of different exercise frequencies (once-a-week vs. thrice-a-week) for reducing liver fat in centrally obese adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), with weekly exercise volumes aligned with the World Health Organization's physical activity recommendations.

A Research Study to See How Well Semaglutide Helps People Who Have a Body Weight Above the Healthy...
OverweightObesityThis study will look at how the investigational dose of semaglutide works in helping people with excess body weight, to lose weight. This study will compare the weight loss in people taking semaglutide to people taking "dummy" medicine (placebo). The study will last for about 1 year. The participants will have 12 visits at the clinic and 3 remote visits by phone calls with the study doctor or staff.

A Research Study to See How Well CagriSema Helps People in China With Excess Body Weight Lose Weight...
Obesity or OverweightThis study will look at how well the new medicine CagriSema helps people with excess body weight losing weight compared to a "dummy" medicine and a medicine called semaglutide. Participants will either get CagriSema, a dummy medicine or semaglutide. Which treatment participants get is decided by chance. Participants will take one injection once a week. The study medicine will be injected briefly with a thin needle, typically in the stomach, thighs or upper arms. The study will last for about 1 year.

A Study of Retatrutide (LY3437943) in Participants With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Who Have Obesity...
Type 2 DiabetesObesity2 moreThe purpose of this study is to is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of retatrutide in participants with type 2 diabetes in participants who have obesity or overweight (J1I-MC-GZBK master protocol) including a subset of participants who have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (J1I-MC-GSA2). The study will last about 89 weeks and will include up to 24 visits.

Research Study Looking at How Well Semaglutide Tablets Taken Once Daily Work in Chinese Adults Who...
OverweightObesityThis study is being conducted to see if semaglutide tablets can be used as a treatment to help people who are above a healthy weight range to lose weight. Semaglutide tablets are a new medicine being tested to treat people living with excess body weight. Participants will either get semaglutide or placebo once daily morning for 44 weeks. In addition to taking the medicine, participants will have talks with study staff about: Healthy food choices How to be more physically active What participants can do to lose weight This study will last for about 1 year.

Study of INV-202 in Patients With Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
ObesityMetabolic SyndromeThe study is designed to assess the efficacy, safety, tolerability, and transformation within the human body of INV-202 investigational drug in the treatment of adult participants with obesity and metabolic syndrome.