Isometric Handgrip Home Training to Lower Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Older adulTs (POTENT)

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Hypertension focused on measuring Isometric handgrip training, home training, older adults, Hypertension
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age +50 years old
- Un-medicated (anti-hypertensive medicine) with resting SBP between 135-179 mmHg or hypertensive patient medicated with no change in treatment for ≥ 4 months with resting SBP between 135-179 mmHg
Exclusion Criteria:
- Manifest cardiovascular disease (cerebrovascular disease, Heart failure, Chronic Kidney Disease, peripheral vascular disease, and advanced retinopathy (fundus hypertonus III-IV)).
- Diabetes (any type)
- More than three blood pressure regulating agents
- Physical limitation preventing IHG training (e.g. missing an arm or musculoskeletal disorders).
- Arthritis in the hand or carpal tunnel
- SBP ≥ 180 mmHg (will be advised to see a doctor)
Sites / Locations
- Aalborg University hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
IHG+Hypertension lifestyle guidelines
Hypertension lifestyle guidelines
Participants in this group will follow a home-based IHG training protocol. The IHG training will be structured with four sets of 2-minute contractions for each hand, 3 days per week for 20 weeks. In addition, the IHG group will receive information about hypertension-guidelines on lifestyle changes.
The usual care group will receive information about hypertension-guidelines on lifestyle changes. The usual care group will have the same amount of hospital visits for measurements of blood pressure and maximal muscle tests as the intervention group in order to ensure similar attention provided by the healthcare professionals.