A Phase 1/2a Study to Determine the Dose Response Pharmacokinetics of TSX-011 (Testosterone Undecanoate) in Hypogonadal Males
Hypogonadism, Hypogonadism, Male, Gonadal Disorders

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Hypogonadism focused on measuring Hypogonadism, Testosterone, Testosterone undecanoate
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Testosterone level <350 ng/dL, 10 am [± 2 hour] sample.
- Body mass index (BMI) <35.0 kg/m2 and weight ≥50 kg
Exclusion Criteria:
- History of clinically significant renal, hepatic, neurologic, hematologic, endocrine, oncologic, pulmonary, immunologic, psychiatric, or cardiovascular disease or any other condition.
- Significant gastrointestinal or malabsorption conditions.
Any man in whom testosterone therapy is contraindicated including the following:
- Known or suspected carcinoma (or history of carcinoma) of the prostate, clinically significant symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and/or clinically significant symptoms of lower urinary obstruction and International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) ≥19. A clinically significant digital rectal examination of the prostate or clinically significant elevated serum PSA levels (>4.0 ng/mL).
- Known or suspected carcinoma (or history of carcinoma) of the breast.
- Liver disease defined as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) >2 × upper limit of normal (ULN) or bilirubin >2 × ULN.
- Active deep vein thrombosis or thromboembolic disorder, or a documented history of these conditions.
- Untreated sleep apnea.
- Hematocrit >50%.
- Untreated moderate to severe depression.
- Current use of long-acting testosterone or any of the testosterone esters injectables.
- Topical, oral, or injectable testosterone replacement therapy.
- Clinically significant changes in any medications (including dosages) or medical conditions in the 28 days before screening.
- Suspected reversible hypogonadism (e.g., leuprolide injection).
- Taking concomitant medications that affect testosterone concentrations or metabolism
- Uncontrolled diabetes (screening glycated hemoglobin [HbA1c] ≥9%).
- Donated blood or blood products or experienced significant blood loss within 90 days before dosing.
- Donated bone marrow within 6 months before dosing.
- History of drug or alcohol abuse in the last 6 months.
- Ingested St John's wort within 30 days of screening.
Sites / Locations
- California Clinical Trials
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
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Dose-Escalating Arm 1
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Dose-Escalating Arm 3
Dose-Escalating Arm 4
Dose-Escalating Arm 5
Dose-Escalating Arm 6
Dose-Escalating Arm 7
Dose-Escalating Arm 8
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Dose-Escalating Arm 11
Dose-Escalating Arm 12
Dose-Escalating Arm 13
Dose-Escalating Arm 14
Dose-Escalating Arm 15
Dose-Escalating Arm 16
Dose-Escalating Arm 17
Dose-Escalating Arm 18
Dose-Escalating Arm 19
Dose-Escalating Arm 20
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is <350 ng/dL, adjust dose to 570 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Thrice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is <350 ng/dL, dose adjust subjects to 570 mg TSX-011 (TU) dosing thrice daily. Assigned Intervention: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is <350 ng/dL, adjust dose to 570 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is ≥350 ng/dL and <500 ng/dL, adjust dose to 633 mg TU twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is <350 ng/dL, adjust dose to 570 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is 500 to 800 ng/dL inclusive, continue current dose 570 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is <350 ng/dL, adjust dose to 570 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, decrease to 507 mg TU twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is ≥350 ng/dL and <500 ng/dL, adjust dose to 443 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Thrice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is <350 ng/dL, dose adjust subjects to 570 mg TSX-011 (TU) dosing thrice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is ≥350 ng/dL and <500 ng/dL, adjust dose to 443 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is ≥350 ng/dL and <500 ng/dL, adjust dose to 507 mg TU twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is ≥350 ng/dL and <500 ng/dL, adjust dose to 443 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is 500 to 800 ng/dL inclusive, continue current dose 443 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is ≥350 ng/dL and <500 ng/dL, adjust dose to 443 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, decrease dose to 380 mg TU twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is 500 to 800 ng/dL, inclusive, maintain 380 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Thrice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is <350 ng/dL, dose adjust subjects to 570 mg TSX-011 (TU) dosing thrice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is 500 to 800 ng/dL, inclusive, maintain 380 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is ≥350 ng/dL and <500 ng/dL, increase dose to 443 mg TU twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is 500 to 800 ng/dL, inclusive, maintain 380 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is 500 to 800 ng/dL inclusive, continue current dose 380 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is 500 to 800 ng/dL, inclusive, maintain 380 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, decrease TSX-011 dose to 317 mg TU twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, randomize half subjects to receive 317 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily Period 3, Day 26-30: Thrice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is <350 ng/dL, dose adjust subjects to 570 mg TSX-011 (TU) dosing thrice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, randomize half subjects to receive 317 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is ≥350 ng/dL and <500 ng/dL, increase dose to 380 mg TU twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, randomize half subjects to receive 317 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is 500 to 800 ng/dL inclusive, continue current dose 317 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Twice Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, randomize half subjects to receive 317 mg (TU) TSX-011 twice daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Twice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, decrease dose to 253 mg TU twice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Once Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, randomize half subjects to receive 507 mg (TU) TSX-011 once daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Thrice Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is <350 ng/dL, dose adjust subjects to 570 mg TSX-011 (TU) dosing thrice daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Once Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, randomize half subjects to receive 507 mg (TU) TSX-011 once daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Once Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is ≥350 ng/dL and <500 ng/dL, dose adjust subjects on once-daily dosing from 507 mg TU daily to 570 mg TU daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Once Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, randomize half subjects to receive 507 mg (TU) TSX-011 once daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Once Daily Dose If Period 3 Day 19 total testosterone is 500 to 800 ng/dL inclusive, continue current dose of 507 mg TU daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.
Period 1: Single Dose Ascending single-dose period: 190 mg TSX-011 (fed and fasted), 380 mg TSX-011 (fed), and 570 mg TSX-011 (fed). Period 2: Twice Daily Dose 380 mg TSX-011 twice daily dosing period of 15 days in fed conditions. Period 3, Day 16-25: Once Daily Dose If Period 2 Day 8 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, randomize half subjects to receive 507 mg (TU) TSX-011 once daily. Period 3, Day 26-30: Once Daily Dose If Period 3, Day 19 total testosterone is >800 ng/dL, decrease dose to 380 mg TU daily. TSX-011: TSX-011 are capsules with Testosterone Undecanoate (prodrug for androgen testosterone) as the primary ingredient.