Locomotor Training With Testosterone to Promote Bone and Muscle Health After Spinal Cord Injury...
Spinal Cord InjurySpinal Cord Injuries24 moreThis pilot study will determine the feasibility of implementing a combinatory rehabilitation strategy involving testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with locomotor training (LT; walking on a treadmill with assistance and overground walking) in men with testosterone deficiency and walking dysfunction after incomplete or complete spinal cord injury. The investigators hypothesize that LT+TRT treatment will improve muscle size and bone mineral density in men with low T and ambulatory dysfunction after incomplete or complete SCI, along with muscle fundtion and walking recovery in men with T low and ambulatory dysfunction ater incomplete SCI.

Body Fat as Determinant of Female Gonadal Dysfunction
Polycystic Ovary SyndromeHypothalamic AmenorrheaReproduction requires from women enough energy depots to warrant an adequate nutritional supply to the fetus. Hence, adipose tissue is able to communicate with female hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary axis. The hypothesis of the project is that abnormalities in the quantity (absolute and relative to lean body mass), distribution and/or function of adipose tissue are associated with functional forms of female gonadal dysfunction in predisposed women, in a spectrum of anomalies that go from hypothalamic amenorrhea to the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). To challenge this hypothesis, the investigators will study 5 groups of 10 women each: women with exercise-associated hypothalamic amenorrhea, women without ovulatory dysfunction that exercise equally, non-hyperandrogenic patients with PCOS, hyperandrogenic patients with PCOS, and healthy control women comparable to those with PCOS. The aims of the study will be: Primary objective: To identify novel signalling factors originating from adipose tissue and muscle using targeted and nontargeted evaluation of the proteome and of gene expression of superficial subcutaneous fat, deep subcutaneous fat (which mimics visceral adipose tissue) and skeletal muscle. Secondary objectives: To study the serum adipokine profile - including those identified by the primary objective - and circulating gut hormones during fasting and after a glucose load in the 5 groups of women, and their associations with sexual hormones and body fat distribution. To study body composition and body fat distribution in these women and their relationships with: 2.1, Sex steroid profiles. 2.2. Classic cardiovascular risk factors: carbohydrate metabolism, lipid profiles and blood pressure. 2.3 Markers of low-grade chronic inflammation. 2.4. Oxidative stress markers. 2.5. Cardiovascular autonomic function. 2.6. Surrogate markers of subclinical atherosclerosis. 2.7. Circulating concentrations of endocrine disruptors. 2.8. Oral and gut microbiome. The results will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms linking body energy depots with the female reproductive axis and, hopefully, the identification of potential biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of the disorders studied here.

A Phase 1/2a Study to Determine the Dose Response Pharmacokinetics of TSX-011 (Testosterone Undecanoate)...
HypogonadismHypogonadism4 moreThis will be a phase 1/2a, open-label, single-center study with 3 periods. The aims of the study are to: evaluate the dose-response curve following ascending single doses of TSX-011; confirm optimum dosing conditions; evaluate the efficacy of single or multiple daily adaptive dosing; and evaluate the safety and tolerability of TSX-011.

Gonadal Dysfunction in Male Long-term Survivors of Malignant Lymphoma; Vitality
HypogonadismThis study is a prospective non-randomised open label multicenter phase two study in male long-term survivors of malignant lymphoma including Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). The study aims to assess whether low levels of testosterone in the blood of patients cured for aggressive lymphoma, can be effectively treated with Testosterone gel, and if treatment with testosterone can improve their general quality of life. The investigators hypothesize that patients will develop sexual dysfunction and poor quality of life when suffering from untreated reduced level of testosterone. Cancer treatment is increasingly effective and the overall survival higher, which makes issues like sexuality and long-term quality of life more and more important to address in cured cancer patients. Patient sexuality and quality of life is measured by three questionnaires, and serum testosterone level, during one year of treatment with Testogel. The intention is to show that future follow-up visits should include focus on sexuality and serum testosterone, so relevant patients can be identified and treated for their hormonedeficiency without delay. The expected follow-up program include questionnaires and blood samples, which are easily implemented and without great cost.

Avelumab in Refractory Testicular Germ Cell Cancer.
Testicular NeoplasmsNeoplasms6 moreThis is a proof-of-concept study to define efficacy of AVELUMAB in patients with multiple relapsed/refractory germ cell tumors (GCTs). Data suggest that PD-L1 is overexpressed in TGCTs, and PD-L1 expression is significantly higher in GCTs in comparison to normal testicular tissue.Patients with low PD-L1 expression had significantly better progression-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.40, 95% CI (0.16 - 1.01, p = 0.008) and overall survival (HR = 0.43, 95% CI (0.15 - 1.23, p = 0.040) compared to patients with high PD-L1 expression. These data suggest that PD-1/PD-L1 pathway could be a novel therapeutic target in TGCTs and that there is strong rationale to inhibit PD-1/PD-L1 signaling in GCTs.

The Effect of Testosterone on Mood and Quality of Life
Gonadal DisordersDepressive Disorder1 moreWe hypothesize that testosterone replacement will improve mood and quality of life in older men with low testosterone and mild depression. Study subjects will receive either testosterone gel or a placebo (inactive) gel for 12 weeks. Neither the subject or the investigator will know whether they are receiving placebo or testosterone gel. At the end of the initial 12 week period, all subjects will receive testosterone gel for 12 more weeks. Mood and quality of life measures will be obtained at baseline, at the end of the double-blind phase and at the end of the extension phase (when all subjects receive testosterone.)

Testosterone Plus Finasteride Treatment After Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord InjurySpinal Cord Injuries11 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether testosterone plus finasteride treatment will improve musculoskeletal health, neuromuscular function, body composition, and metabolic health in hypogonadal men who have experienced ambulatory dysfunction subsequent to incomplete spinal cord injury. The investigators hypothesize that this treatment will improve bone mineral density, enhance muscle size and muscle function, and improve body composition, without causing prostate enlargement.

Comparison of Micro-dose Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) With Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (HMG)...
Endocrine System DiseasesGonadal DisordersThe purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of low dose human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in combination with clomiphen citrate to induce ovulation and its endocrine response in patients who had previously failed to ovulate on clomiphen citrate alone. The investigators will also compare the effectiveness and endocrine response of this approach with the regimen of adding HMG to clomiphen citrate.

The Health Influences of Puberty (HIP) Study
ObesityInsulin Resistance2 moreThe Health Influences of Puberty (HIP) Study is designed to explore the relationships between puberty and the onset of type 2 diabetes in adolescents. The results of this study will help us better understand how to prevent type 2 diabetes in these youth. Children go through many changes during puberty, including important hormonal and behavioral alterations. Among these changes, it has long been known that, during puberty, insulin does not work as well as it does before and after puberty. This is called physiologic insulin resistance. In healthy children, this does not cause diabetes or affect blood sugar in any way because the body is able to compensate by making more insulin. Indeed, this is thought to be an important part of the adolescent growth spurt. However, in some children with increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes due to obesity and genetics, the worsening insulin resistance of puberty cannot be compensated for and these youth get diabetes early. The investigators believe this is because type 2 diabetes is rarely, if ever, seen before puberty begins, and the peak of diabetes onset in adolescents occurs at the time of the worst insulin resistance. This specific research project has two goals: 1. To examine effects of obesity on how well the body's insulin works during puberty, and 2. To see if treatment of obese children during this critical period of puberty with a medication that improves insulin resistance (metformin) will help prevent early onset type 2 diabetes.

A Novel Ovarian Reserve Monitoring Algorithm for Patients at Risk of Ovarian Injury From Gonadotoxic...
Ovarian DiseasesFertility Issues1 moreThis is an observational cohort study to examine the use of a novel proposed ovarian reserve monitoring algorithm to (1) identify patients who are at risk of DOR and POI from gonadotoxic therapy, (2) minimize time from treatment to utilization of assisted reproductive technologies, and (3) improves prognosis for successful ART based on AFC for patients who pursue fertility or fertility preservation.