BCI-FES Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation
Ischemic Stroke, Hemorrhagic Stroke

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Ischemic Stroke focused on measuring stroke
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age18-80 years inclusively at time of consent;
- Radiologically confirmed stroke, ischemic or intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in etiology, with day of onset at least 26 weeks prior to day of randomization
- Gait velocity<0.8 m/s at screening and baseline visits.
- Foot-drop in affected limb as defined by dorsiflexion active range of motion (AROM) via goniometry in seated position foot dangling is less than passive range of motion and less than 15 degrees.
- Plantarflexors spasticity<3 on modified Ashworth Scale;
- Can walk >10 m (with or without ankle foot orthosis (AFO), and cane or walker permitted) at a supervised level;
- Can tolerate FES with pain no more than 4 on pain analog scale and has adequate muscle response of dorsiflexion ≥10 degrees;
- Passive Range of Motion at least 0 degrees ankle dorsiflexion in subtalar neutral or with FES
Exclusion Criteria:
- A major, active, coexistent medical, neurological (apart from stroke) or psychiatric disease (apart from stroke), including alcoholism or dementia, orthopedic injuries, that substantially affects gait. **Because old orthopedic injuries may or may not affect gait, at the discretion of the site's study PI, exclusion criterion #2 related to orthopedic injuries can be waived if the injury was not on the stroke affected side and the joint/muscles are back to normal motor and range of motion function.
- A major medical disorder that substantially reduces the likelihood that a subject will be able to comply with all study procedures or safely complete study procedures. This includes, but not limited to documented serious cardiac conditions, serious pulmonary conditions, legal blindness, end stage renal or liver disease, pulmonary embolism or deep venous thrombosis.
- Resting systolic blood pressure above 170, diastolic blood pressure above 100 at screening and baseline evaluations
- Implanted electronic device (e.g. pacemaker) or skull metallic implants (e.g. cranioplasty plate covering the leg motor area);
- Deficits in communication that interfere with reasonable study participation: language or attention impairment (score>1 on NIH Stroke Scale items 9 and 11, respectively)
- Significant cognitive impairment, defined as Montreal Cognitive Assessment score < 22 (For those with aphasia: **Because Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores may be difficult to interpret for patients with aphasia, at the discretion of the site's study PI, exclusion criterion #5 ("MoCA score cannot be <22") can be waived)
- A new symptomatic stroke occurs apart from the index stroke during the screening process and prior to randomization
- Life expectancy < 6 months
- Skin breakdown over electrical stimulation sites;
- Received chemical denervation (eg Botox) to legs in the preceding 6 months, or expectation that chemical denervation will be administered to the leg prior to expected completion of the study
- Unable or unwilling to perform study procedures/therapy, or expectation of non-compliance with study procedures/therapy
- Pregnancy;
- Significant pain (visual analog scale >4), chest pain, or shortness of breath with walking.
- Receiving any outside concurrent physical therapy involving the lower extremities after enrollment in the study up to 1 month post treatment
- Any general medical condition and psychosocial situation that substantially interferes with reasonable participate in study appointments
- Non-English speaking, such that subject does not speak sufficient English to comply with study procedures
- Concurrent enrollment in another investigational interventional study
- Severe depression, defined as Geriatric Depression Scale Score >11: **Because Geriatric Depression scale scores may be difficult to interpret for some patients, at the discretion of the site's study PI, exclusion criterion #17 ("Geriatric Depression score cannot be >11") can be waived)
- Concurrent use of FES orthosis for gait.
A new symptomatic stroke occurs apart from the index stroke during the screening process and prior to randomization
If TMS Eligible (note that potential subjects who do not qualify for TMS will not be excluded from the main study, they will only be excluded from undergoing TMS procedures):
- TMS: Metallic hardware on the scalp (e.g. vascular clips or cranioplasty mesh)
- TMS: Implanted medication pumps, intracardiac line, or central venous catheter
- TMS: History of cortical stroke or other cortical lesion such as brain tumor
- TMS: Prior diagnosis of seizure or epilepsy
- TMS: Any electrical, mechanical, or magnetic implants
- TMS: History of neurosurgery
- TMS: uncontrolled Migraine headaches
- TMS: Any current medications that affect seizure threshold such as tricyclic antidepressants and neuroleptics
- TMS: Unstable medical conditions
Sites / Locations
- University of California, Irvine - Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research CenterRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
BCI-FES dorsiflexion therapy with physiotherapy
Dose-and intensity-matched physiotherapy
Subjects will undergo placement of an EEG cap using standard technique connected to our custom BCI system. Subjects will provide 5 min of training EEG data as they engage in alternating epochs of idling and attempted foot dorsiflexion (of the paretic side). In the online phase, the subjects will perform 20-25 BCI-FES runs. A total of 12 sessions will be performed at a rate of 3x/week (over 4 weeks). Each BCI-FES therapy session will be followed by 1 hour of conventional physiotherapy. Conventional Physical Therapy: This will consist of a standardized regimen of activities typical of conventional post-stroke gait therapy, including passive/active range of motion exercises (to reduce/prevent excessive plantarflexor contractures), lower-extremity muscle strengthening, and a progression from treadmill to overground walking exercises.
Conventional Physical Therapy: This will consist of a standardized regimen of activities typical of conventional post-stroke gait therapy, including passive/active range of motion exercises (to reduce/prevent excessive plantarflexor contractures), lower-extremity muscle strengthening, and a progression from treadmill to overground walking exercises. A total of 12 sessions will be performed at 3x/week. In the dose-matched control group (Group 2), it will be 2 hours/session.