Connectivity in Cranioplasty
Acquired Brain InjuryTraumatic Brain Injury2 moreAn Exploratory Interventional study to assess the effects of cranioplasty on brain network connectivity, neuropsychological and motor functioning in patients with severe acquired brain injury with pre-, post-cranioplasty and 6 months follow-up assessments.

BCI-FES Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation
Ischemic StrokeHemorrhagic StrokeThere are over 7 million stroke survivors in the US alone, with approximately 795,000 new cases annually. Despite the best available physiotherapy, 30-60% of stroke survivors remain affected by difficulty walking, with foot weakness often being the main cause. Given that post-stroke gait impairments remain poorly addressed, new methods that can provide lasting improvements are necessary. Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology may be one such novel approach. BCI technology enables "direct brain control" of external devices such as assistive devices and prostheses by translating brain waves into control signals. When BCI systems are integrated with functional electrical stimulation (FES) systems, they can be used to deliver a novel physical therapy to improve movement after stroke. BCI-FES systems are hypothesized to stimulate recovery after stroke beyond that of conventional physical therapy.

Promoting Recovery After STroke With Amantadine
StrokeIschemic1 moreThe investigators aim to examine whether amantadine can help patients recover from stroke. This will be a blinded randomized clinical trial (RCT). Patients will be randomized post-ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke either to the placebo arm or amantadine arm. Patients will be on study drug or placebo for 1 month but will be enrolled for 3 months total. At various time points patients will be examined and fill out questionnaires to determine level of stroke recovery.

Behavioral Activation for Post-Stroke Sedentary Behavior Using Telehealth
StrokeStroke2 moreAdults with stroke-related disability spend more time sedentary than adults without stroke-related disability, which places them at risk for poor cardiovascular health outcomes. Few interventions are designed to reduce post-stroke sedentary time. The purpose of this research is to test whether the teleABLE (Activating Behavior for Lasting Engagement) Intervention is feasible and acceptable to adults within the first 12 months post-stroke. The hypothesis is that teleABLE can be feasibly delivered using videoconferencing within the first 12 months post-stroke. 10 participants will complete assessments and activity monitoring (activPAL micro3) at 0 (baseline) and 8 (post-intervention)-weeks. Participants will complete 12 sessions of the teleABLE intervention. Findings from this study will be used to guide the intervention protocol in the planned next phase of this research.

Ischemic Conditioning Improves Walking Function Post Stroke
StrokeStroke4 moreThis innovative study will address scientific and clinical areas relatively unexplored in chronic stroke that could lead to greater recovery of walking. Ischemic Conditioning (IC) is a non-invasive, simple procedure that improves motor function, exercise performance and cardiovascular function in healthy controls, but it has never been applied to the stroke population. We postulate that IC enhances the recruitment of motoneurons and results in positive neural adaptations, improves vascular endothelial function and peripheral blood flow, and together these improvements result in an increased capacity to exercise and faster walking speed. Future studies will examine the effects of IC and traditional therapy at different time points of recovery post stroke, durability of IC, molecular mechanisms of neural and cardiovascular adaptation and the efficacy compared with other adjuncts.

Indian Trial of Tranexamic Acid in Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Intracerebral Hemorrhagic StrokeThis multicenter, pragmatic randomized, open-label clinical trial aims to assess whether Tranexamic Acid improves outcomes in adult patients with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage. The participants presenting within 4.5 hours of the onset of symptoms of stroke with intracerebral haemorrhage confirmed on Computed Tomography (CT Scan) will be randomized into two groups in a 1:1 ratio using a central online randomization. The treatment arm will consist of giving intravenously 2 grams of Tranexamic Acid in 100 ml 0.9% sodium chloride administered over 45 minutes. Control arm patients will receive standard of care treatment as per the institutional protocol. In both arms, intensive systolic blood pressure reduction to less than 140 mmHg will be done using antihypertensive medications, which has to be achieved within one hour and will be maintained over next seven days. The choice of antihypertensive drug will depend on the clinician's preference. Both groups will have a repeat CT scan after 24 hours to check for any increase in the haematoma volume. Any deterioration in the neurological status will warrant urgent brain imaging. On day 7, the patient will be assessed for their NIHSS score and mRS score. On day 90, quality of life and the functional outcome will be assessed.

Effects of Short-intensity Modified Constraint-induced Movement Therapy on Hand Function in Stroke...
Hemorrhagic StrokeIschemic Stroke1 moreTo determine effects of short-intensity modified constraint-induced movement therapy on hand function in stroke patients.

PROpranolol for Cerebral Hemorrhage-ASsociated pnEumonia (PRO-CHASE)
StrokeVascular Accident5 moreStroke-associated pneumonia (SAP) is a grave complication of stroke and one of the most important predictors for patients' poor outcomes. Stroke associated pneumoniaSAP and other infections limited the overall efficacy of stroke management. Increasing evidence suggests that sympathetic nervous system activity contributes to post post-stroke immunosuppression and emergence of infections. This study is designed to test the safety and efficacy of an adrenergic β receptor blocker propranolol in reducing SAP in hemorrhagic stroke patients, in a multi-center, randomized, open-labeled, end point-blinded, trial.

Delipid Extracorporeal Lipoprotein Filter From Plasma (DELP) for Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke
Hemorrhagic StrokeDelipid Extracorporeal Lipoprotein filter from Plasma (DELP) has been found to improve neurological function and life ability of AIS patients and approved for the treatment of AIS by China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA). A recent study imply that the neuroprotective effect of DELP involved multiple neuroprotective mechanism such as anti-inflammation, free radical scavenging, and decreasing MMP-9. Based on the multiple mechanisms, the investigator argues that DELP may exert neuroprotective effect on acute cerebral hemorrhage (ACH). In this context, the prospective, random, open-label, blind-endpoint, multi-centre study is designed.

Telerehabilitation With Aims to Improve Lower Extremity Recovery Post-Stroke (TRAIL-RCT)
StrokeStroke12 moreThe purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of a 4-week lower extremity telerehabilitation protocol with aims to improve lower extremity function to a 4-week attention-controlled education program on lower extremity clinical outcomes, quality of life, and healthcare resources utilization among community dwelling adults with stroke across Canada.