Treatment of Residual Refraction Errors 6 Months After Trifocal IOL Implantation With Relex-Smile
Pseudophakia, Myopia, Hyperopia

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Pseudophakia
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- residual hypermetropic, myopic refraction on pseudophakic patients
- low visual acuity
Exclusion Criteria:
- active anterior segment pathologic features,
- previous corneal or anterior segment surgery,
- glaucoma,
- retinal detachment
Sites / Locations
- Eye Hospital Pristina
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
ReLex Smile surgery
ReLex Smile surgery-fresh corneal lenticule implantation
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of Relex Smile surgery to correct the residual refractive errors (myopic and hyperopic) 6 months after Trifocal IOL Implantation. At myopic residual refraction (min -0.75 D) (100eyes) 6 months after Trifocal IOL Implantation we used Relex-Smile surgery for treatment.
At hyperopic residual refraction 30 eyes 6 months after Trifocal IOL Implantation we used fresh corneal myopic lenticule implantation as allogenic implant that will be taken from myopic patients to implant on pseudophakic patients with residual hypermetropic refraction using VisuMax Femtosecond Laser-Smile module surgery with primary objective to assess(increase) visual acuity.