Upfront Premedication For Reduction of Microvascular Obstruction and No-reflow in Treating ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (UPFRONT-STEMI)
STEMI, Large Thrombus Burden, No-Reflow Phenomenon

About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for STEMI focused on measuring No reflow, STEMI, Glycoprotein inhibitor, repeated intermittent balloon inflation, reperfusion injury
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- STEMI patients with time from symptom onset of < 24 hours duration.
- Large thrombus burden confirmed after initial wiring.
- Radial vascular access.
Exclusion Criteria:
- STEMI patients receiving successful fibrinolytic therapy.
- TIMI flow ≥ 1 or TIMI thrombus grade ≤ 3 at initial wiring.
- Refusal to participate int the study, or unable to be consented (unconscious or comatose patients).
- Femoral access.
- Previous infarction in the same territory.
- Patients receiving PTCA only for acute reperfusion and planned for CABG.
- Patients with known intolerance or contraindications for CMR, such as claustrophobic or those with mechanical heart valve prothesis, or implantable non-conditional heart rhythm devices.
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
No Intervention
Immediately after restoration of distal flow, they will receive: i. Small dose Tirofiban (intra-coronary bolus of 25µg/Kg),[22] ii. Nitroglycerin 100-200 µg,[12] iii. Verapamil 100-200 µg (excluding patients with 2nd or 3rd degree AV block, bradycardia HR < 60, or systolic BP <100 mmHg)[5] iv. Two cycles of balloon up-balloon down (15 seconds occlusion, 15 seconds open artery; repeated two times). v. The rest of the procedure will be completed as standard practice.
pPCI procedure will be performed as per standard practice.[2] Bail-out use of any pharmaceutical products will be allowed as per guidelines recommendations (such as: GPi in case of no-reflow or thrombotic complications).