Function-based Accelerated Stimulation Therapy (FAST-therapy) for Freezing of Gait (FOG) After Parkinson's Disease (PD)
Parkinson Disease

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Parkinson Disease
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Parkinson disease (PD) with PD diagnosis based on the recent Movement Disorder Society criteria
- PD subjects >45 years and <90 will be studied
- H&Y2-3 (early PD) subjects will be recruited
- English speaker
- Able to provide written consent prior to admission
Exclusion Criteria:
- The presence of other neurologic disease or neurologic findings on examination
- Depression: Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) score >11
- Evidence of a stroke or mass lesion on prior structural brain imaging (CT or MRI)
- Are younger than 45 or older than 90 years old
- Non-English speaker
- Are pregnant, suspect pregnancy or are attempting to become pregnant
- Have a pacemaker, intracardiac lines or any other medically implanted device or medicine pump
- Have cochlear hearing implants
- Are taking GABAergic, NDMA-receptor antagonist, or other drug known to influence neural receptors that facilitate neuroplasticity
- Have non removable body piercings or have foreign objects in body
Have metal anywhere in the head that could increase a subjects risk of serious injury (not including braces, dental fillings, etc.):
- deep brain or vagus nerve stimulator
- aneurysm clips or coils
- stents in neck or brain
- implanted stimulators
- electrodes to monitor brain activity
- metallic implants in eyes or ears
- shrapnel or bullet fragments in or near the head
- facial tattoos with metallic or magnetic-sensitive ink
- other metal devices or objects implanted in or near the head,
Have any of the below conditions that would put a subject at increased risk of having a seizure:
- a personal or family history of seizure/epilepsy
- taking prescription drugs that lower the threshold for seizures
- recent history of excessive alcohol consumption
- history of alcohol addiction/dependence
- recent history of recreational drug use
- history of drug addiction/dependence
Have been diagnosed with any of the following:
- A stroke, brain hemorrhage, brain tumor, encephalitis, or multiple sclerosis
- Alzheimer's disease
- attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia, or manic depressive (bipolar) disorder
- normal pressure hydrocephalus or increased intra-cranial pressure
- diabetes requiring insulin treatment
- any serious heart disorder or liver disease
6. Metallic medical implants (i.e. pacemaker), foreign objects in body, non-removable body-piercings 7. Pregnancy 8. Additional exclusion criteria related to TMS: g. Metal in the cranium (mouth excluded) h. Cardiac pacemaker i. Implanted medication pump j. Implanted deep brain stimulator or vagus nerve stimulator k. Intracardiac lines l. Serious heart disease m. Increased intracranial pressure n. History of seizures o. Epileptogenic medication p. Cochlear implants q. Recent extended air travel resulting in jetlag or other sleep deprived state
Sites / Locations
- University of Michigan
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Open label treatment
All subjects then will receive open-label treatment (Tx) for six days within an fourteen-day span (Visits 3-8). Briefly, a newer form of rTMS called intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) will be used that mimics endogenous theta rhythms, which can improve induction of synaptic long-term potentiation and influence functional connectivity. A 10-min iTBS sessions will be applied to the basal ganglia-cerebellar-cortical network immediately after the subject has primed and activated the network by performing a precision force tracking task for up to 10 min. The subject will undergo 5 sessions of the force task and stimulation per day, with each session separated by 40 min.