Chronic Remote Ischemic Preconditioning as a Complement to Conventional Prenatal Care for Preeclampsia (RIPC)

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Preeclampsia focused on measuring Preconditioning
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Singleton pregnancy
- Gestational age between 24 0/7 and 36 6/7 weeks' gestation
- Hospitalization for non-severe pre-eclampsia (non-severe hypertension = Systolic blood pressure between 140 and 160mmHg, diastolic blood pressure between 90 and 110mmHg associated with one of these: proteinuria >=300mg/24h/thrombocytopenia 100-150G/L/central symptoms such as headache responding to standard analgesics/hyperreflexia without clonus/decreased fibrinogen/haptoglobin <0.1/utero-placental dysfunction with IUGR and/or umbilical Doppler Class II)
- Maternal age >18 years
- Good comprehension of French allowing easy understanding of the information protocol and the consent form
Exclusion Criteria:
- Chronic hypertension
- Renal disease
- Pre-pregnancy diabetes
- Autoimmune disease (SAPL, SLE, Sjögren)
- Severe PE (Systolic blood pressure >160mmHg, diastolic blood pressure >140mmHg, hepatic cytolysis at twice the norm, right hypochondrium or epigastric pain, central symptoms such as clonus or headache resistant to usual treatment or disturbed consciousness, thrombocytopenia <100G/L, acute pulmonary edema, renal failure defined by doubling of baseline creatinine value or creatinine >97 micromol/L)
- Suspected fetal anomaly or malformation
- HELLP syndrome
- Eclampsia attack
- Pathological fetal monitoring
- Known maternal upper limb vascular anomaly
- Severe maternal cardiac pathology
- Maternal history of deep vein thrombosis of the upper limb
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Ischemia will be obtained after inflating the cuff to a pressure of 200 mmHg (or a pressure at least 50 mmHg above the patient's systolic pressure). After a five-minute period, the cuff will be deflated and the arm allowed to reperfuse for five minutes. These maneuvers will be repeated until 3 cycles of ischemia- reperfusion have been completed once a day. Patients will experiment with this procedure for at least 5 days.
For subjects assigned to the control group, the pneumatic cuff is placed around the upper arm, and inflation of a blood pressure to a lower pressure (50mmHg) which will result in no impairment of antegrade flow.