Efficacy of Repeated Low-level Red-light Therapy in Myopia Control

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Myopia focused on measuring myopia
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Provision of consent Age: ≥8 and ≤13 years at enrollment Myopia: Spherical equivalent refractions (SERs) under cycloplegia: -1.00 to -5.00 diopters (D) Astigmatism of 2.50 D or less Anisometropia of 1.50 D or less Corrected monocular logMAR visual acuity (VA): 1.0 or better Consent to participate in random allocation of grouping Fluent in English Willing and able to participate in all required activities of the study Race/ethnicity is either African, Hispanic, or Caucasian. Exclusion Criteria: Strabismus and binocular vision abnormalities in either eye Ocular abnormalities in either eye or other systemic abnormalities that affect participate in all required activities of the study. Prior treatment of myopia control in either eye, including but not limited to drugs, orthokeratology, progressive addition lenses, bifocal lenses, etc. Other reasons, including but not limited to severe physical and cognitive disability, that the physician may consider inappropriate for enrollment Noncompliance with treatment Children whose parents do not sign informed consent
Sites / Locations
- University of California, San FranciscoRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Low Level Red Light Treatment Arm
Control Treatment Arm
On top of wearing single vision spectacles, subjects in the intervention group will receive low-level red light treatment twice a day from Monday to Friday, with each treatment lasting for 3 minutes at a minimal interval of 4 hours.
Subjects in the control group will wear single vision spectacles.