Fulfillment of physical activity recommendations
To determine whether participants are meeting the physical activity recommendations, a single question whil be asked : "for the last six months, have you participated in more or less than 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week?" Participants can respond either "more" or "less", where more is greater than less. Fulfillment of physical activity recommendations, exercise frequency, duration of exercise sessions and physical activity mode will be combined in order to measure participants physical activity behavior.
Exercise frequency
Exercise frequency will be measured by a single questions: "how often do you exercise each week?" participants can give a respond from 0-"7, where 7 is greater than 0. Exercise frequency, fulfillment of physical activity recommendations, duration of exercise sessions and mode of physical activity will be combined in order to measure participants physical activity behavior.
Duration of exercise sessions
Duration of exercise sessions will be measured by a single question: "how long do you usually exercise per session? Participants can give a respond in minutes from "below 30 minutes" to "above 90 minutes", where above 90 minutes is greater than 30 minutes. Duration of exercise sessions, fulfillment of physical activity recommendations, mode of physical activity and frequency of exercise sessions will be combined in order to measure participants physical activity behavior.
Mode of physical activity
To determine which type of physical activity participants performs, participants will answer a single question: "Which of the following types of activities do you usually participate in? Participants are able to select more than one response of: "Commuting activities", "activities at home", "cycling", "walking", "exercising at a fitness club", "home exercises", and "exercising in sports". Mode of physical activity, fulfillment of physical activity recommendations, exercise frequency and exercise durations will be combined to measure participants physical activity behavior.
Health-related quality of life
Will be measured by a Norwegian version of "The MOS 36-item short-form health survey" (SF-36). The SF-36 has eight scaled scores; the scores are weighted sums of the questions in each section. Scores range from 0-100. Lower scores = more disability, higher scores = less disability.
Will be measured by a Norwegian abbreviated validated version of a "Self-Efficacy Survey" consisting of 12 statements. The subscale covers four to eight statements where the participants rated each statement on a five-point scale, where 5 is the highest grade of self-efficacy, and 1 is the lowest. For each subscale, a sum score (from 1 to 5) will be calculated by adding scores from each statement, divided by the number of statements.
Motivation for exercise and physical activity
Will be measured by a Norwegian version of the validated survey "BREQ-2", which measures the levels of self-determination in motivation for exercise and physical activity on a 5-point Likert-scale (from 1 to 5). Score range from 0-100, where high scores means more intrinsic motivated for exercise and physical activity.
Perceived social support from family and friends
Questions to measure social support for exercise and physical activity will be based on a validated social support questionnaire consisting of 13 statements concerning social support from friends and family. The participants rate each statement on how often, on a five-point scale, their family or friends have been supportive of them exercising. A total social support score will be calculated (from 6 to 30), where higher scores demonstrated greater social support for exercise and physical activity.
Stage of motivational readiness for exercise and physical activity
Will be measured in line with a previously conducted questionnaire on exercise professionals effect on changing attitude towards physical activity and exercise. Participants will rate one statement (on how likely they are to start exercising the next six months) according to the five stages in the stages of change model: re-contemplation (not intending to make changes), Contemplation (considering a change), Preparation (getting ready to make a change), Action (actively engaged in making a change but only for a short while) & Maintenance (sustaining the change over time). "Maintenance" is the highest grade of motivation, followed by "Action", "Preparation" and "Contemplation". "Re-contemplation" is the lowest grade of motivation.
Barriers to exercise
Questions will be based on barriers previously identified among a Norwegian adult population (n= 12 504) and among fitness club members. 18 barriers will be included in the questionary. The participants rated how limiting they perceived each barrier to be on a three-point scale (1= not correct, 3=very correct). By adding the score from each barrier divided by the number of statements, a sum-score (from 1 to 3) for each subscale will be calculated.
Urinary incontinence
Will be measured using a Norwegian version of the "Incontinence Questionaire-Short Form (ICIQ-UI SF)". Measures will be given by a Likert scale from "never" to "all the time". Awareness and knowledge about pelvis floor muscles exercises will be assessed by single questions: "Do you do pelvic floor muscle exercises?" If yes, how many times weekly?" "If yes, has your exercise professional provided you any coaching on pelvic floor muscle exercises?"
Glycated hemoglobin
Will be collected through capillary blood drawn from finger pricks by Tigeni self testing kits. Measures will be given in mmol/L
Blood pressure
Will be assessed by the participants GP. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure will be measured. Unit of measures is millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
Will be measured by the participants GP. Unit of measures is in kilogram (kg). Weight and height will be combined to report BMI in kg/m2
Will be measured by the participants GP. Unit of measures is centimeters (cm). Weight and height will be combined to report BMI in kg/m2
Cholesterol will be collected through capillary blood drawn from finger pricks by Tigeni self testing kits. Unit of measures is mmol/L
Heart rate recovery
Unit of measures is beats per minute (BPM). Heart rate recovery combined with RPE and working heart rate will be used to assess relative changes in participants aerobic endurance.
The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
Measures will be given on a rating scale from 6 (no exertion) to 20 (maximal exertion). Participants will perform a standardized incline treadmill-walking test. RPE, heart rate recovery and changes in working heart rate will be combined to assess participants relative changes in aerobic endurance.
Working heart rate
Unit of measures is beats per minute (BPM). Working heart rate is combined with RPE and Heart rate recovery to assess participants relative changes in aerobic endurance.
Muscular strength
Will be assessed by a 1-RM (repetition maximum) estimation test in: chest press, close grip lat pull down and leg press. Load will progressively be increase until the participant reaches nine or less repetitions. Brzycki 1-RM prediction equation will be used to estimate the 1-RM based on the resistance and repetitions performed. The equation is mathematically expressed as 1RM = W/ [102.78- 2.78(R)]/100, where W is the weight used and R is the maximal number of repetitions performed.
Factors associated with exercise adherence and drop-out
n=15 of participants from the intervention group: HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW will be invited to participate in a semi-structured in-depth interview. A former investigation in Norway, including 14 questions designed to address factors associated with exercise adherence and drop-out. These questions will be combined with questions covering BPNES in order to measure participant's experiences, barriers and facilitators of participating in the study.
Basic physicological needs in exercise (BPNES)
n=15 of participants from the intervention group: HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW. Will be invited to participate in a semi-structured in-depth interview including questions covering fulfillment of BPNES (autonomy, relatedness and competence). Questions regarding fulfilment of BPNES will be combined with questions designed to address factors associated with exercise adherence and drop-out, to evaluate participant's experiences, barriers and facilitators of participating in the study.
In-depth interview (general practitioners)
n=8 general practitioners will participate in a semi-structured in-depth interview (approximately 45 min). The interview will be led by researchers from the project group, audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. Questions will be based on a previous qualitative study conducted on GPs in Norway, covering GPs experiences with the current green prescription model, and views on exercise as medicine.