PDS Versus Prolene as Suture Material for Vaginal Sacrospinous Hysteropexy
Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Prolapse

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Anterior vaginal wall prolapse beyond the hymen (POP-Q-point Aa or Ba >0) with central defect Prolapse of the apical vaginal vault beyond the hymen (POP-Q point C >0) with central defect Symptoms of a vaginal bulge A primary reconstructive operation using sacrospinous hysteropexy is planned Exclusion Criteria: Recurrent prolapse History of hysterectomy A primary reconstructive operation with mesh or obliterative surgery is planned An operation with hysterectomy is planned Known pelvic malignancy Known inflammatory disease Current systemic treatment with glucocorticoids or immunosuppressants The subject cannot or does not want to participate
Sites / Locations
- Medical University of ViennaRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
PDS - resorbable suture
Prolene - non-resorbable sutures
Operation through vaginal route, high posterior colpotomy is made towards the posterior cervix. Blunt preparation towards the right Spina ischiadica to visualise right sacrospinous ligament. PDS (0) sutures will be placed through the ligament (ca. 2 cm medial of the spina). This suture will then be placed through the posterior cervical wall, but not yet knotted. First, colpotomy will be closed via 2/0 vicryl, then pre-laid fixation sutures will be tied, whereby the portio will come to lie about 4-6 cm cranial of the level off the vulva towards the sacrospinous ligament.
Operation through vaginal route, high posterior colpotomy is made towards the posterior cervix. Blunt preparation towards the right Spina ischiadica to visualise right sacrospinous ligament. Prolene (2-0) sutures will be placed through the ligament (ca. 2 cm medial of the spina). This suture will then be placed through the posterior cervical wall, but not yet knotted. First, colpotomy will be closed via 2/0 vicryl, then pre-laid fixation sutures will be tied, whereby the portio will come to lie about 4-6 cm cranial of the level off the vulva towards the sacrospinous ligament.