A Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability and Exposure After a Repeat-dose of Sepofarsen (QR-110) in LCA10 (ILLUMINATE) (ILLUMINATE)
Leber Congenital Amaurosis 10, Blindness, Leber Congenital Amaurosis

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Leber Congenital Amaurosis 10 focused on measuring LCA10, CEP290, p.Cys998X, c.2991+1655A>G, Leber's Congenital Amaurosis, Antisense oligonucleotide, RNA therapy, QR-110, sepofarsen
Eligibility Criteria
Main Inclusion Criteria Relating to Study Initiation:
- Male or female, ≥ 8 years of age at Screening with a clinical diagnosis of LCA10 and a molecular diagnosis of homozygosity or compound heterozygosity for the c.2991+1655A>G mutation, based on genotyping analysis at Screening. A historic genotyping report from a certified laboratory is acceptable with Sponsor approval.
- BCVA better or equal to Logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution (LogMAR) +3.0 (Hand Motion), and equal to or worse than LogMAR +0.4 in the treatment eye.
- Detectable outer nuclear layer (ONL) in the area of the macula.
- An electroretinogram (ERG) result consistent with LCA. A historic ERG result may be acceptable for eligibility.
Main Exclusion Criteria Relating to Study Initiation:
- Presence of any significant ocular or non-ocular disease/disorder (including medication and laboratory test abnormalities).
- Prior receipt of intraocular surgery, periocular surgery, or IVT injection within 1 month prior to study start or planned intraocular surgery or procedure during the course of the study.Subjects who received an intraocular or periocular surgery between 1 to 3 months prior Screening, may only be considered for inclusion if there are no clinically significant complications of surgery present, and following approval by the Medical Monitor.
- History or presence of ocular herpetic diseases.
- Presence of any active ocular infection in the either eye.
- Presence of lens opacities/cataracts in the treatment eye.
- Current treatment or treatment within the past 12 months with therapies known to influence the immune system.
- History of glaucoma, or an IOP greater than 24 mmHg, at is not controlled with medication.
- History of amblyopia
- Use of any investigational drug or device within 90 days or 5 half-lives of Day 1, whichever is longer, or plans to participate in another study of a drug or device during the PQ-110-003 study period.
- Any prior receipt of genetic or stem-cell therapy.
- Known hypersensitivity to antisense oligonucleotides or any constituents of the injection.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding subjects.
Main Inclusion Criteria Relating to Treatment Initiation Contralateral Eye:
- BCVA equal to or better than LP (logMAR +4), using the best BCVA reading at Month 12 and based on ETDRS or BRVT.
- Detectable outer nuclear layer (ONL) in the area of the macula.
- Clear ocular media and adequate pupillary dilation to permit good quality retinal imaging.
Main Exclusion Criteria Relating to Treatment Initiation Contralateral Eye:
- Presence of any significant ocular or non-ocular disease/disorder (including medication and laboratory test abnormalities).
- History or presence of ocular herpetic diseases.
- Presence of any active ocular infection in either eye.
- Presence of any lens opacities which are clinically significant, would adequately prevent clinical and photographic evaluation of the retina.
- A planned IVT injection or intraocular or periocular surgery/procedure (including refractive surgery) during the course of the study.
- A history of glaucoma or an IOP greater than 24 mmHg that is not controlled with medication.
- History of amblyopia.
- Plans to participate in another study of a drug or device during the study period.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding subjects.
Sites / Locations
- University of Iowa
- Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent (UZ)
- INRET Clínica/ Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Belo Horizonte
- Federal University of São Paulo - Hospital São Paulo (UNIFESP-HSP)
- The Hospital for Sick Children - SickKids
- McGill University Health Centre - Centre for Innovative Medicine
- Centre de maladies rares CHNO des Quinze Vingt
- Hospital Civil de Strasbourg
- Justus-Liebig Universität - Department of Ophthalmology
- University of Tuebingen - Inst. for Ophthalmic Research
- Eye Clinic University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
- Amsterdam University Medica Center - Locatie AMC
- Het Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam
- Moorfields Eye Hospital - NHS Foundation Trust
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
Sham Comparator
Group 1: Dose 1 sepofarsen (QR-110)
Group 2: Dose 2 sepofarsen (QR-110)
Group 3: Sham
Initial loading dose, followed by maintenance doses at month 3 and every 6 months there after, administered by intravitreal injection (24 months duration of treatment). After 12 months treatment of the contralateral eye may be initiated
Initial loading dose, followed by maintenance doses at month 3 and every 6 months there after, administered by intravitreal injection (24 months duration of treatment). After 12 months treatment of the contralateral eye may be initiated
Sham procedure (no experimental drug administered), Day 1, month 3 and every six months there after. After 12 months cross over to active study drug may be initiated