Hydrotherapy for the Reversal of Oligohydramnios (STRONG)

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Oligohydramnios focused on measuring Oligohydramnios, Hydrotherapy, Pregnancy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Maternal Age >18 years
- Oligohydramnios: diagnosed by sonography (defined AFV<8cm)
- Singleton Pregnancy
- Intact membranes
- Gestational age 24 - 36 weeks
Exclusion Criteria:
- Indication for urgent delivery (severe PET, HELLP syndrome, persistent fetal hypoxemia [non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern])
- Ruptured amniotic membranes; PPROM, PROM, SROM
- Fever (>38C)
- Multiple gestation
- >37 week gestation
- Lethal Fetal anomalies and/or demise
- Maternal Cardiovascular disease
- Maternal Renal disease
- Maternal Pulmonary disease (other than asthma)
- Patients using prostaglandin inhibitors, NSAIDs3,15 (within 1 week of enrollment, other than baby asprin)
- Non-English speaking
- Vaginal Infections and/or active skin lesions
- Placenta Previa and/or Unexplained Vaginal Bleeding
- BMI > 45
Sites / Locations
- Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
IV/Oral Hydration and Bedrest
Hydrotherapy Group
Maternal BP (sitting) Pulse Pressure Pulse Urine Specific Gravity BID Fetal Heart Rate Maternal Body Weight US Procedures AC/EFW Umbilical Artery Doppler Flow (Baseline, day 3, 7 {or Discharge}) Uterine Artery Doppler Flow (Baseline, day 3, 7 {or Discharge}) AFI (Baseline, day 3, 7 {or Discharge}) ALL ITEMS ABOVE MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE: 1 Liter Water PO over 2 hours 1 Liter IV Fluid Bolus (NS) then titrated to 75 ml\hr for duration of the study participation Strict I/O's Vital signs
Maternal BP (sitting) Pulse Pressure Pulse Urine Specific Gravity BID Fetal Heart Rate Maternal Body Weight US Procedures AC/EFW Umbilical Artery Doppler Flow (Baseline, day 3, 7 {or Discharge}) o 1 hour +/- 30 minutes after submersion therapy Uterine Artery Doppler Flow (Baseline, day 3, 7 {or Discharge}) o 1 hour +/- 30 minutes after submersion therapy AFI (Baseline, day 3, 7 {or Discharge}) o 1 hour +/- 30 minutes after submersion therapy ALL ITEMS ABOVE MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE: 1 Liter Water PO over 2 hours 1 Liter IV Fluid Bolus (NS) then titrated to 75 ml\hr for duration of the study participation Strict I/O's Vital signs HYDROTHERAPY TWICE DAILY FOR 3-7 DAYS o Blood pressure, pulse, pulse pressure, body weight, and fetal heart rate before and after submersion therapy