Maximal Use Systemic Exposure Study of Levulan Kerastick (MUSE 2)
Primary Purpose
Keratosis, Actinic
Phase 2
United States
Study Type
Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA)
Sponsored by

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Keratosis, Actinic focused on measuring Actinic keratosis
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- At least 6 Grade 1/2 AKs on one upper extremity AND
- At least 12 Grade 1/2 AKs on the OTHER upper extremity
Exclusion Criteria:
- Pregnancy
- history of cutaneous photosensitization, porphyria, hypersensitivity to porphyrins or photodermatosis
- lesions suspicious for skin cancer (skin cancer not ruled out by biopsy) or untreated skin cancers within the Treatment Area
- Body Mass Index (BMI) > 32.0 kg/m2
- skin pathology or condition which could interfere with the evaluation of the test product or requires the use of interfering topical or systemic therapy
- significant blood loss within 60 days or donated blood/plasma within 72 hours prior to Visit 2 (Baseline)
- tested positive at screening for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or was known to be seropositive for HIV
- a history of lead poisoning or a history of a significant exposure to lead
- tested positive at screening for hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis C antibody or had a history of a positive result
- positive drug screen at Screening
- Screening safety labs are clinically significant in the opinion of the investigator
- major surgery within 30 days prior to Visit 2 (Baseline) or plans to have surgery during the study
- Subject is immunosuppressed
- currently enrolled in an investigational drug or device study
- has received an investigational drug or been treated with an investigational device within 30 days prior to Visit 2 (Baseline)
- known sensitivity to one or more of the vehicle components (ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, laureth 4, polyethylene glycol)
use of the following topical preparations on the extremities to be treated:
- Keratolytics including urea (greater than 5%), alpha hydroxyacids [e.g.glycolic acid, lactic acid, etc. greater than 5%], salicylic acid (greater than 2%) within 2 days of initiation of treatment
- Cryotherapy within 2 weeks of initiation of treatment
- Retinoids, including tazarotene, adapalene, tretinoin, retinol, within 4 weeks of initiation of treatment
- Microdermabrasion, laser ablative treatments, ALA-PDT, chemical peels, 5-FU, diclofenac, imiquimod or other topical treatments for AK within 8 weeks of initiation of treatment
- use of systemic retinoid therapy within 6 months of initiation of treatment
Sites / Locations
- DermResearch, Inc.
- J&J Studies, Inc
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm Type
Arm Label
Arm Description
20% aminolevulinic acid applied via Kerastick to individual AK lesions on the upper extremities and covered with occlusive dressing for 3 hours prior to BLU-U treatment
Primary Outcome Measures
Maximum Baseline Corrected Plasma Concentration (Cmax) for ALA
Maximum baseline corrected plasma concentration (Cmax) for ALA over the 24 hour sampling time period. Blood samples were taken before ALA application and at 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours following study medication application.
Time at Which Cmax is Attained (Tmax) for ALA
Time of the maximum baseline corrected plasma concentration for ALA measured at at 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours following study medication application.If a maximum value occurred at more than one timepoint Tmax is defined as the first timepoint with this value.
AUCt is the area under the baseline corrected plasma concentration-time profile up to the last quantifiable/non-negative plasma concentration
The Terminal Exponential Half-life (T1/2,z) for ALA
The terminal slope was calculated by linear least squares regression of the log plasma concentration-time data. The terminal exponential half-life (T1/2,z) will be calculated as 0.693 divided by the absolute value of slope.
Maximum Baseline Corrected Plasma Concentration (Cmax) for PpIX
Maximum baseline corrected plasma concentration (Cmax) for PpIX over the 48 hour sampling time period. Blood samples were taken before ALA application and at 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours following study medication application.
Time at Which Cmax is Attained (Tmax) for PpIX
Time of the maximum baseline corrected plasma concentration for PpIX measured at at 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours following study medication application.If a maximum value occurred at more than one timepoint Tmax is defined as the first timepoint with this value.
The area under the concentration time-curve assuming the baseline observed plasma concentration existed from time 0 to tlast.
AUCt for PpIX
The area under the observed plasma concentration time-curve from time 0 to the last quantifiable plasma concentration.
The ratio of AUCt to AUCBL for PpIX
Secondary Outcome Measures
HYPERPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hyperpigmentation Grade 1 = Light hyperpigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving small areas; light hyperpigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hyperpigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hyperpigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hyperpigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
HYPERPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hyperpigmentation Grade 1 = Light hyperpigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving small areas; light hyperpigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hyperpigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hyperpigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hyperpigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
HYPERPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hyperpigmentation Grade 1 = Light hyperpigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving small areas; light hyperpigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hyperpigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hyperpigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hyperpigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
HYPOPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hypopigmentation Grade 1 = Light hypopigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving small areas; light hypopigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hypopigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hypopigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hypopigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
HYPOPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hypopigmentation Grade 1 = Light hypopigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving small areas; light hypopigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hypopigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hypopigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hypopigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
HYPOPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hypopigmentation Grade 1 = Light hypopigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving small areas; light hypopigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hypopigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hypopigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hypopigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
Erythema Scale - Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible erythema Grade 2 = Mild - predominantly minimal erythema (pink) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of more intense erythema Grade 3 = Moderate - predominantly moderate erythema (red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of intense erythema (bright red) Grade 4 = Severe - predominantly intense erythema (bright red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of very intense (fiery red) erythema
Erythema Scale - Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible erythema Grade 2 = Mild - predominantly minimal erythema (pink) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of more intense erythema Grade 3 = Moderate - predominantly moderate erythema (red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of intense erythema (bright red) Grade 4 = Severe - predominantly intense erythema (bright red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of very intense (fiery red) erythema
Erythema Scale - Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible erythema Grade 2 = Mild - predominantly minimal erythema (pink) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of more intense erythema Grade 3 = Moderate - predominantly moderate erythema (red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of intense erythema (bright red) Grade 4 = Severe - predominantly intense erythema (bright red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of very intense (fiery red) erythema
Erythema Scale - Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible erythema Grade 2 = Mild - predominantly minimal erythema (pink) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of more intense erythema Grade 3 = Moderate - predominantly moderate erythema (red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of intense erythema (bright red) Grade 4 = Severe - predominantly intense erythema (bright red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of very intense (fiery red) erythema
EDEMA SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - scant, rare edema Grade 2 = Mild - easily seen edema, minimally palpable, involving up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - easily seen edema and typically palpable, involving between 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area Grade 4 = Severe - easily seen edema, indurated in some areas, involving over 2/3 of the treatment area
EDEMA SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - scant, rare edema Grade 2 = Mild - easily seen edema, minimally palpable, involving up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - easily seen edema and typically palpable, involving between 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area Grade 4 = Severe - easily seen edema, indurated in some areas, involving over 2/3 of the treatment area
EDEMA SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - scant, rare edema Grade 2 = Mild - easily seen edema, minimally palpable, involving up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - easily seen edema and typically palpable, involving between 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area Grade 4 = Severe - easily seen edema, indurated in some areas, involving over 2/3 of the treatment area
EDEMA SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - scant, rare edema Grade 2 = Mild - easily seen edema, minimally palpable, involving up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - easily seen edema and typically palpable, involving between 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area Grade 4 = Severe - easily seen edema, indurated in some areas, involving over 2/3 of the treatment area
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
Scaling and Dryness
SCALING AND DRYNESS SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible desquamation Grade 2 = Mild - limited areas of fine desquamation in up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - fine desquamation involving 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of coarser scaling Grade 4 = Severe - coarser scaling involving more than 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of very coarse scaling
Scaling and Dryness at Visit 4
SCALING AND DRYNESS SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible desquamation Grade 2 = Mild - limited areas of fine desquamation in up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - fine desquamation involving 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of coarser scaling Grade 4 = Severe - coarser scaling involving more than 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of very coarse scaling
Scaling and Dryness
SCALING AND DRYNESS SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible desquamation Grade 2 = Mild - limited areas of fine desquamation in up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - fine desquamation involving 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of coarser scaling Grade 4 = Severe - coarser scaling involving more than 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of very coarse scaling
OOZING/VESICULATION/CRUSTING Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 2 = Mild - two to four areas of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size OR a single area larger than 3 mm diameter in size Grade 3 = Moderate - more than a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting larger than 3 mm diameter in size or more than four areas of 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 4 = Severe - any degree of oozing, vesiculation or crusting greater than (3) above
OOZING/VESICULATION/CRUSTING Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 2 = Mild - two to four areas of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size OR a single area larger than 3 mm diameter in size Grade 3 = Moderate - more than a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting larger than 3 mm diameter in size or more than four areas of 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 4 = Severe - any degree of oozing, vesiculation or crusting greater than (3) above
OOZING/VESICULATION/CRUSTING Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 2 = Mild - two to four areas of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size OR a single area larger than 3 mm diameter in size Grade 3 = Moderate - more than a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting larger than 3 mm diameter in size or more than four areas of 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 4 = Severe - any degree of oozing, vesiculation or crusting greater than (3) above
Full Information
First Posted
December 7, 2015
Last Updated
September 13, 2017
DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Maximal Use Systemic Exposure Study of Levulan Kerastick (MUSE 2)
Official Title
A Pharmacokinetic Study of Levulan Kerastick (Aminolevulinic Acid HCl) for Topical Solution, 20% Under Maximal Use Conditions
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
September 2017
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
February 2016 (undefined)
Primary Completion Date
May 2016 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
July 2016 (Actual)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
4. Oversight
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential for systemic exposure of aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) when applied topically under occlusion, in a maximal use setting in patients with multiple actinic keratoses (AK) involving the upper extremities.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Keratosis, Actinic
Actinic keratosis
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Phase 2
Interventional Study Model
Single Group Assignment
None (Open Label)
14 (Actual)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Arm Type
Arm Description
20% aminolevulinic acid applied via Kerastick to individual AK lesions on the upper extremities and covered with occlusive dressing for 3 hours prior to BLU-U treatment
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA)
Other Intervention Name(s)
Levulan Kerastick
Intervention Description
20% ALA applied to upper extremities for 3 hours prior to 10 J/cm2 blue light
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Other Intervention Name(s)
Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
Intervention Description
10 J/cm2 of 417 nm blue light delivered at 10 mW/cm2
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Maximum Baseline Corrected Plasma Concentration (Cmax) for ALA
Maximum baseline corrected plasma concentration (Cmax) for ALA over the 24 hour sampling time period. Blood samples were taken before ALA application and at 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours following study medication application.
Time Frame
2 days
Time at Which Cmax is Attained (Tmax) for ALA
Time of the maximum baseline corrected plasma concentration for ALA measured at at 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours following study medication application.If a maximum value occurred at more than one timepoint Tmax is defined as the first timepoint with this value.
Time Frame
2 days
AUCt is the area under the baseline corrected plasma concentration-time profile up to the last quantifiable/non-negative plasma concentration
Time Frame
0, 15, 30 minutes, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 hours post-dose
The Terminal Exponential Half-life (T1/2,z) for ALA
The terminal slope was calculated by linear least squares regression of the log plasma concentration-time data. The terminal exponential half-life (T1/2,z) will be calculated as 0.693 divided by the absolute value of slope.
Time Frame
2 days
Maximum Baseline Corrected Plasma Concentration (Cmax) for PpIX
Maximum baseline corrected plasma concentration (Cmax) for PpIX over the 48 hour sampling time period. Blood samples were taken before ALA application and at 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours following study medication application.
Time Frame
2 days
Time at Which Cmax is Attained (Tmax) for PpIX
Time of the maximum baseline corrected plasma concentration for PpIX measured at at 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours following study medication application.If a maximum value occurred at more than one timepoint Tmax is defined as the first timepoint with this value.
Time Frame
2 days
The area under the concentration time-curve assuming the baseline observed plasma concentration existed from time 0 to tlast.
Time Frame
0, 15, 30 minutes, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours post-dose
AUCt for PpIX
The area under the observed plasma concentration time-curve from time 0 to the last quantifiable plasma concentration.
Time Frame
0, 15, 30 minutes, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours post-dose
The ratio of AUCt to AUCBL for PpIX
Time Frame
0, 15, 30 minutes, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 hours post-dose
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
HYPERPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hyperpigmentation Grade 1 = Light hyperpigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving small areas; light hyperpigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hyperpigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hyperpigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hyperpigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
Time Frame
HYPERPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hyperpigmentation Grade 1 = Light hyperpigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving small areas; light hyperpigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hyperpigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hyperpigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hyperpigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
Time Frame
24 hours after PDT
HYPERPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hyperpigmentation Grade 1 = Light hyperpigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving small areas; light hyperpigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hyperpigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hyperpigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hyperpigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hyperpigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
Time Frame
Week 4
HYPOPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hypopigmentation Grade 1 = Light hypopigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving small areas; light hypopigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hypopigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hypopigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hypopigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
Time Frame
HYPOPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hypopigmentation Grade 1 = Light hypopigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving small areas; light hypopigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hypopigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hypopigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hypopigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
Time Frame
24 hours after PDT
HYPOPIGMENTATION SCALE Grade 0 = No hypopigmentation Grade 1 = Light hypopigmentation involving small areas Grade 2 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving small areas; light hypopigmentation involving moderate areas Grade 3 = Moderate hypopigmentation involving moderate sized areas; light hypopigmentation involving large areas; small areas of marked hypopigmentation Grade 4 = Marked hypopigmentation involving moderate or large sized areas
Time Frame
Week 4
Erythema Scale - Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible erythema Grade 2 = Mild - predominantly minimal erythema (pink) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of more intense erythema Grade 3 = Moderate - predominantly moderate erythema (red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of intense erythema (bright red) Grade 4 = Severe - predominantly intense erythema (bright red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of very intense (fiery red) erythema
Time Frame
Erythema Scale - Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible erythema Grade 2 = Mild - predominantly minimal erythema (pink) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of more intense erythema Grade 3 = Moderate - predominantly moderate erythema (red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of intense erythema (bright red) Grade 4 = Severe - predominantly intense erythema (bright red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of very intense (fiery red) erythema
Time Frame
5 Minutes after PDT
Erythema Scale - Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible erythema Grade 2 = Mild - predominantly minimal erythema (pink) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of more intense erythema Grade 3 = Moderate - predominantly moderate erythema (red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of intense erythema (bright red) Grade 4 = Severe - predominantly intense erythema (bright red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of very intense (fiery red) erythema
Time Frame
24 hours after PDT
Erythema Scale - Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible erythema Grade 2 = Mild - predominantly minimal erythema (pink) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of more intense erythema Grade 3 = Moderate - predominantly moderate erythema (red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of intense erythema (bright red) Grade 4 = Severe - predominantly intense erythema (bright red) in the treated area with or without a few isolated areas of very intense (fiery red) erythema
Time Frame
Week 4
EDEMA SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - scant, rare edema Grade 2 = Mild - easily seen edema, minimally palpable, involving up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - easily seen edema and typically palpable, involving between 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area Grade 4 = Severe - easily seen edema, indurated in some areas, involving over 2/3 of the treatment area
Time Frame
EDEMA SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - scant, rare edema Grade 2 = Mild - easily seen edema, minimally palpable, involving up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - easily seen edema and typically palpable, involving between 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area Grade 4 = Severe - easily seen edema, indurated in some areas, involving over 2/3 of the treatment area
Time Frame
5 Minutes after PDT
EDEMA SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - scant, rare edema Grade 2 = Mild - easily seen edema, minimally palpable, involving up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - easily seen edema and typically palpable, involving between 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area Grade 4 = Severe - easily seen edema, indurated in some areas, involving over 2/3 of the treatment area
Time Frame
24 hours after PDT
EDEMA SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - scant, rare edema Grade 2 = Mild - easily seen edema, minimally palpable, involving up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - easily seen edema and typically palpable, involving between 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area Grade 4 = Severe - easily seen edema, indurated in some areas, involving over 2/3 of the treatment area
Time Frame
Week 4
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
Time Frame
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
Time Frame
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
Time Frame
5 Minutes after photodynamic therapy
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
Time Frame
24 hours after PDT
STINGING AND BURNING SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal, barely perceptible -tolerable and little discomfort Grade 2 = Moderate - tolerable, but causes some discomfort Grade 3 = Severe - very uncomfortable or intolerable
Time Frame
Week 4
Scaling and Dryness
SCALING AND DRYNESS SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible desquamation Grade 2 = Mild - limited areas of fine desquamation in up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - fine desquamation involving 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of coarser scaling Grade 4 = Severe - coarser scaling involving more than 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of very coarse scaling
Time Frame
Scaling and Dryness at Visit 4
SCALING AND DRYNESS SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible desquamation Grade 2 = Mild - limited areas of fine desquamation in up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - fine desquamation involving 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of coarser scaling Grade 4 = Severe - coarser scaling involving more than 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of very coarse scaling
Time Frame
24 hours after PDT
Scaling and Dryness
SCALING AND DRYNESS SCALE Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - barely perceptible desquamation Grade 2 = Mild - limited areas of fine desquamation in up to 1/3 of the treatment area Grade 3 = Moderate - fine desquamation involving 1/3 to 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of coarser scaling Grade 4 = Severe - coarser scaling involving more than 2/3 of the treatment area or limited areas of very coarse scaling
Time Frame
Week 4
OOZING/VESICULATION/CRUSTING Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 2 = Mild - two to four areas of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size OR a single area larger than 3 mm diameter in size Grade 3 = Moderate - more than a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting larger than 3 mm diameter in size or more than four areas of 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 4 = Severe - any degree of oozing, vesiculation or crusting greater than (3) above
Time Frame
OOZING/VESICULATION/CRUSTING Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 2 = Mild - two to four areas of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size OR a single area larger than 3 mm diameter in size Grade 3 = Moderate - more than a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting larger than 3 mm diameter in size or more than four areas of 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 4 = Severe - any degree of oozing, vesiculation or crusting greater than (3) above
Time Frame
24 hours after PDT
OOZING/VESICULATION/CRUSTING Grade 0 = None Grade 1 = Minimal - a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 2 = Mild - two to four areas of oozing, vesiculation or crusting 3 mm diameter or less in size OR a single area larger than 3 mm diameter in size Grade 3 = Moderate - more than a single area of oozing, vesiculation or crusting larger than 3 mm diameter in size or more than four areas of 3 mm diameter or less in size Grade 4 = Severe - any degree of oozing, vesiculation or crusting greater than (3) above
Time Frame
Week 4
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
At least 6 Grade 1/2 AKs on one upper extremity AND
At least 12 Grade 1/2 AKs on the OTHER upper extremity
Exclusion Criteria:
history of cutaneous photosensitization, porphyria, hypersensitivity to porphyrins or photodermatosis
lesions suspicious for skin cancer (skin cancer not ruled out by biopsy) or untreated skin cancers within the Treatment Area
Body Mass Index (BMI) > 32.0 kg/m2
skin pathology or condition which could interfere with the evaluation of the test product or requires the use of interfering topical or systemic therapy
significant blood loss within 60 days or donated blood/plasma within 72 hours prior to Visit 2 (Baseline)
tested positive at screening for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or was known to be seropositive for HIV
a history of lead poisoning or a history of a significant exposure to lead
tested positive at screening for hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis C antibody or had a history of a positive result
positive drug screen at Screening
Screening safety labs are clinically significant in the opinion of the investigator
major surgery within 30 days prior to Visit 2 (Baseline) or plans to have surgery during the study
Subject is immunosuppressed
currently enrolled in an investigational drug or device study
has received an investigational drug or been treated with an investigational device within 30 days prior to Visit 2 (Baseline)
known sensitivity to one or more of the vehicle components (ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, laureth 4, polyethylene glycol)
use of the following topical preparations on the extremities to be treated:
Keratolytics including urea (greater than 5%), alpha hydroxyacids [e.g.glycolic acid, lactic acid, etc. greater than 5%], salicylic acid (greater than 2%) within 2 days of initiation of treatment
Cryotherapy within 2 weeks of initiation of treatment
Retinoids, including tazarotene, adapalene, tretinoin, retinol, within 4 weeks of initiation of treatment
Microdermabrasion, laser ablative treatments, ALA-PDT, chemical peels, 5-FU, diclofenac, imiquimod or other topical treatments for AK within 8 weeks of initiation of treatment
use of systemic retinoid therapy within 6 months of initiation of treatment
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Stuart Marcus, MD, PhD
Organizational Affiliation
DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Official's Role
Study Director
Facility Information:
Facility Name
DermResearch, Inc.
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
J&J Studies, Inc
College Station
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
Learn more about this trial
Maximal Use Systemic Exposure Study of Levulan Kerastick (MUSE 2)
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