Meridian Activation Remedy System for Parkinson's Disease (MARS-PD)
Parkinson Disease

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Parkinson Disease
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: 45 to 75 years of age Patients with PD, diagnosed according to the United Kingdom Parkinson's Diseases Society Brain Bank Criteria Hoehn and Yahr scale stage I to III Patients who have voluntarily decided to participate in the clinical study and signed the informed consent form Exclusion Criteria: Clinically unstable patients (e.g., elevated aspartate transaminase (AST) or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) more than three-fold the upper limit of normal in the research institute's laboratory, heart failure, respiratory failure, etc.) Patients who are planning to undergo deep brain stimulation within the study period Pregnant or lactating women Patients with MMSE-K (Mini-Mental State Exam) score of 18 or less If there has been a change in the dosage of antiparkinsonian drugs (e.g., L-dopa, COMT (catechol-O-methyltransferase) inhibitor, Dopamine agonist, MAO-B (monoamine oxidase B) inhibitor, etc.) according to a doctor's prescription within the last 4 weeks prior to enrollment Patients who are receiving manual therapy, exercise therapy, or rehabilitation therapy for Parkinson's disease according to a doctor's prescription within the last 4 weeks prior to enrollment, or are planning to receive such therapy within the study period Patients who are not suitable for participation in this clinical study according to the judgment of the researcher
Sites / Locations
- Clinical Trial Center, Daejeon Korean Medicine Hospital of Daejeon UniversityRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Experimental group (Meridian Activation Remedy System for Parkinson's Disease)
Control group (Usual Care)
Meridian Activation Remedy System for Parkinson's Disease (MARS-PD) treatment (16 times/8 weeks total, 2 times/week)
Usual care (all participants will be allowed to continue their prescribed medication and treatment (except Korean Medicine therapy), and they will not receive any additional treatment or therapy in the research institute), and lifestyle advice (all participants will receive a smart band and application-based guidance about their lifestyle)