Multicenter Study for Diagnosis and Treatment of Perianal Abscesses
Perianal AbscessAnal Fistulas1 moreDrainage of perianal abscesses is a well established treatment. Traditionally its been done in general anesthesia after the swelling has been localised its been drained with a knife. After surgical intervention complications can occur with recidivism, chronic fistulas that go from the anal to the skin and sometimes the anal sphincter is damaged which can cause problems with incontinence. Through ultrasound the abscess is opened under more controlled forms with a better visual overview. This is a new technique that has not been tested in larger studies. The aim with ultrasound-drainage as with traditional incision to drain the abscess so that the infected area can heal. The hypothesis is a reduction of recurrences and formation of fistulas with the use of 3D ultrasonography.

Oral Antibiotics for Anal Abscess
Anal FistulaAnal AbscessBACKGROUND Anal abscess and perianal fistula is a high prevalence disorder in general population that affect adult patients on young ages, affecting them significantly their social and quality of life. There is clinical evidence that the origin of most perianal fistulas (60%) is with an episode one year before of a perianal abscess. In fact, the established cryptoglandular hypothesis considered the origin of anal fistula, a chronic infectious disease starting on a clinical episode of an anal glands abscess. However, controversy exists regarding the role of antibiotics in the development of anal fistula after incision and drainage of perianal abscess. Nowadays, only two single-centre randomized controlled trials has been published addressing this issue, with inconclusive results. The MAIN OBJECTIVE of the study is to examine the clinical benefit of antibiotic therapy in patients with a perianal abscess, to avoid the development of a perianal fistula. METHODOLOGY We designed a prospective, multicentre double-blind placebo trial to analyse the clinical benefit of a course of antibiotics after perianal abscess drainage to diminish the probability of development of perianal fistula in the follow up of patients. Patients with anal abscess will be allocated randomly either to receive 7 days of oral metronidazole/ciprofloxacin in addition to their standard care or to receive standard care and placebo, after they will be discharged from the hospital. Patients will be followed clinically at different intervals during one year in order to know if they develop anal fistula. Also a quality of life assessment at the end of the study will be evaluated. EXPECTED RESULTS We expected that patients allocated to antibiotic treatment would develop a significant less anal fistulas in their follow-up with a related significant better quality of life. Thus, a change on standard of care led by our group, may be achieved.

Safety and Feasibility Study of Methylene Blue Photodynamic Therapy to Sterilize Deep Tissue Abscess...
AbscessThe objectives of this Phase 1 study are to evaluate the safety and feasibility of methylene-blue-mediated photodynamic therapy (MB-PDT) performed at the time of abscess drainage to treat deep tissue abscesses. Safety will be evaluated by physical examination and imaging and laboratory studies in order to identify adverse events that may be induced by MB-PDT. We hypothesize that MB-PDT will be a safe and feasible intervention for this patient population. Optical measurements will additionally be performed at the abscess wall to determine optical properties and methylene blue uptake.

Valacyclovir in Pain Management of Acute Apical Abscesses
Acute Apical AbscessPain1 moreThe Virus in Endodontics (VE) phase I pilot study for preoperative pain will be analyzed and adjusted for the Phase II clinical trial. The Phase II clinical trial on preoperative pain, postoperative pain, and clinical healing will involve 250 patients. Patients will be recruited from the same pool of participants as the Phase II clinical trial. Preoperative cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans will be taken as well as three and six month postoperative CBCT scans. The secondary outcomes form the Phase II randomized clinical trial will be clinical success and visible radiographic healing determined by CBCT images.

Surgical Treatment of Tonsillar Abscess
Tonsillar AbscessThe diagnosis and treatment of tonsillar abscess are very physician-dependent, as sufficient prospective medical literature is lacking to choose the most efficient regimen. The proposed study aims to assess the therapeutic efficacy of tonsillectomy compared to drainage under local anesthesia. This is a prospective, randomized clinical trial in adults in a tertiary care center in Geneva (Switzerland).

Conservative Management of Cutaneous Abscess
Cutaneous AbscessThis is a single center non-blinded randomized trial of topical anesthetic cream to usual care (warm compresses and time) for superficial, non-perianal abscesses in children under 18 years of age. The primary outcome is time to spontaneous drainage. The secondary outcomes are return to emergency room/hospital/care provider and need for incision and drainage. Information on patient experience using standardized patient reported outcome measures for health-related quality of life will also be gathered. The findings of this study will provide more robust evidence of the benefit of this treatment including a potential reduction in cost and allow for more widespread dissemination.

Antibiotic Treatment foLlowing Surgical drAinage of Perianal abScess; the ATLAS Trial
Perianal FistulaPerianal Abscess1 moreRationale: Perianal fistula is a burdening disease with an annual prevalence of 2/100.000 in the Dutch population. More than 90% of crypto-glandular fistulas originate from anorectal abscess. Despite adequate drainage of anorectal abscess up to 83% recurs or results in an anal fistula, the majority developing within 12 months. Up till now it is not common practice to routinely administer prophylactic antibiotics to prevent anal fistula development.\ Objective: The objective of this trial is to establish if adding antibiotic treatment to surgical drainage of perianal abscess results in less perianal fistulas. Study design: The study concerns a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, multicenter trial with treatment of perianal abscess by surgical drainage alone or combined with antibiotic treatment. Patients will be accrued by all participating clinics. The design involves allocation of all appropriate consecutive patients with a primary occurrence of perianal abscess to surgical drainage followed by either antibiotics or placebo. Data will be analyzed on 'intention to treat' basis in case patients are not subjected to the randomized treatment modality. Study population: Men and women of 18 years and older who present for the first time with a perianal abscess. Intervention (if applicable): The antibiotic group receives 7 days of oral metronidazole (500 mg every eight hours) and ciprofloxacin (500 mg every twelve hours) in addition to surgical drainage. The other group receives surgical drainage and postoperatively identical placebo tablets. Main study parameters/endpoints: Primary outcome measure is development of a perianal fistula. Secondary outcome measures are quality of life at 12 months measured with the EQ-5D-5L with Dutch rating. Further: in-hospital direct and indirect costs and out-of hospital postoperative costs, need of repeated drainage, patient related outcome (PRO) and clinical outcome measures. Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness: For this study, patients are asked to take part in a study comparing the addition of antibiotic treatment to surgical drainage of perianal abscess. Patients will not be burdened by extra hospital visits. At baseline participants will complete PRO questionnaires. Also at 1 week and 3, 6 and 12 months participants will fulfill the PRO questionnaires. These will be send to them by email and will take approximately 10 minutes each time.

Partial Oral Antibiotic Treatment for Bacterial Brain Abscess
Brain AbscessCerebral AbscessThe investigators aim to determine if oral antibiotics are clinically acceptable as treatment of brain abscess. Following 2 weeks of standard intravenous antibiotic therapy, half of patients will continue with this treatment for another 4 weeks or longer while the other half will be assigned to oral antibiotics for the remaining duration of treatment.

Role of Gut Microbiota in the Pathophysiology of Aseptic Abscesses
Aseptic Abscess SyndromeAseptic abscess syndrome (AA) is a rare entity characterized by the occurrence of deep abscesses with no germ found. Antibiotic therapy is ineffective and they are sensitive to anti-inflammatory treatment with corticosteroids. Gut microbiota is important for the development of the immune system. In Crohn's disease which is frequently associated with AA syndrome, dysbiosis is found but could also be involved in the immune response at a distance from the gut. Stool, blood, saliva and urine samples will be taken from the patients included and their controls in the centers where they are followed. These biological samples will be transported to Clermont Ferrand using the same procedure (transporter and dry ice) where the following analyses will be performed: microbiota on stool and saliva, short chain fatty acids on stool and lymphocyte study on blood.

Efficacy of Transvaginal Ultrasound-guided Aspiration for Treatment of Tubo-ovarian Abscess Compared...
Uncomplicated Tubo Ovarian Abscess"Tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) include pyosalpinx, ovarian abscess, tubo-ovarian abscess and Douglas abscess. The only randomized study evaluating TOA treatment reported a higher cure rate (90 versus 65%) when antibiotic therapy is associated with abscess evacuation. TOA evacuation can be performed by surgery or by drainage. No studies have compared success rates between those two methods. Concerning surgery, current practices recommend performing laparoscopy which allows a shorter hospital stay, a lower complication rate and high success rates. The majority of published studies reporting radiological drainage concern ultrasound-guided transvaginal drainage. The reported success rates range from 77 to 100%. The PACTOL trial is a randomized, prospective, controlled, open, parallel, non-inferiority, multicenter trial comparing the efficacy of transvaginal drainage versus laparoscopy in both arms with antibiotic therapy in the treatment of TOA.