Longitudinal Virtual Reality Use in Pediatric Surgical Procedures
AnxietyPain2 moreThis study aims to investigate the use of virtual reality guided mindfulness meditation to reduce the pre and post-operative anxiety and pain of pediatric surgical patients.

Perioperative Cognitive Training in Thoracic Surgery
PainPostoperative2 moreMore than 30% of patients undergoing thoracic surgical procedures develop persistent post-surgical pain (PPSP), which results in impaired functioning, diminished quality of life, and increased risk of chronic opioid use. The proposed project aims to determine whether a prospective, randomized, controlled study of smartphone-based perioperative cognitive flexibility training will reduce the incidence of PPSP in high-risk individuals undergoing thoracic surgery.

OnQ Pain Pump Effectiveness in Post Operative Pain Control in Bariatric Patients
Morbid ObesityThis study will assess the efficacy of OnQ pain catheters in pain reduction in the bariatric surgical population and seeks to identify if a quantifiable improved post-operative course occurs in patients receiving a catheter filled with local anesthetic versus that achieved by patients who receive a catheter filled with injectable saline.

Are Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet-Lymphocyte Ratio, and Systemic Immune Inflammation Score...
Postoperative Pain Status of Patients Who Underwent Elective Laparoscopic CholecystectomyPostoperative pain status of patients who underwent elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Comparing Suprainguinal Fascia Iliaca Block With Erector Spinae Plane Block in Hip and Proximal...
Postoperative PainFemur Fracture1 moreMost hip fractures occur in the elderly population. Opioid-related respiratory depression is more common in the elderly population but can cause severe brain damage or death. Reducing the amount of opioids administered before, during and after surgery by adding a regional block may increase the postoperative quality of recovery, reduce chronic pain syndromes, and may potentially facilitate the participation of patients in rehabilitation. Despite their potential advantages, peripheral nerve blocks are still not widely used in people with hip fractures. The primary objective of this study is to compare patients' postoperative pain scores and opioid consumption.

Comparison of Ultrasound-guided Brachial Plexus Blocks and Selective Distal Blocks in Terms of Anesthesia...
PainPostoperative3 moreUltrasound-guided brachial plexus blocks (infraclavicular, axillary) can be applied as the main anesthetic method in hand and wrist surgeries, as well as single or combination block applications of the median, radial and ulnar nerves at the forearm level. Here, we aimed to retrospectively evaluate the perioperative and postoperative data of patients who underwent hand and wrist surgery under distal nerve blocks and brachial plexus blocks in our hospital.

Relationship Between Postoperative Pain and Overall 30-day Complications in Major Abdominal Surgery...
Infectious ComplicationsPostoperative Pain3 moreThis study evaluates the possible correlation of early postoperative pain in a broad surgical adult population and infectious complications in de first 30 days after surgery. It is a large retrospective cohort study in a single center.

The Impact of the SCN9A Gene Polymorphism on Postoperative Pain
PainPostoperative1 moreThe purpose of this study to determine the association between postoperative pain after cesarean section and several single nucleotide polymorphisms in SCN9A sodium channels gene.

Comparison of Postoperative Pain Between Patients Received Primary and Repeated Caesarean Section...
Caesarean SectionTo everyone knows, more and more patients received repeated caesarean section in China. However, at present it is not known what is it like about their postoperative pain intensity, and is it different from those patients who received primary caesarean section. Thus through postoperative follow-up, the current study aimed to investigate and compare the postoperative pain between patients received primary and repeated caesarean section.

The Emerging Role of Resolvins in the Prevention of Chronic Pain After Thoracic Surgery
Patients Scheduled for Thoracic Surgery/Esophagectomy Will be EnrolledPersistent Post Surgical PainThe aim of the study is to investigate whether pre-operative dysregulated systemic lipid mediator pathways are associated with increased risk for the development of persistent post surgical pain. In addition we will investigate whether treatment with an over the counter dietary supplement containing a fractionated marine lipid derivative from anchovy and sardine oil prevents the development of chronic pain after surgery.