Smartphone Addiction Level and Neck Muscle
Smartphone AddictionNeck Muscle IssueBackground/aim:The study was conducted to determine the smartphone addiction level of youths and to investigate the effect of addiction level on neck pain, functional level, pressure pain threshold (PPT) level, and muscle activation of neck muscles (upper trapezius (UT), cervical erector spina (CES), sternocleidomastoideus (SCM)). Methods:Superficial electromyography, PPT, Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Neck Disability Index (NDI) and Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS) were used as assessment tools.

Burnout, Covid 19, Smarthphone Addiction
Burn OutAddiction1 moreWe investigate burnout syndrome and smartphone addiction in healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, medical secretaries, security guards, and cleaning staff, who have been actively working from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. target population included 1190 healthcare workers, from which a total of 183 agreed to participate in the study and met the inclusion criteria for participation. A sociodemographic data form, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and the Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version were used as the data collection tools.

Cross-Sectional Study to Define and Validate "Doctor/Pharmacy Shopping" as Outcomes Suggestive of...
Opioid-Related DisordersOpiate Addiction2 moreThe purpose of this study is to formulate definitions of doctor/pharmacy shopping and evaluate its association with abuse/addiction

A Photoaging Mobile App Promoting Poster Campaign for Preventing Smoking in Secondary Schools
Tobacco AddictionSmoking Related Diseases1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether photoaging mobile app promoting poster campaigns are effective to reduce smoking prevalence among adolescents in Germany. This is measured via questionnaire.

Observational Study to Evaluate Levomethadone Safety and Effectiveness in Subjects Under Opioid...
Opioid AddictionMulticentre, prospective, observational, non-interventional, open- ended trial, collecting data from male and female patients aged ≥ 18 years, with a diagnosis of opioid addiction according to ICD-10 (F11.2), treated with therapeutic doses of levomethadone according to the routine medical practice.

Opioid Physiology Project
ToleranceWithdrawal2 moreThe current project seeks to explore the use of emergent biosensor technology to detect opioid use. The investigators goal is to recruit 60 opioid naïve patients presenting at the College of Dentistry at UTHSC. Candidate participants must be scheduled for an upcoming dental procedure that will involve subsequent pain management using oral opioid medication. Participants will be consented prior to any study procedures. All participant information from this study will be kept strictly confidential (e.g., no individual data will be shared with the College of Dentistry).

The Biobehavioral Impact of Diet Quality on Affect and Craving
Food AddictionWithdrawalThe current study experimentally investigates whether reducing highly processed (HP) foods (defined in this study as foods high in added sugars) leads to, psychological and / or behavioral indicators of withdrawal. The following hypotheses are tested: To test the hypothesis that reducing highly processed food intake will result in higher daily reports of physical (e.g. headaches), cognitive (e.g. difficulty concentrating), and affective (e.g., irritability) withdrawal symptoms). To test the hypothesis that reducing highly processed food intake will result in increased negative affect (e.g., irritability, depression) as indicated by and psychological (self - reported distress ratings; daily emotion / mood reports) measures. To test the hypothesis that reducing highly processed food intake will result in increased food craving as indicated by psychological (self - report craving ratings; daily craving report) measures. All activities are completed remotely. Participants complete 4 phone appointments with a trained member of the research team. Daily questionnaires and ecological momentary assessments are completed at home between phone appointments. The initial call signs electronic consent and gets baseline measurements (questionnaires). After the initial call, participants start an active assessment period (pre / post dietary change assessments). Pre-dietary change includes at home questionnaires and ecological momentary assessments while eating a typical diet. It also includes the second phone appointment. Post-dietary change includes at home questionnaires and ecological momentary assessments while consuming 3 days of food portions lower in highly processed foods. Participants will complete a food journal on the remaining 2 days of post - dietary change assessment to report what food they ate. Post - dietary change also includes the third phone appointment. The second and third phone appointments each include computer tasks and questionnaires. The final phone appointment is a debriefing interview. Participants planning to continue eating a healthier diet may also be invited to complete a follow-up period, which involves answering a short questionnaire at home every other day for two weeks. 7 individuals had in-person data collected prior to the pandemic requiring a shift to virtual data collection.

Treatment of Hepatitis C in Psychiatric Patients
Mental DisordersDrug AddictionPsychiatric disorders or drug addiction are often regarded as contraindications against the use of Interferon-alpha in patients with chronic hepatitis C. The investigators aim is/was to get prospective data about adherence, efficacy and mental side effects of IFN-alpha treatment in different psychiatric risk groups compared to controls. In a prospective trial, 81 patients with chronic hepatitis C (positive HCV-RNA and elevated ALT) and psychiatric disorders (n=16), methadone substitution (n=21), former drug addiction (n=21) or controls without psychiatric history or addiction (n=23) should be/were treated with a combination of IFN-alpha-2a 3 x 3 Mio U/week and ribavirin (1000-1200 mg/day).

HIV Infection and Tobacco Use Among Injection Drug Users in Baltimore, Maryland: A Pilot Study of...
HIV InfectionsAIDS3 moreBackground: The incidence of lung cancer is quite high among people with the human immunodeficiency (HIV) virus. Frequent smoking may explain that cancer increase, given that 50% to 70% of HIV-infected people are current smokers. Recent research suggests that other factors may be involved as well. Smoking habits, such as smoking earlier in life or smoking more cigarettes a day than others do, may have a role. Also, HIV-infected smokers seem to have a greater risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The association of HIV and COPD is important, because COPD itself is linked to an increased risk of lung cancer. About 1,600 subjects from the study known as ALIVE (AIDS Linked to the Intra-Venous Experience), which began in 1988 in Baltimore, Maryland, will be given a detailed questionnaire on smoking behaviors and lung cancer risk factors. They will also have spirometry testing, to evaluate lung function. Objectives: To better characterize smoking habits and compare tobacco use among HIV-infected and uninfected drug users. To compare serum cotinine levels and spirometry results, as a marker of tobacco use and a marker of damage to lung function, respectively. Eligibility: Patients 18 years of age and older who are in the ALIVE cohort. Design: Patients undergo the following procedures: Completing a questionnaire on smoking history. Questions include age when smoking began, periods of quitting smoking, average number of cigarettes per day for specific periods, amount of each cigarette smoked, depth of inhalation, type of cigarette, nicotine dependence, use of other smoked [Note: I would not mention that these drugs are illegal] drugs, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, past medical history, and recent respiratory symptoms. Spirometry testing. Patients are asked to breathe as deeply as possible and then rapidly exhale into a tube. The forced expiration volume in 1 second reflects the average flow rate during the first second, and it can be used to determine the degree of pulmonary obstruction. Blood samples. Tests measure levels of cotinine, a chemical made by the body from nicotine. African American males, who constitute the majority of the ALIVE cohort, participate in this test. Results would show how much tobacco smoke has recently entered the body. For this test, researchers plan to evaluate 240 current tobacco smokers and 100 participants who report no recent cigarette use.

Social Media Effects on Mental Health
Mental Health IssueMental Health Wellness 13 moreIn the last decade, research on social media and mental health has produced mixed results. Overall, the current findings suggest that the negative effects on mental health are exacerbated by longer and more frequent social media usage, whereas the positive effects are bolstered when social media is used to connect with other people. With the largest number of global users, Facebook is the most frequently studied social media network. Over the past few years, the increasing concerns about the risks associated with Facebook have even translated to wider pop culture conversations, as exemplified by the 2020 documentary The Social Dilemma. In response, Facebook has rolled out a series of features supposed to mitigate these risks and encourage responsible social media usage. These features include activity trackers and reminders, unfollow and snooze buttons, and data sharing regulators. Currently, there is no research done to address whether (1) these features are used at all, and (2) whether they are successful in moderating the negative mental health consequences of Facebook usage. This study seeks to address the gap in literature through a survey done on the crowdsourcing platform Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk).