Recovery Sleepers: A Pilot Study of a Sleep Health Intervention for College Students in Recovery...
SleepAddictionThe purpose of this research study is to examine how to improve sleep in college students in recovery from substance use disorder(s). This study is a pilot test of an experimental program called Recovery Sleepers (RS) to explore its feasibility and how well it works to improve sleep, wellbeing, and cravings.

Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption in Patients With Head and Neck or Lung Cancer : Interest of an Addiction...
Upper Aerodigestive Tract NeoplasmsLung CancerThis is a multicenter, interventional, randomized study among patients with a first lung or head & neck cancer who are still active smokers ± alcohol misusers.The study will aim to compare the systematic implementation of an addiction treatment program initiated at hospital and integrated to the initial cancer treatment program (Arm A), versus the as-usual procedure, which consists in recommendations to follow an addiction treatment program (Arm B)

Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Human Subjects
Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Cocaine AddictionThis study is being done to measure the number of brain cells that grow in the brain throughout our lives while determining an effective way to complete this with an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanner. The number of these brain cells may be affected by cocaine use. Researchers are trying to understand the long-term effects of cocaine use on the brain.

The Effects of Smartphone Addiction on Physical Activity, Fatigue and Sleep Quality of University...
Addictive BehaviorThe increasing rate of usage of smartphones ushers in various health problems and smartphone addiction. In the literature, the research focused mainly on the relationship between smartphone addiction and depression, anxiety and musculoskeletal system problems; however, the number of studies on fatigue was limited. We believe that this paper will be of interest to the readers of your journal because it adds information about the effect of smartphone addiction on physical activity, on sleep quality and especially on fatigue.

Prevalence and Predictors of Prolonged Post-surgical Opioid Use: a Prospective Observational Cohort...
Opioid Use DisordersOpioid-related Disorders5 morePost-surgical opioid prescribing intended for the short-term management of acute pain may lead to long-term opioid use, and its associated harms. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of prolonged post-surgical opioid use, and patient-related factors associated with prolonged post-surgical opioid use.

Effects of Corticorelin Administration on Dopamine Transmission, Craving, and Mood in Cocaine Dependence...
Cocaine-Related DisordersCocaine Addiction1 moreThis study will, in a sample of cocaine-dependent and healthy control subjects, administer corticorelin and compare dopamine release between groups. Dopamine release will be measured using PET neuroimaging with the radiotracer [11C]-(+)-PHNO.

Observational Study to Assess the Efficacy and Tolerability of Eptadone®, in Heroin Addicted Patients...
Heroin AddictionThe efficacy and tolerability of Eptadone® in the context of a maintenance program will be evaluated in an observational prospective, multicenter study, in heroin addicted patients.

Observational Study to Assess the Adequacy of Methadone Dosage, in Heroin Addicted Patients in a...
Heroin AddictionThe purpose of the study ( observational and prospective ) is to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of the methadone maintenance treatment in patients addicted to heroin. The efficacy and tolerability are assessed by correlating to the adequacy of the dosage of methadone. The patients will be observed for two years.

Behavioural Addiction and Genetics in Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseImpulse Control DisordersThe " Behavioural Addiction and Genetics in Parkinson's Disease " study (BADGE-PD) is a national (France), multicenter, genetic association, case-control study to identify genetic factors associated with behavioural addiction (or Impulse Control Disorders, ICD) related to dopamine agonists treatment in Parkinson's disease (PD). Polymorphisms of candidate genes supposed to be involved in this adverse effect will be compared in 200 PD patients with ICD (n=200) and 200 matched PD patients without ICD (n=200).

The Novel Addiction Assessment Study in Synthetic Drugs Addiction
Amphetamine AddictionThe purpose of this research is to develop an objective assessment based on the virtual reality techniques which is used for evaluate addiction severity.