Blood Samples for the Study of Peanut, Tree Nut and Other Food Allergies
Peanut AllergiesTree Nut Allergies1 moreFood allergies are now a major problem. These experiments involve getting blood from people with food allergies and from people without food allergies. The blood collected will be used to answer questions and find information about peanut and other food allergies. Samples will come from: People signed up by the investigators at the University of Colorado Denver University of North Carolina, Massachusetts General Hospital, Children's Hospital of Colorado and the Immune Tolerance Network (Benaroya Research Institute) where people have been treated for peanut allergies University of North Carolina, Massachusetts General Hospital, National Jewish Health and The Children's Hospital in Denver where people have taken part or will take part in clinically indicated oral food challenges. Blood and health histories from the University of North Carolina, Massachusetts General Hospital, National Jewish Health, The Children's Hospital and the Immune Tolerance Network will not have personal information linked. The specific aims of this experiment are: Come up with a lab test that will predict how bad an allergic reaction will be to peanuts. Find out what part of a peanut causes allergic reactions. Come up with preventions that can block peanut allergies. Find the strongest proteins in walnuts.

The Effect of Bariatric Surgery on Insulin Sensitivity and Energy Metabolism
ObesityDiabetes Mellitus1 moreThe purpose of this study is: To explore to what extent insulin sensitivity, energy metabolism and ectopic lipid storage can be improved by bariatric surgery To explore to what extent hepatic and muscular disorders of energy metabolism occur in patients with obesity (degree 2-3) To explore whether the steato liver occurring in patients with obesity (degree 2-3) is associated with the degree of liver inflammation

A Feasibility Study Evaluating a Role for Maintenance Therapy in Patients With Biochemically Progressive...
Castration Sensitive Prostate CancerThe goal of this clinical trial is to assess the feasibility of adding a combination of metformin and turmeric as part of a nutritional intervention regimen to the current standard of care, namely, intermittent Androgen Deprivation Therapy (iADT), for patients with castration sensitive biochemical progressive prostate cancer. The main objectives are: Assess the feasibility of the study population and enrollment. Evaluate time to PSA relapse with nutritional intervention on iADT. Participants who are receiving iADT will be dispensed Metformin and turmeric and complete a pill diary. Participants will also have blood and stool samples collected and complete quality of life questionnaires. The long-term goal is to further assess the efficacy and safety of this nutritional regimen and the roles of metabolic syndrome, microenvironment/microbiome, and genomic vs epigenomic profiles in the care of these patients through a clinical trial.

Skin Sodium and Salt Sensitivity of Blood Pressure
HypertensionEating too much salt raises blood pressure and the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. The investigators do not fully understand why salt raises blood pressure, but storage of sodium in the body, particularly in the skin, may be important. For this reason, the investigators wish to study the link between skin sodium, blood pressure and cardiovascular risk in patients with high blood pressure, of different ethnicities, using techniques such as skin biopsy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The results will provide detailed information on skin sodium storage and help us better understand the effects of blood pressure medications on these mechanisms. Ultimately, the investigators aim to develop personalized treatment guidelines for clinical use.

Juniperus Oxycedrus and Cupressus Arizonica Allergen Extracts Standardisation.
Allergy PollenAllergic Reaction1 moreThe objective of this study is to determine the biological activity of Juniperus oxycedrus and Cupressus arizonica. allergen extracts in histamine equivalent prick (HEP) units, in order to be used as in-house reference preparation (IHRP).

Primary Hormone-sensitive Breast Cancer: Need-driven Health Care Improvement by Patient-centred...
New Healthcare ApproachThe investigators designed a prospective, 2-armed, cluster-randomized multicenter clinical trial on the effect of a by a digital application triggered intervention on quality of life and therapy-adherence among breast cancer patients, compared to standard of care.

Evaluate the Efficacy and the Tolerance of the Medical Device V063B-DP3003 on Dentin Hypersensitivity...
Tooth WhiteningA dental gel intended to relieve pain related to dentin hyper sensitivity is commercialized in several countries worlwide since May 2017. Its efficacy and tolerance has already been proven in dentin hyper sensitivity. In this new study, we assess the efficacy and tolerance of this tested product in a specific external agression, the teeth whitening.

Safety and Efficacy of an Oral Penicillin Challenge in Low Risk Hospitalized Patients
Penicillin AllergyPenicillin allergy is the most common drug allergy reported by patients. Approximately 10% of the population and 20% of inpatients carry a label of penicillin allergy. However, less than 5%-10% of them have a confirmed allergy following comprehensive investigations. Reported penicillin allergy leads to higher medical costs and excess complications and presents a major challenge to antimicrobial stewardship. There is a high demand for allergy services however penicillin allergy testing (including skin testing and oral drug challenge) is not routinely available for inpatients even in major centres. Direct oral amoxicillin challenges are safe and effective in delabeling low risk patients who report penicillin allergy in large paediatric and adult studies and does not necessitate specialist referral. The study team seeks to determine the safety and efficacy of a single-dose oral penicillin challenge pilot program in adult in-patients with self-reported penicillin allergy admitted to hospital under the internal medicine Clinical Teaching Unit (CTU). The study investigators will determine the number of patients successfully delabelled of their "penicillin allergy" prior to discharge from hospital over a 12 month period. The study doctors will also assess the economic impact of the investigator's model and ease of implementation in the busy inpatient setting. In the future this model could be implemented generally as an inpatient or outpatient penicillin allergy program where low risk patients, who do not require referral to an allergist, are expeditiously delabelled.

Evaluation of Serum Pentraxin 3 and High Sensitive CRP in Female Patients With Gestational Diabetes...
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Second Trimester of PregnancyTo assess the value of serum Pentraxin-3 and high sensitive CRP in females with normal pregnancy and females with gestational diabetes mellitus in second trimester of pregnancy. To study correlations between serum Pentraxin-3 and High sensitive CRP in gestational diabetes.

Testing Tolerance in Cow Milk Protein Allergy Patients: Milk Ladder or Direct Milk Administration?...
Cow Milk AllergyToleranceMajority of children outgrow their allergies, however there are two different methods to re-introduce milk products in the infant diet either direct milk intake in escalating doses or milk ladder, starting with baked milk products instead of pure milk. This study aims to compare rate of tolerance after milk reintroduction among patient with cow milk protein allergy (CMPA) diagnosed by elimination re-challenge test after six months of elimination diet by milk ladder versus direct milk intake.