Immunological Analysis of Lymph Node Tissue After Intralymphatic Immunotherapy: A Prospective Case...
HypersensitivityHay Fever4 moreAllergy is a public health problem as more than 20% of western society is affected by it. Symptomatic treatment of allergy suffices with less severe allergy. Patients with more severe allergy should be treated with allergen immunotherapy (AIT). Present options of AIT are efficient but of long duration, associated with side effects and require much time from the patient. With Intralymphatic immunotherapy (ILIT), allergen is injected into the lymph node under ultrasound guidance. ILIT is complete after 3 treatment visits, may be more effective than and may have markedly fewer side effects than presently available methods of AIT. The investigators plan a randomized, parallel group, open-label, prospective case-control study to assess immunological changes in lymph node and peripheral blood after intralymphatic (ILIT) or subcutaneous (SCIT) immunotherapy with POLVAC. The intervention consists of one ultrasound-guided injection of allergen into inguinal lymph node or subcutaneous injection 1 cm next to the lymph node. Intervention quality (accuracy of injection) will be assessed by the administering physician during treatment and via video recording on the ultrasound device. Side effects associated with treatment will be recorded by the patients for 3 days after the injection. The effect of intralymphatic or subcutaneous injection on lymph node tissue and immunoglobulins E and G4 in serum as well as cellular analyses of lymph node tissue and peripheral blood will be determined in samples taken during the trial. The primary effect parameter is the effect of a single intralymphatic allergen injection on immunological parameters as well as allergen delivery to the lymph node as compared with a single subcutaneous injection.

In Vivo Effects of Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors
Non-Coeliac Wheat Sensitivity (NCWS)Irritable Bowel SyndromeWheat is the most important staple food consumed in the Western world and provides beneficial health effects and functional properties. Nevertheless, an increasing proportion of the general population is avoiding or reducing its consumption of wheat products due to self-reported gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, such as patients with non-coeliac wheat sensitivity (NCWS) and/or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). There is increasing evidence that the amylase trypsin inhibitors (ATIs), accounting for up to 15% of wheat proteins, play a role in the symptom generation in NCWS and IBS. In vitro studies showed ATIs can induce an innate immune response via direct interaction with the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), activating the TLR4-MD2-CD14 complex with subsequent release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. These results were confirmed in mice. Furthermore, in mice ATIs triggered intestinal epithelial lymphocytosis and barrier dysfunction, and modified microbiota composition and metabolism. Thus far, there have been no placebo-controlled studies investigating these effects of isolated ATIs in human subjects. Understanding the role of ATIs in symptom generation in NCWS and IBS patients is important to provide these patients with appropriate dietary advice, improving their quality of life and decreasing their risk of nutritional deficiencies. The investigators aim to perform a proof-of-concept study to assess the effect of ATIs on the intestinal barrier and immune function in healthy volunteers. The investigators hypothesise that the ATIs either directly affect the intestinal barrier function, or indirectly by activating an immune response via TLR4. The study conforms a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design, using healthy human volunteers (male and female), 18-65 years old. Volunteers will each undergo two test days, separated by a wash-out period of at least 4 weeks. At the test day, volunteers receive either isolated ATIs or placebo (physiological saline), ingested using a nasogastric intraduodenal feeding catheter.

NOVAPAK Nasal Packing in Shellfish Allergic Patients
Shellfish HypersensitivityEpistaxisNOVAPAK is a sponge-like material made from materials found in shellfish. It is commonly used after nasal surgery or in nasal bleeding, as it promotes healing, decreases bleeding, and has antibacterial properties. Although NOVOPAK does not contain proteins or compounds known to be responsible for allergic reactions in people with a known allergy to shellfish, out of an abundance of caution, the manufacturer (Medtronic) has recommended avoidance in those with known shellfish allergy. There have been no reported allergic reactions in patients with shellfish allergy who were given chitosan bandages in emergencies (e.g. military applications). The study aims to investigate the safety of its use in patients with known shellfish allergy to improve healthcare quality and patient care support.

Skeletal Muscle Function in Interstitial Lung Disease
Interstitial Lung DiseaseIdiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis3 moreDyspnea (i.e. breathlessness) and exercise intolerance are common symptoms for patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD), yet it is not known why. It has been suggested that muscle dysfunction may contribute to dyspnea and exercise intolerance in ILD. Our study aims to: i) examine differences in the structure and function of the leg muscles in ILD patients, ii) determine if leg muscle fatigue contributes to dyspnea and exercise limitation in patients with ILD, and iii) determine the effects of breathing extra oxygen on leg muscle fatigue, as well as ability to exercise in ILD patients.

Processes and Circuitry Underlying Threat Sensitivity as a Treatment Target for Co-morbid Anxiety...
DepressionAnxiety5 moreThis mechanistic study uses an anti anxiety drug and brain imaging to study the threat processing system and associated brain circuits in people with depression, anxiety disorders and comorbid depression and anxiety disorders. In a double blind, placebo controlled crossover design, up to 65 individuals will be recruited who will have a diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) and at least one anxiety disorder (AD) (AD-MDD group), up to 65 participants will have a diagnosis of MDD and no diagnosis of an AD and up to 65 participants will have no diagnosis of MDD and a diagnosis of at least one AD will be enrolled to participate in an two session study to obtain 150 completers (50 per group). All participants will receive a single dose of Lorazepam and placebo (order randomized) taken orally. After the ~2.5 hr screening session, participants will complete two identical ~5 hr experimental sessions, each of which include a 30 min eyeblink startle session and a 1 hr functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan session. The total time involved in the study is approximately 10.5 hours. The main questions the study seeks to answer are: are people with comorbid depression and anxiety different than those with depression alone in terms of their eyeblink startle response to threat? are people with comorbid depression and anxiety different than those with depression alone in terms of their brain activation in response to threat? are people with comorbid depression and anxiety different than those with depression alone in terms of their responses to anxiety drugs?

The Effect of Compassion Education on Compassion Adequacy and Moral Sensitivity in Nursing Students...
CompassionThe aim of this thesis study is to determine the effect of compassion education on compassion adequacy and moral sensitivity in nursing students. The sample of the descriptive study consists of the first year nursing students studying at Süleyman Demirel University in the 2022-2023 academic year. The research will be carried out between October 2022 and September 2023. Research data will be collected from nursing students who volunteered to participate in the research by using the Personal Information Form, which includes the demographic characteristics of the students, the Compassion Adequacy Scale and the Modified Moral Sensitivity Scale for Nursing Students.

Quercus Ilex and Quercus Robur Allergen Extracts Standardisation
Allergic ReactionAllergic Skin Reaction1 moreThe objective of this study is to determine the biological activity of Quercus illex and Quercus robur allergen extracts in histamine equivalent prick (HEP) units, in order to be used as in-house reference preparation (IHRP).

Effect of Carotenoids Supplementation on Visual Function in Chinese Subjects
Constrast SensitivityThe macula is a pigmented area at the center of the retina, and responsible for the central, high-resolution color vision. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease of the macula and is the leading cause of irreversible vision impairment and blindness worldwide. The yellow pigment at the macula is referred to as macular pigment. There is now strong evidence showing that macular pigment (MP), which is composed of the dietary carotenoids lutein (L), meso-zeaxanthin (MZ), and zeaxanthin (Z) is protective against AMD and vision loss. MP is a powerful antioxidant and also filters short-wavelength (blue) light at the macula. The AREDS2 study concluded that supplementation of L and Z is beneficial for patients with non-advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The CREST and other studies had reported that dietary supplementation of these carotenoids could enhance contrast sensitivity among the Caucasian population, whereas little information is known about the effect of dietary supplementation of carotenoids on contrast sensitivity among Chinese. Thus in this study, we aim to investigate whether supplementation of a formulation containing 10 mg L, 10 mg MZ, and 2mg Z on contrast sensitivity in Chinese subjects free of retinal disease. This study is a single-center, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial conducted at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center (ZOC), Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Participants in the intervention group received oral supplementation of 10 mg L, 10 mg MZ, and 2mg Z in a formula base oil suspension as one soft gel capsule in the morning per day. Participants in the control group receive one soft gel capsule of placebo oil per day. The intervention and placebo supplements are identical in external appearance, and the two treatments are therefore indistinguishable from each other. The duration of the study intervention is 12 months, and study visits are conducted at baseline, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. The primary outcome measure is the change in contrast sensitivity (CS) at 6 cycles per degree (cpd) over the study course: Y=CS4-CS1, where CS1 is CS at 6 cpd at baseline, CS4 is the CS at 6cpd at the 12-month follow-up. The secondary outcomes of this study include CS at other cpds and at other study visits, best-corrected visual acuity, subjective visual function, and skin carotenoid levels at each study visit.

TRANS-FOODS: Preventing Peanut Allergy Through Improved Understanding of the Transcutaneous Sensitisation...
Allergy;FoodFood Allergy Peanut1 moreThis project aims to study the immune responses to peanut allergen in those with a skin barrier defect with and without skin massage, specifically it aims to: Establish if peanut allergen components can pass into human skin through regular massage using the peanut protein-containing extract. Clarify whether this effect is amplified in those with an impaired skin barrier (AD and dry skin vs healthy controls). Assess whether peanut protein components can be detected in interstitial skin fluid (ISF) using a suction device. Test whether peanut protein components present in ISF are able to induce activation of basophils in blood of peanut allergic donors. Assess whether the transcutaneous uptake of peanut protein can be reduced by the prior use of a barrier enhancing cream.

Study of Efficacy and Safety of Pirfenidone in Patients With Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis...
Interstitial Lung DiseasePatients are being offered participation in this pirfenidone trial because They have been diagnosed with fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (FHP), a type of interstitial lung disease (ILD). This is a disease where scarring of lung tissue occurs as the result of inhaling substances called antigens. These antigens can be substances such as molds, chemicals or dust. As a result of this scarring the lungs are is not able to move oxygen into the bloodstream to reach other organs. Currently over 1400 subjects have been treated with pirfenidone in 15 clinical trials. This drug has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, a different type of ILD, but requires special permission for use in your condition. The use of pirfenidone has not been approved for the treatment of FHP. It is considered experimental treatment in this study.