Human Upper Extremity Allotransplantation
AmputationTraumatic2 moreBackground: Millions of people each year sustain injuries, have tumors surgically removed, or are born with defects that require complex reconstructive surgeries to repair. In the case of hand, forearm, or arm amputation, prostheses only provide less than optimal motor function and no sensory feedback. However, hand and arm transplantation is a means to restore the appearance, anatomy, and function of a native hand. Although over 70 hand transplants have been performed to date and good functional results have been achieved, widespread clinical use has been limited due to adverse effects of life-long and high-dose immunosuppression needed to prevent graft rejection. Risks include infection, cancer, and metabolic problems, all of which can greatly affect recipients' quality of life, make the procedure riskier, and jeopardize the potential benefits of hand transplantation. Study Design: This non-randomized, Phase II clinical trial will document the use of a new immunomodulatory protocol (aka - Pittsburgh Protocol, Starzl Protocol) for establishing hand transplantation as a safe and effective reconstructive treatment for upper extremity amputations by minimizing maintenance immunosuppression therapy in unilateral and bilateral hand/forearm transplant patients. This protocol combines lymphocyte depletion with donor bone marrow cell infusion and has enabled graft survival using low doses of a single immunosuppressive drug followed by weaning of treatment. Initially designed for living-related solid organ donation, this regimen has been adapted for use with grafts donated by deceased donors. The investigators propose to perform 30 human hand transplants employing this novel protocol. Specific Aims: 1) To establish hand transplantation as a safe and effective reconstructive strategy for the treatment of upper extremity amputations; 2) To reduce the risk of rejection and enable allograft survival while minimizing the requirement for long-term high dose multi-drug immunosuppression. Significance of Research: Hand transplantation could help upper extremity amputees recover functionality, self-esteem, and the capability to reintegrate into family and social life as "whole" individuals. The protocol offers the potential for minimizing the morbidity of maintenance immunosuppression, thereby beneficially shifting the risk/benefit ratio of this life-enhancing procedure and enabling widespread clinical application of hand transplantation.

Cryoanalgesia to Treat Phantom Limb Pain Following Above-Knee Amputation
AmputationSurgical4 moreWhen a limb is severed, pain perceived in the part of the body that no longer exists often develops and is called "phantom limb" pain. Unfortunately, phantom pain goes away in only 16% of afflicted individuals, and there is currently no reliable definitive treatment. The exact reason that phantom limb pain occurs is unclear, but when a nerve is cut-as happens with an amputation-changes occur in the brain and spinal cord that actually increase with worsening phantom pain. These abnormal changes may often be corrected by putting local anesthetic-called a "nerve block"-on the injured nerve, effectively keeping any "bad signals" from reaching the brain with a simultaneous resolution of the phantom limb pain. However, when the nerve block resolves after a few hours, the phantom pain returns. But, this demonstrates that the brain abnormalities-and phantom pain-that occur with an amputation are not necessarily fixed, and may be dependent upon the "bad" signals being sent from the injured nerve(s), suggesting that a very long peripheral nerve block-lasting many months rather than hours-may permanently reverse the abnormal changes in the brain, and provide definitive relief from phantom pain. A prolonged nerve block lasting a few months may be provided by freezing the nerve using a process called "cryoneurolysis". The ultimate objective of the proposed research study is to determine if cryoanalgesia is an effective treatment for intractable post-amputation phantom limb pain. The proposed pilot study will include subjects with an existing above-knee amputation who experience intractable daily phantom limb pain. A single ultrasound-guided treatment of cryoneurolysis (or sham block-determined randomly like a flip of a coin) will be applied to the major nerves of the thigh. Although not required, each subject may return 4-6 months later for the alternative treatment (if the first treatment is sham, then the second treatment would be cryoneurolysis) so that all participants have the option of receiving the active treatment. Subjects will be followed for a total of 12 months with data collected by telephone.

Spinal Cord Stimulation for Restoration of Function in Lower-Limb Amputees, 90-Day
Traumatic Amputation of Lower ExtremityPhantom Limb PainThe goals of this study are to provide sensory information to amputees and reduce phantom limb pain via electrical stimulation of the lumbar spinal cord and spinal nerves. The spinal nerves convey sensory information from peripheral nerves to higher order centers in the brain. These structures still remain intact after amputation and electrical stimulation of the dorsal spinal nerves in individuals with intact limbs and amputees has been demonstrated to generate paresthetic sensory percepts referred to portions of the distal limb. Further, there is recent evidence that careful modulation of stimulation parameters can convert paresthetic sensations to more naturalistic ones when stimulating peripheral nerves in amputees. However, it is currently unclear whether it is possible to achieve this same conversion when stimulating the spinal nerves, and if those naturalistic sensations can have positive effects on phantom limb pain. As a first step towards those goals, in this study, the investigators will quantify the sensations generated by electrical stimulation of the spinal nerves, study the relationship between stimulation parameters and the quality of those sensations, measure changes in control of a prosthesis with sensory stimulation, and quantify the effects of that stimulation on the perception of the phantom limb and any associated pain.

Prospective Study on the Role of Intravenous Unfractionated Heparin Following Digital Replantation...
Amputation; TraumaticHandThe purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of therapeutic dose intravenous heparin at improving replantation/revascularization success and its indications (if any) in participants who have suffered traumatic digital amputation. Digital replantation/revascularization success will be assessed in participants who receive continuous intravenous drip of thromboprophylactic heparin at a therapeutic dose (i.e. modifies INR to the desired range) contrasted to those who do not receive therapeutic dose heparin (i.e. does not modify INR to the desired range). In the study, replantation/revascularization success is defined as a clearly viable digit at the time of discharge. Secondary objectives include assessing postoperative complications associated with heparin use, such as bleeding, hematoma or heparin induced thrombocytopenia. The investigators would also assess the impact of categorical variables such as smoking status, mechanism of injury and comorbidities, on digital survival.

To Assess the Utility of the Point Partial in a Clinical Take-home Study of Partial Hand Amputees...
Amputation; TraumaticHandThis study will allow us to assess whether the Point Partial confers functional and psychological benefit to persons with partial finger amputations in an unconstrained environment. The use of the Point Partial outside of the laboratory will allow for a wider variety of uses and for a more realistic simulation of the product being used in the field. This well-controlled trial (without randomization of subjects) will produce the first Level II-1 medical evidence in our field of partial hand prosthetic design as described by the 1989 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Furthermore, this study will provide important data to support providers who are requesting reimbursement from payers.

Medical Economic Evaluation of Bilateral Allograft of Hands and Forearms
Bilateral Traumatic Amputation of Upper LimbsThe double amputation of the forearms is a rare handicap that seriously impacts the autonomy and the quality of life of patients, social and familial exclusion, and dependence on third parties for everyday activities. The management of these patients is nearly exclusively through the use of prostheses. Certain patients refuse this solution, or remain penalized by the absence of sensitivity , the lack of precision in movements, and body image issues related to the amputation; the double graft of hands and forearms may, in this circumstance, be the only solution. Since January 2000, date of the first double hand graft, six bilateral grafts of hands have been performed at the Hospices Civils de Lyon. This first study reported the feasibility of the graft. The functional results obtained after the double transplant have allowed patients to recover complete autonomy for everyday activities, at the price of an immunosuppressive treatment. We have found that these very good functional results are maintained over time and, for a certain number of patients, to return to work which is a factor of social integration. The rate of medical complications (metabolic, infectious, oncological), essentially related to the immunosuppressive treatment, is not greater to that found for other types of graft, but are considered as a limiting factor for the development of this strategy. These results are confirmed by international experience that is of the same order. Only a few rare cases of re-amputation have been reported in patients for whom the immunosuppressive treatment was discontinued or following vascular thrombosis. A new study is required to continue this evaluation and to compare double graft to prostheses in terms costs, quality of life, usefulness, satisfaction, autonomy, and social integration. The results of this study will allow the placement of these strategies in the management of patients with double amputation of the hands and forearms.

Human Penile Allotransplantation
AmputationWounds and Injuries9 moreInjuries to the genitalia are of concern to the military with emphasis placed on the surgical reconstruction and psychological health of these Wounded Warriors. However, despite significant surgical advances in microvascular surgery and autologous free tissue transfer, conventional reconstructions cannot truly replace the complicated structures and functions of the penis including the urethra, erogenous sensation, and erectile corporal bodies. Conventional reconstruction poses several challenges: patients may not have sufficient donor tissue due to other injuries or previous surgery; multiple operations are often needed to restore the neophallus; the final reconstruction only approximates the penis' native form; recreating the urethra is challenging and the new urethra is prone to stricture and fistula formation; the erectile function necessary for sexual intercourse is often lacking; and insufficient protective sensation can lead to penile implant extrusion, infection, subsequent explantation or loss of the reconstruction. The investigators propose this clinical trial to determine functional outcomes and quality of life for Wounded Warriors and civilians who choose to undergo penile allotransplantation. The investigators will combine extensive experience performing total penile reconstruction in a large population affected by congenital, traumatic, and therapeutically extirpated Genitourinary deformities and expertise in reconstructive transplantation using an immunomodulatory protocol to for this study. The investigators anticipate penile transplantation can potentially replace "like with like," restoring the appearance, anatomy, and function of the recipient in a manner far superior to autologous reconstruction. This project will establish the ability to perform penile allotransplantation using an immunomodulatory protocol and will compare outcomes with conventional phalloplasty patient results. Study Design: This is a non-randomized subject self-controlled clinical trial to implement a cell-based immunomodulatory protocol for penile allotransplantation. An intermediate deliverable is achieving allograft survival and functional return with reduced dosing/frequency of maintenance immunosuppression on steroid-free monotherapy (tacrolimus) immunosuppression. The long-term deliverable and goal is to demonstrate superior outcomes when compared to satisfaction and QOL in conventional phalloplasty patients 12-60 months post-transplant.

Early Discovery of Ischemia After Replantation Surgery of the Extremities
IschemiaBlood Circulation Disorder4 moreInvestigators will test if changes in CO2 is detected postoperatively in ischemic tissue in a replanted extremity of a traumatically amputated upper or lower extremity. IscAlert is measuring continuously CO2 in muscular and subcutaneous tissue. IscAlert is inserted distal to the operative field into normal muscle and/or subcutaneous tissue in the replanted extremity. Local tissue CO2 and temperature will be monitored continuously postoperatively for the next 10 days. If a reduced or totally obstructed blood flow appear (thrombosis), an increase in tissue CO2 and a lower local temperature will emerge rapidly as a sign of ischemia. This will be detected by the sensor which will alarm the investigators. This will lead to assessment of the replanted extremity and if restricted blood flow is diagnosed, a reoperation will be performed. After reoperation new sensors will be implanted for another ten days if applicable. Sixty patients will be enrolled to undergo the procedures. The IscAlert will be removed from the patient before the patient is discharged from the hospital or a maximum of 10 days (the event that occurs first). 500 devices is planned to be used in this clinical study.

SoftHand Comparison Study
Upper Extremity InjuryUpper Extremity Deformities5 moreA trial to compare the performance of the SoftHand Pro (SHP) and Ossur i-Limb in people with transradial limb loss over an 8-week period.

Clinical Outcomes With Passive MPKs vs. Powered Prosthetic Knees
AmputationAmputation; Traumatic10 moreThe goal of this proposed project is to gather community-based data from the K4-level Transfemoral Amputee (TFA) population to aid in evidence-based prescription of powered prosthetic knees (i.e., choosing the right device to maximize the benefit for each patient). The investigators envision that this Level 1 submission will transition into a larger follow-on Level 2 trial that will explore a larger spectrum of patient populations (K2-K4), as well as testing additional Power Knees currently in development that are expected to become commercialized in the near future. The investigators intend to use this Level 2 trial data to guide the implementation of effective prescriptions towards those that can benefit most from a given device and limit prescription to those who would not see benefit in order to ensure the most judicious use of Department of Defense (DoD) and Veteran's Affairs healthcare dollars. The findings will also be shared with the research community to help drive the design of future devices by identifying what features and functions are most beneficial to which patient populations when the devices are used outside of the laboratory. In summary, more community-based data on how powered prosthetic knees compare with MPKs is needed to allow for improved clinical decision making and clinical outcomes.