Effects of Perioperative Operating Room Environment on Postoperative Delirium
Postoperative DeliriumThi investigators aims to observe the impact of perioperative body temperature and the noise of operating room on postoperative delirium for elderly patients undergoing abdominal surgery. And based on this study the investigators aimed to explore the potential risk factors of postoperative delirium for elderly patients undergoing abdominal surgery.

Correlation Between Perioperative EEG Features and Delirium After General Anesthesia
Perioperative PeriodAnesthetic2 moreThe goal of this observational study is to compare the perioperative EEG characteristics and the incidence of short-term cognitive dysfunction in patients with postoperative delirium and non-postoperative delirium after elderly (> 65 years old) patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery under general anesthesia. The main question it aims to answer are: • The correlation between postoperative cognitive dysfunction and postoperative EEG features was evaluated.• To analyze the correlation between EEG characteristics and clinical risk factors of delirium after major abdominal gastrointestinal surgery under general anesthesia in elderly patients.Participants will collect EEG before and after operation and collect the incidence of postoperative cognitive function to explore the mechanism of postoperative delirium and predict postoperative cognitive dysfunction.

Validation of a Risk Assessment Model for Postoperative Delirium Based on Artificial Intelligence...
Postoperative Delirium (POD)Postoperative delirium (POD) is a frequent postoperative complication in the elderly, characterised by fluctuating disturbances in attention, awareness, and cognition. Identifying the patients at highest risk of developing POD was the aim of the artificial intelligence (AI)-based algorithm PIPRA. This prospective cohort study is to externally validate the AI-based PIPRA algorithm. The primary endpoint is the performance (AUC) of the PIPRA algorithm in predicting POD. The secondary endpoint is the performance (AUC) of the clinicians in predicting POD (and how it compares with the performance of the PIPRA algorithm).

Interventions for Postoperative Delirium: Biomarker-3
DeliriumThe IPOD-B3 study aims to characterize the relationship between premorbid brain activity and postoperative delirium in patients undergoing major surgery. This is a expansion of the NeuroVISION Bolt-On study, NCT01980511.

Advanced Analgesia on the Quality of Recovery After General Anesthesia in Elderly Patients
General Anesthetics,Emergence AgitationRecovery period of general anesthesia refers to the period from the end of anesthesia infusion to recovery of the patient after the operation. In patients with general anesthesia, the depth of anesthesia is reduced in the early stage of recovery, the cerebral cortex is still in a state of inhibition, and the subcortical center is often in a state of high sensitivity to external stimulation. At this time, due to drug effects, pain, hypoxemia, undetected aspiration, pneumothorax, urinary retention, tracheal catheter stimulation, urinary tube stimulation and other factors, the patient will be induced to appear restless reaction, and cause drastic changes in hemodynamics. Especially for the elderly with organ dysfunction, it may increase postoperative complications, prolong hospital stay and increase hospital costs.

Impact of Anaesthesiology Management on Paediatric Emergence Delirium Incidence
Emergence DeliriumPostoperative emergence delirium (ED) is a severe postoperative complication in paediatric anaesthesia. ED is defined as a state with psychomotor disturbance, perception disorder and state of excitation and anxiety. The incidence of ED in paediatric patients can be up to 80%. ED is associated with the increased morbidity of paediatric patients in the postoperative period. One of the potential triggers of ED is sevoflurane. Currently, there are only limited data about comparing the influence of anesthesiologic management on the ED incidence. The possible ED reduction could lead to reduced stay in a post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU), postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) incidence and the overall reduction of the postoperative adverse events incidence together with the higher satisfaction and the patients and the legal guardians.

Clinical Trial With Quetiapine Prophylaxis Postoperative Delirium in High Risk Surgical Patients...
Postoperative DeliriumDouble blinded Clinical trial to test efficacy of Quetiapine versus placebo in reducing postoperative delirium in high risk surgical patients after three days of treatment.

Does Optimized General Anesthesia Care Reduce Postoperative Delirium?
Hip FracturesAnesthesia1 morePostoperative delirium occurs in up to 65% of elders undergoing surgery for repair of a hip fracture and this complication is independently associated with increased morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay, and placement in long-term care institutions. To date, the only intervention shown to be effective at minimizing postoperative delirium is a proactive geriatric consultation. This prospective randomized clinical trial will randomize 160 adults, aged 65 years or older, to either optimized general anesthesia or usual general anesthesia care for hip fracture surgery to determine if the optimized anesthesia management reduces the severity of postoperative delirium.

Cognitive Protection - Dexmedetomidine and Cognitive Reserve
Postoperative DeliriumPD2 moreThis is a pilot study to evaluate the effect of dexmedetomidine in the prevention of delirium in non-cardiac surgical patients. The preliminary data regarding the effect of dexmedetomidine on delirium comes from a study underway at Stanford. We propose to randomize fifty patients into two different protocols, one using dexmedetomidine until PACU discharge (hip replacement) and the other using dexmedetomidine for 24 hours in a monitored setting.

Risk Factors for Pediatric Emergence Agitation and Analysis of Serum or Urine Metabonomics in Children...
Emergence AgitationPain1 moreIt is known that some factors are associated with emergence agitation(EA), and investigators are still unable to predict accurately those who undergoing maxillofacial surgery are at great risks.This study intend to identify the risk factors for EA and to explore the mechanism of EA , which is helpful for early prediction, prevention and treatment in children.