Prospective Validation of the Model Predicting Postoperative Delirium Occurrence With Machine Learning-based...
Adult Patients Undergoing Open Heart SurgeryPostoperative delirium (POD) not only increases the length of hospitalization and intensive care unit stay and medical costs, but is also closely associated with negative prognosis, including postoperative mortality, increased morbidity, long-term cognitive decline after surgery, and impaired quality of life and independence. The preoperative risk assessment and early detection of POD are very important in the proper management of POD. This is because drug treatment that can prevent or treat POD is limited, and for its prevention and management, a multidisciplinary approach and resource management covering almost all aspects of patient management are required. Therefore, if there is a model that can predict the occurrence of POD, it can be of great help in managing delirium after cardiac surgery through more accurate risk assessment and early detection. In previous studies, aging and cognitive decline before surgery are known as major risk factors for POD, but identification of risk factors before surgery alone is insufficient to predict the occurrence of POD. Cardiac surgery is highly likely to cause pathophysiological changes that can cause POD, because it is associated with hemodynamic instability, cardiopulmonary use, changes in body temperature, and systemic inflammatory response. These pathophysiological changes can be reflected in the data (biosignals) obtained through various monitoring devices during anesthesia. Most of the events that occur during anesthesia are considered to be correctable risk factors of POD, unlike preoperative risk factors, and there is a potential to reduce the occurrence of POD by actively correcting them. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the effect of these intraoperative biosignals on POD. In the delirium prediction model development process, rather than simply dividing the already collected data and using it in the model performance validation process, it is better to conduct model performance validation based on patient data prospectively collected to prevent overfitting and achieve higher predictive performance. Therefore, this study aims to collect prospective data to evaluate the performance of the delirium prediction model after cardiac surgery built using machine learning techniques based on the already collected data including biosignals during anesthesia. After reviewing the medical records from the day of surgery to the period of stay in the ICU, if the Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist (ICDSC) score is 6 or higher or there is a record of consultation with delirium, it is recorded as POD. After structuring the database through purification, standardization, outlier detection, and sampling of biosignal data generated during surgery, various variables obtained from medical records are collected to construct an evaluation dataset. Using this dataset, the performance of the delirium prediction model built by applying the machine learning algorithm is evaluated through Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analysis.

Sugammadex and Neostigmine in Pediatric Patients
Postoperative VomitingPostoperative Nausea1 moreIn this study, it was aimed to compare the use of sugammadex instead of neostigmine + atropine in the reversal of NMB in children undergoing lower abdominal surgery or urogenital surgery, and to compare the rates of postoperative agitation, nausea and vomiting using the FLACC scale, PAED scale and ICC parameters.After the approval of the local ethics committee and written consent from the family, patients who underwent ASA 1, 5-12 years old lower abdomen surgery or urogenital surgery in Pendik Training and Research Hospital will be included in the study. The patients included in the study will be those who were maintained with routine 2-3% sevoflurane inhalation anesthetic and 0.2mcg/kg/min remifentanil intravenous anesthetic, and decurarized with 0.5-1 mg/kg rocuronium. No drugs other than those administered by the responsible Anesthesiologist during the operation will be administered. The patients included in the study will be divided into 2 groups according to the agent used in decurarization. There is no condition for the number of patients in the group to be equal. Group N; neostigmine+atropine, GROUP S; This will be the group of patients decurarized with sugammadex. 0-45 days after patients are extubated. And at the 2nd hour, FLACC Scale (Pain Diagnostic Scale), PAED (Pediatric Anesthesia Recovery Delirium) Scale assessment methods will be compared in terms of pain and agitation. Nausea and vomiting will be noted as yes/no.

The Effect of Binaural Sound on the Occurrence of Emergence Delirium in Children Undergoing Strabismus...
Emergence DeliriumThe hypothesis of this study is that providing continuous binaural beats with a phase difference in alpha frequency during anesthesia can reduce the incidence of emergence agitation in pediatric patients. To test this hypothesis, the occurrence of emergence agitation will be compared between the group that received binaural beats and the group that did not receive binaural beats.

The Occurrence of Emergence Agitation in Pediatric Strabismus Surgery
Emergence DeliriumStrabismus1 moreThe present tiral conduted to demonstrate the administration of sugammadex as reversal of neuromuscular blockade agent reduces the incedence of emergence agitation (EA) comparing to neostigmine

Effect of Preoperative Olfactory Training on Postoperative Delirium in the Elderly Undergoing Orthopedic...
Preoperative Olfactory TrainingPostoperative DeliriumTo observe whether preoperative olfactory training can reduces the incidence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries, a prospective randomized controlled study method will be used in this study.

Organic Compounds and Postoperative Delirum
Identify Postoperative Delirium Using Exhaled Gas PatternsThis study involves collecting exhaled breath containing hundreds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are present in very low quantity (parts per billion). VOCs in the exhaled gase carry information to indicate individual's risk for Postoperative Delirium and its severity. Our long-term objectives are to identify breathomic patterns for prediction, early detection, and stratification of POD during pre- and post-operative phases.

Carbon Dioxide Surgical Field Flooding and Aortic No-touch Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting...
Neurological InjuryStroke5 moreThe objective of this study is to investigate the value of employing the aortic no-touch off-pump coronary artery bypass technique and the practice of carbon dioxide surgical field flooding for the prevention of type 1 and 2 neurological injuries following surgical coronary revascularization.

Intraoperative EEG Monitoring and Postoperative Delirium in Elderly Patients With Sevoflurane Anesthesia...
Postoperative DeliriumSevoflurane1 moreDelirium is an acute onset of attentional and cognitive impairment. BIS guided anesthesia can reduce the incidence of postoperative delirium. Long term electroencephalogram (EEG) suppression during operation is related to postoperative delirium. The latest research shows that the anesthesia depth guided by EEG does not reduce the incidence of postoperative delirium. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between anesthesia exposure with different minimum alveolar concentration(MAC) and postoperative delirium(POD), and to observe the characteristics of EEG.

fMRI Feasibility Older Hip Fracture Surgery
Magnetic Resonance ImagingHip Fractures1 moreAn assessment of the feasibility of structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans in older people who have recovered from and older people who never had delirium after hip fracture surgery

Impact Dexmedetomidine on Postoperative Delirium in Patients After Intracranial Operation for Brain...
Central Nervous System DiseasesPostoperative delirium is one of the most common serious complications after major surgery and is associated with undesirable consequences. Prevention of postoperative delirium is recommended in the clinical guidelines and consensus statements. Dexmedetomidine, a highly selective α2-adrenergic receptor agonist, has been investigated as a pharmacological intervention to prevent postoperative delirium. Several randomized controlled trials have shown that prophylactic use of low-dose dexmedetomidine may decrease the incidence of postoperative delirium in patients after cardiac and non-cardiac operations. However, neurosurgical patients are often excluded from previous studies due to potential consciousness and cognition impairment. The investigators design this pilot study aiming to clarify the feasibility and safety of use of low-dose dexmedetomidine for prevention of postoperative delirium in patients after intracranial operation for brain tumor.