Kaneka iED Coil System for the Treatment of Wide Necked Ruptured and Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms...
Intracranial AneurysmsWide Neck Intracranial AneurysmsThis is a multi-center, prospective, propensity matched twin armed study conducted on 50 patients in the experimental arm followed for 18 months after intervention evaluating cost effectiveness, safety and efficacy of therapy.

French eCLIPs™ Efficacy and Safety Investigation
Intracranial AneurysmThe objective of this study is to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the eCLIPs™ products for the treatment of bifurcation aneurysms.

Aneurysmorrhaphy of Vascular Access for Haemodialysis
Patients With an Aneurysm of Native Vascular Access Indicated for Surgical TreatmentIn patients with chronic renal failure, a well-functioning vascular access is essential for hemodialysis treatment. Native arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is the first-choice of vascular access, due to a lower incidence of complications and better long-term patency as compared to prosthetic arteriovenous fistula. With the incidence ranging between 6-60%, AVF aneurysm (AAVF) is a common complication of native AVF. According to Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) guidelines, asymptomatic aneurysms are indicated for conservative treatment, but precise recommendations when and how to intervene in available guidelines are missing. Several surgical (remodeling, resection and substitution, ligation) and endovascular techniques have been described in the AAVF treatment, but there is currently no prospective randomized study comparing these techniques. In 2008, our team published the first experience with a new surgical method of AAVF treatment - aneurysmorrhaphy with external porous prosthesis (Provena©, BBraun). This therapy was validated in several studies and has shown a good long-term patency and a minimal incidence of complications. AAVF aneurysmorrhaphy can be performed with or without an external porous prosthesis (Provena©, BBraun). The use of external prostheses reduces venous wall shear stress, turbulent flow, endothelial damage, and thrombus formation, which should improve vascular patency and reduce the risk of AVF re-aneurysm. So far, there is no prospective randomized study comparing the effect of external porous prosthesis on AVF patency and the incidence of postoperative complications.

Early Feasibility Study of the RelayBranch Thoracic Stent-Graft System
Thoracic Aorta AneurysmAneurysm2 moreThe purpose of this study is to conduct an early clinical evaluation of the Relay Branch System, which will provide initial insight into the clinical safety and function of the device. This Early Feasibility Study (EFS) will assess the safety and effectiveness of the device at the index procedure and at 30-day follow-up. The study will evaluate the delivery and deployment of the device, patency of branches and branch vessels, and exclusion of the aortic pathology. The data will help determine if modifications need to be made to the device, the procedural steps, operator technique, or the indications for use.

Comprehensive Aneurysm Management Trial
Saccular AneurysmIntracranial Aneurysm1 moreThe uncertainty regarding the management of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms (UIAs) has not progressed in the last 30 years. The fundamental ethical basis for this study is that physicians should only offer a risky preventive treatment when it has been shown to be beneficial. Before that, such treatment should be offered as an RCT. The CAM trial offers a comprehensive framework, so that all patients confronted with the clinical dilemma can be offered participation. The prinicpal questions to be addressed are : do patients with UIAs, considered for curative treatments, have a better long-term clinical outcome with active treatment or conservative management? when patients are considered ineligible for conservative management, and surgical and endovascular management are both judged reasonable, do patients with UIAs have a better long-term clinical outcome with surgical or endovascular management? The primary hypothesis for patients allocated to at least 2 options, one of which is conservative management is: the 10 year combined neurological morbidity and mortality (mRS>2) will be reduced from 24% to 16% (beta 80%; alpha 0.048; sample size 961 patients (836 plus 15% losses to FU and cross-overs) with active treatment. This study is designed as a pragmatic, comprehensive way to address the unruptured aneurysm clinical dilemma, combining large simple RCTs whenever patients are judged eligible for more than one management option, or otherwise a registry of each option. All patients with one or more UIAs will be eligible for participation in either a registry or one of the trials. Patients will be followed for 10 years according to a standard of car follow-up schedule. The primary outcome is survival without neurological dependency (mRS<3) at 10 years. The secondary outcomes are: the incidence of SAH during follow-up and related morbidity and mortality; the morbidity and mortality related to endovascular or surgical treatment of the UIA at one year; overall mortality at 1, 5 and 10 years; overall morbidity (mRS>2) at 1, 5 and 10 years; length of hospitalization; discharge to location other than home

Aortic Valve Sparing Root Replacement Versus Bentall
Aortic Root AneurysmAortic Root DissectionThis study was designed to evaluate the hypothesis that the operative and midterm results of valve-sparing aortic root replacement are equivalent to those of the Bentall. Objective 1: Evaluate short-term (one-to-six months) and mid-term (six-to-forty-eight months) results of aortic valve-sparing procedures. Objective 2: Compare the results of aortic valve-sparing procedures with the group of patients undergoing Bentall procedures during the same period. Objective 3: Assess outcomes of both procedures through evaluation of postoperative: A) primary outcome measures: Intraoperative or intrahospital death. Reexploration for bleeding. Reoperation rate. Grade of aortic valve regurgitation (0-4). B)secondary outcome measures: Grade of aortic valve regurgitation (0-4). Mean gradient on the aortic valve(mmHg). Thromboembolism / bleeding. Prosthetic/native valve endocarditis. 2-year mortality

Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Stryker Surpass Evolve™ Flow Diverter System
AneurysmIntracranialThe primary objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Surpass™ Evolve Flow Diverter System in the treatment of unruptured, wide-neck intracranial aneurysms measuring ≤ 12 mm and located on the ICA or its branches

EvaLuate EndoVascular Treatment of Acutely Ruptured Shallow Intradural Aneurysms With the Pipeline™...
Intracranial AneurysmRuptured AneurysmThe purpose of the study is to assess the safety and effectiveness of the Pipeline™ Flex Embolization Device with Shield Technology™ in the treatment with acutely ruptured intracranial aneurysms.

Alpha-Ketoglutarate and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Progression and Rupture
Patients With an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm of 39-49 mm in DiameterThe objective of this project is to define whether nutritional supplement (oral administration with alpha-ketoglutarate) capable of filling-up the citric acid cycle (anaplerotic therapy) can improve outcomes in patients with an abdominal aortic aneurysm of 39-49 mm in diameter on ultrasound imaging. Alpha-ketoglutarate is commonly used as a nutritional supplement specially by athletes to increase muscle strength. They can be mixed with formula or other foods. Subjects will be followed for up to 5 years.

Efficacy and Safety of the Flow Diverter (Tonbridge) for Endovascular Treatment of Intracranial...
Intracranial AneurysmThe purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of the Flow Diverter (Tonbridge) for endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms.