
Active clinical trials for "Anhedonia"

Results 11-20 of 81

Individualized Neuromodulation for Anhedonic Depression


This program of research constitutes a three-arm, randomized, placebo-controlled trial testing noninvasive brain stimulation for the treatment of anhedonic depression. This trial is part of a larger, three-site study that will be conducted at UCSD, Stanford University, and Cornell University, with the overarching goals to compare competing interventions tested at each site and to combine data that will allow for the creation of an end-to-end model of anhedonic depression. By doing this, the investigators hope to gain insight and lead to the development of brain-behavior biomarkers to identify who is best suited for the different treatment options tested at each site. An additional exploratory objective is phenotyping anhedonic depression from the acquired measures. Anhedonic patients recruited at UCSD will be randomized to one of three treatment arms to receive different forms of accelerated intermittent theta burst stimulation (aiTBS),a novel form of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) that is an FDA approved treatment for depression. These arms include: individualized accelerated iTBS (Ind-aiTBS),based on both the frequency of brain responses and electric-field (e-field) modeling of brain bioconductivity; standard accelerated iTBS (Std-aiTBS); and accelerated sham iTBS(sham). Treatment will be delivered on an accelerated schedule, over one week. Additional study sessions will occur both before and after treatment to assess for clinical, neurophysiological, and cognitive measures that will allow for both individualization of treatment and detailed assessment of the effects of the different treatment arms.

Recruiting27 enrollment criteria

Adjunctive Game Intervention for Anhedonia in MDD Patients


This is a pilot study using game intervention as an adjuvant treatment, to evaluate the effect of the video game on anhedonia and associated functional change of brain in patients with depression. Participants will be randomized to Experimental group receiving a 8-week treatment of antidepressant drugs and game intervention, or Control group receiving a 8-week treatment of antidepressant drugs. Magnetic resonance imaging scanning and assessment of clinical characteristics and cognitive function were conducted before and after the intervention.

Recruiting10 enrollment criteria

Long-term Efficacy of Pramipexole in Anhedonic Depression


The purpose of the study is to assess the long-term efficacy and safety of add-on pramipexole for treatment of patients with anhedonic depression.

Recruiting21 enrollment criteria

Targeting Anhedonia in Cocaine Use Disorder

Cocaine-Related DisordersAnhedonia

The purpose of this study is to examine anhedonia as a potential moderator of treatment outcomes for Cocaine Use Disorder (CUD). Specifically, this study will investigate how anhedonia affects outcomes in contingency management (CM) treatment for CUD and whether anhedonia mediates the effects of adjunctive treatment with a dopaminergic (DAergic) drug, d-amphetamine, on outcomes in CM for CUD, as well as investigate the contribution of anhedonia to overall CUD severity.

Recruiting22 enrollment criteria

Anhedonia, Development, and Emotions: Phenotyping and Therapeutics


The goal of the ADEPT Study is to understand anhedonia in young people and how it changes based on treatments targeting the brain circuit underlying it. Anhedonia is a challenging mental health symptom that involves difficulty with motivation to experience pleasant events. This study could help develop treatments for people whose depression does not improve with traditional treatments. The ADEPT Study includes two phases. In Phase 1, participants are asked to go through a series of activities to measure anhedonia, including MRI scans, blood draws, behavioral tasks, clinical interviews, questionnaires, and app-based assessments of experiences and behaviors. Phase 2 involves therapeutic activities, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), positive affect training, and, for some people, ketamine administration. If the participant qualifies and is interested, they may choose to do Phase 2 activities in addition to Phase 1.

Recruiting22 enrollment criteria

Computational Cognitive Training To Boost Reward Responsiveness In Anhedonic Patients


Anhedonia, i.e., reduced positive mood and decreased sensitivity to rewards, is observed in many psychiatric illnesses, particularly depression and anxiety disorders. Untreated anhedonia predicts worse clinical outcomes and poorer response to treatment, yet cognitive behavioral treatment approaches to target anhedonia are fraught with poor patient compliance in real-life settings. The proposed study aims to address this gap by 1) testing the usefulness of a non-invasive, computationally informed, cognitive training in boosting reward sensitivity and reducing anhedonia in depressed and anxious patients, and 2) delineating the neurocomputational mechanisms of change associated with such intervention. In other words, can we train the brain to obtain rewards and boost positive mood among depressed and anxious individuals? This project will help to develop a computational training protocol aimed at reducing anhedonia and improving existing interventions for psychiatric conditions characterized by reward processing deficits. Long-term goals include expanding this framework to a broader range of appetitive and social stimuli to develop precise cognitive training tools to treat anhedonia.

Recruiting11 enrollment criteria

The Effects of taVNS on Motivation in MDD With Anhedonia


Study of non-invasive transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) intervention to improve the reward motivation and response inhibition of major depression disorder and its brain network mechanism.

Recruiting19 enrollment criteria

SMART Trial to Predict Anhedonia Response to Antidepressant Treatment

Major Depressive Disorder

The main goal of this research is to use behavioral, brain, and clinical data to determine which type of antidepressant might be optimal before people with depression start treatment.

Recruiting43 enrollment criteria

Developing Brain Imaging Analysis Expertise for Personalizing Transcranial Electric Stimulation...


The purpose of this study is to investigate whether transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) will engage reward-related brain circuitry, more specifically the uncinate fasciculus (UF) tract, which connects the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and nucleus accumbens (NAcc) regions. Also to evaluate whether the changes in the fractional anisotropy (FA) of the UF tract are associated with changes of clinical symptoms of anhedonia and finally to investigate the moderation role of simulated electric fields (EFs) in an association between FA of the UF and symptoms of anhedonia.

Recruiting8 enrollment criteria

An Intervention Study of Anhedonia and Pain Empathy in Depression

Treatment Resistant DepressionProblem Management Plus1 more

Brain Network Mechanism of Pain Empathy and Anhedonia in Patients With Depression by Group Problem Management Plus Intervention.

Recruiting8 enrollment criteria

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