Motivation to Exercise in People With Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia NervosaThe purpose of this research study is to determine the importance and level of physical activity in people with Anorexia Nervosa.
Hormone Dynamics and Bone Mineral Density in Anorexia Nervosa v. Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Anorexia NervosaHypothalamic Amenorrhea1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the hormone dynamics in women with anorexia nervosa and hypothalamic amenorrhea is related to bone loss in those populations.
Adipokines and Ghrelin Concentrations in Different Stages of Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia NervosaAdipokinesThe aim of this study is to determine serum concentrations of adiponectin (ApN), leptin and ghrelin in different stages of anorectic patients and to evaluate their relationships between biochemical, hormonal and anthropometric parameters.
Serotonin Transporter Concentrations in Women With a History of Anorexia Nervosa
Eating DisordersAnorexia NervosaThis study will compare the concentrations of serotonin transporter in the brains of women with a history of anorexia nervosa who are currently maintaining a normal weight to those of healthy women of normal weight.
Does Metabolic Syndrome Exist in Anorexia Nervosa?
Anorexia NervosaMetabolic SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to examine whether body fat distribution changes that occur with weight gain in women recovering from anorexia nervosa are transient or persistent, and if they are associated with other features of Metabolic Syndrome.
Anorexia and Personality Traits in Elderly Individuals
AnorexiaPersonality2 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between age-related anorexia and personality traits in elderly individuals with comorbidities.
Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Anorexia Nervosa : Siriraj Hospital Experience
Anorexia NervosaThis study is aimed to determine clinical characteristics of patients with anorexia nervosa and outcome of treatment at Sirirraj Hospital.
Characteristics of Intensity and Dependence to Physical Activity in Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia NervosaEtude d'épidémiologie clinique multicentrique (IMM), naturalistique, comparant un échantillon clinique à un échantillon de témoins issus de la population générale. Cette recherche se fixe pour objectif principal de déterminer, sur un large échantillon de patients pris en charge pour anorexie mentale dans des unités de soins spécialisées, les caractéristiques de l'activité physique et la dépendance à l'exercice physique en comparaison avec des sujets issus de la population générale appariés pour l'âge et le sexe. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que les patients anorexiques mentaux sont plus actifs et plus dépendants à l'exercice physique que des sujets de la population générale de même âge et de même sexe.
Neural Correlates of Self Body-shape Recognition in Anorexia Nervosa Mental
Anorexia NervosaBody Image distortion is a key diagnostic feature for Anorexia Nervosa. Patients suffering from Anorexia Nervosa tend to perceive themselves as fatter than they are. This bias might be at the origin of a reinforcement of anorectic behavior which might alter medical care. The objective of this study is to identify neural correlates of self-recognition in Anorexia Nervosa. Patients are hypothesized to activate the self-recognition network when seeing images of a fatter body shape than their own.
Helicobacter Pylori Sample Collection Protocol Pre Therapy Subjects
Helicobacter Pylori InfectionGastric Ulcer6 moreThe primary objective is to obtain stool samples from pre-therapy subjects already undergoing evaluation for an H. pylori infection by upper esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and gastric biopsy.